Chapter 328 Pre-war Mobilization and Nest Level
"It seems that everyone is here. Let's start then." In the floating island of the central city, in a temporary meeting room of the Shenzhuang Academy, Ellie, the head of the school, looked at the people gathered in the meeting room from all over the world. The fusion-level guardians of the floating continent opened their mouths to announce the start of this meeting.

This time, it really gathered all the elite fighters in the human race.Although in recent years, due to the development of superpowers and the improvement of mecha tools, the low-end combat power of human beings has been greatly improved, but the high-end combat power still needs to rely on these magical fighters.People with superpowers haven't fully grown up yet.

Distributed with the fusion-level warriors in various floating cities.On average, there are two to four people on each floating island, plus the central city with the most fusion-level gatherings, and the mobile fusion-level mobile troops stationed there.At this time, all of them were sitting in this conference room, a total of more than 30 people.This is the strongest, perhaps the last, high-end combat power of human beings.

In addition to the thirty or so people below the conference room, on the podium at the front of the conference room stood two of the strongest among human beings and a person with the highest power.Ellie, the dean of the Shenzhuang Academy, Feng Zhongguo, the dean of the Academy of Sciences, and Lin Kai, the supreme commander of the Human Army.

"Recently, a new type of huge demon has appeared around several floating islands. I call this new type of large-scale demon an aircraft carrier-level demon." Standing at the forefront of the meeting room, Feng Zhongguo controls the projector and collects The received pictures are projected on the screen, while Dean Ellie gives the actual explanation.

"The aircraft carrier-level demon that first appeared in Central City and was later wiped out in Earth Rock City - Rainstorm, the aircraft carrier-level demon that appeared in Skyrim City - Gravity, the aircraft carrier-level demon that appeared in Beiyuan City - Ice Snow, and the aircraft carrier that appeared in Donghai City The super demon-Thunder, and the aircraft carrier-level demon that just appeared in the city of Xishu-Sound Nest after being wiped out, "As Headmaster Ellie mentioned the aircraft carrier-level demons that appeared one by one, the pictures on the curtain also changed. All kinds of huge demons are displayed on the screen.

"Because of everyone's heroic fighting, all the aircraft carrier-level demons have been wiped out. Although we have suffered some damage, they are all within acceptable limits. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their efforts. It is you who have protected us humans The last few cities. Thank you." While speaking, Ellie Dean bowed solemnly and thanked her.

Facing Principal Ellie's thanks, the fusion-level costumed warriors sitting below spoke one after another, either politely, seriously, shyly, or calmly responding to Principal Ellie.It seemed a little noisy for a while, but this kind of noise made people feel wonderfully the will of unity contained in it.

"Okay, that's the end of the polite words. Let's get on with the business." He raised his hand and suppressed the various replies below to calm down again. Ellie Dean showed a serious expression on his face and continued to explain the upcoming The beginning of the crisis.

"Although, this new type of carrier-level demon has been wiped out by us, but our crisis is not over. These carrier-level demons are not completely dead after being eliminated. Please see here. These are the fragments left by the carrier-level demon Block, some people may have discovered this anomaly, and some may not have discovered it."

When it came to the remaining fragments after the demon was wiped out, a short video appeared on the screen. In the video, the huge piece of meat was beating as if alive, and then even suspended and flew towards a certain direction.

"It was Captain Wang Gangrui, the guardian of the Earth Rock City, and Commander Feng Xiaoxuan Feng, who was on mission in the Earth Rock City, who first discovered this phenomenon. They notified us as soon as they discovered this situation, and we also dispatched the Research Institute The elites are going to study." Nodding to Wang Gangrui and Feng Xiaoxuan in the crowd, Dean Ai Li continued his topic.

"According to the observations and research reports of the Academy of Sciences, these fragments have no signs of life, and have no consciousness of their own, only the most basic instinct. But these fragments contain high-quality negative energy. Although we later notified Captains of the Guardians present here, but there are still many fragments that have been attracted to their destinations before being wiped out."

The picture on the curtain suddenly changed, from wriggling pieces to a dark storm.It was a black storm that seemed to connect the sky and the earth. Just watching the video gave people a terrifying sense of oppression.

"This is the end of these fragments." The teaching stick in Ellie's hand tapped the black whirlwind on the screen.As soon as she finished speaking, a few blurred pieces entered the video camera's sight.

As the video played, pieces of various sizes and sizes were sucked into the black storm. With the integration of the pieces, the storm seemed to become bigger and more depressing. feeling.

"This black hurricane was only a small group when it first appeared, but as time passed, its size became bigger and bigger, and the integration of these fragments also greatly accelerated the growth of this black hurricane. More importantly, according to the report of the reconnaissance team, a very large amount of life energy was detected in this huge storm, which means that this hurricane itself is a living thing. It is probably higher than the aircraft carrier-level demon exist."

After Dean Ellie finished speaking, what he saw was the shocked expressions in the eyes of the fusion-level fighters below.

Originally, when the aircraft carrier-level demon appeared, it was already shocked. The domain shield on the aircraft carrier-level demon was difficult enough, but now after finally eliminating the aircraft carrier-level demon, it appeared that it was even bigger than the aircraft carrier-level demon. A more powerful demon.These evil spirits really want to drive mankind to extinction.

"This pitch-black hurricane can already be determined to be the strongest demon after the aircraft carrier-level demon. I call it a lair-level demon. Don't think that what you see now is all about this demon. More The main thing is still behind."

Nodding to Feng Zhongguo, Dean Ai Li looked solemnly at the crowd listening carefully, and then turned to look at the curtain behind him.

I saw that at this time the curtain was replaced with a new video.It was still the huge pitch-black storm, but in this video, the pitch-black storm suddenly swelled up, and as it swelled, aircraft carrier-level demons of different shapes flew out of the pitch-black hurricane .

"See, this is the biggest threat to human beings from lair-level demons. Because this lair-level demon did not evolve to fight humans. It was born to quickly create aircraft carrier-level demons. Therefore, We must eliminate her as soon as possible before there are more and more aircraft carrier-level demons." The petite figure burst out with a lingering aura, facing the crowd listening below, Ellie's voice suddenly increased.

"Yes." What responded to her was the neat answer below.

(End of this chapter)

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