Chapter 329 The Invasion Operation Begins

"Okay, each floating city forms its own team. Familiar companions will be easier to cooperate with. The five teams of Donghai City, Jiangnan City, Xishu City, Beiyuan City, and the mobile garrison mobile team will deal with the aircraft carrier made by the lair-level demons. Some members of Tianji City, Diyan City and Central City opened up the way for us to break in. In the end, Feng Zhongguo, Feng Xiaoxuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao and I will carry out the break-in operation. Do you understand? .”

On the square in front of the Divine Clothing Academy, all the fusion-level divine costume fighters were ready to go. Seeing everyone who had completed their preparations, Principal Ellie loudly began to form teams and assign them.

It is definitely enough to divide the four urban teams and the mobile team to contain the aircraft carrier-level demons, and they only need to be contained, not all of them need to be killed.And the rest have no problem opening and covering.

In fact, the heaviest tasks were Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the other six who carried out the intrusion operation.Because there is no detailed information on the lair-level demons at all, and they don't know what kind of things will be in the dark hurricane, so these six people are also the most dangerous.

But it is because of the danger that they need to complete it.The allocation of candidates for Ellie's dean is also very particular.

Feng Xiaoxuan has the sunshine ability to restrain and weaken demons. With her, no matter how strong the demons are, she can weaken them to a certain extent. The weakening of demons also strengthens her own strength in disguise.And Feng Xiaoxuan is also an all-rounder, the invisible light can be turned into a sword or a bow and arrow, it can be far or near.

Wen Hui, with her excellent speed, can be used as a mobile force for roaming attacks, and her mastery of all elements can also diversify her attack methods.Domain abilities also allow for a degree of control over enemies.

Chu Miaomiao has absolute power.Although long-range bombardment is usually used as a means of attack.But she is stronger in close combat ability, and it is also a good choice to be the guardian of the avant-garde at critical times.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan has the most diverse abilities, he is proficient in healing, assisting, attacking, harvesting, and group attacking.Gaps in all positions can be filled.Adapting to circumstances will definitely increase one's own chances of winning at critical moments.

Feng Zhongguo, an ability user of God of Wisdom.The combat ability itself is not high, and the ability to copy and copy its own and the enemy's ability is used as an attack method.However, his strongest point is his insight to see through the enemy's weaknesses and his grasp of the battle situation.

And Dean Ellie himself, a person with time and space ability, can open the space door at will, and even affect the flow of time.Her own existence is actually the reason why she made this team choice.

You know, both she herself and Feng Zhongguo, the dean of the scientific research institute, are one of the most important people in human beings.What's more, there are Zhuang Xiaoyuan and his four new generations, the future dean of Shenzhuang Academy, the future dean of scientific research institute, the future dean of pharmacy institute, and the future supreme commander of the headquarters.

If any of these people were seriously injured in this battle, it would probably be a big blow to mankind.However, Ellie's ability can infinitely reduce the danger of this battle.Because the space-time ability is the best ability to retreat.

"Yes." Facing Ellie's dean's order, what responded to her was everyone's firm eyes and a tone without hesitation or fear.Then, accompanied by the sound of dense fan rotation.Fusion-level warriors in divine costume soared into the sky.

The dark whirlwind is not far from the central city, it is located at the very center of the triangle formed by the rock city, the sky city and the central city.After completing the grouping, the combatants this time finally started to set off.

It didn't take long for the combatants this time to be able to see the black hurricane.Compared with the feeling seen from the video, the real pitch-black hurricane is more depressing. Looking at the pitch-black hurricane will feel like a stone is pressing down on the bottom of my heart, which is heavy and uncomfortable.

Roar~ With a large number of combatants getting closer to the dark hurricane.Accompanied by shrill roars, aircraft carrier-level demons rushed out of the pitch-black hurricane and surrounded them here.

"Every unit, the battle begins." Facing the aircraft carrier-level demons that began to surround them, Head Ellie issued a battle order.This time, it is the most intense war in human history.It was also a war that gathered the most fusion levels.

Following Ellie's order, the fusion-level magic warriors from the four major cities scattered to meet the aircraft carrier-level demons from different directions.After that, the rest of the people also began to accelerate towards the pitch-black hurricane, facing the demon blocking the way head-on.

"Let's keep up too." Feng Xiaoxuan said to the girls beside her, looking at the fusion-level magical costumes and aircraft carrier-level demons who had already started fighting.

"Well, let's go." While keeping up with the team in front, he played flexibly with his fingers on the keyboard of light.Accompanied by the agility of his fingers, musical notes floated out from Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the form of Lu Xiaomei Jiu, and wrapped around all the warriors in divine costume.

This kind of large-scale, large-scale multiplayer melee.Compared with several characters with outstanding attack ability, the ability to lure Miku is more useful to his comrades.As the notes of Yu Xiao Miku boosted the magic warriors, all of them suddenly broke out with fighting power beyond the past.

Explosions, roars, and howls can be heard endlessly.This is war, this is the howling of human beings facing a desperate situation, and it is also the cruelty of evil spirits.In the melody of destruction composed of fierce battles, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others moved forward quickly.

Surrounded by more aircraft carrier-level demons than expected, the soldiers who opened the way had to disperse their personnel. When encountering difficult aircraft carrier-level demons, they sent out a few people to hold them back temporarily, so that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others behind could continue to move forward .

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and his group of six came to the front of the pitch-black hurricane, the last two who opened the way happened to distract the last aircraft carrier-level demon.At this time, in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others was a dark hurricane, and behind them was a fierce battlefield between humans and demons.

"Are you ready?" Looking at the black hurricane that seemed to be composed of countless negative energies in front of him, the director of Ellie Academy said with a serious look at the girls around him.

"Well, it's alright." In the faint golden light, Yu Xiao Miku's form changed rapidly.When the golden light dissipated, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had completely become another person.This is a water elf character card that has been obtained before the trial of the elf world and has been rarely used since then.Furious healer - Asuna.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan transformed into Asuna in the form of a blue-winged water elf, which just filled the lack of position in the team configuration at this time.A fast-healing armored warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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