Chapter 330 The Eye of the Lair Level Demon

"Okay, let's go in. Zhongguo." Upon receiving the answers from Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, Dean Ai Li looked slightly relaxed and looked at Feng Zhongguo.

"Leave it to me. Thinking field - open." Smiling and nodding, Feng Zhongguo directly opened his own field to cover all Zhuang Xiaoyuan and his party around him.

Feng Zhongguo, as a warrior in divine costume of the God of Wisdom, is not very powerful in combat, nor does he have any lethal combat skills.Even his domain seemed a bit tasteless when fighting.

The field of thinking can enhance the thinking ability of human beings within the field.It can be regarded as a kind of augmentation field, but thinking ability doesn't play much role in battle.

However, even in this tasteless field, there is a method of use that is common to all fields.That is domain offset, the human domain is full of positive energy rules, while the evil god domain is full of negative energy.Therefore, if the fields of the two parties come into contact with each other, a mutual offset effect will be formed.

Ordinary warriors in divine costume and evil gods will not give full play to this offsetting effect when fighting. They will try to avoid unnecessary consumption, retain the ability of the domain itself, and give the enemy a fatal blow when there is a chance.

And Feng Zhongguo's domain can be said to be completely useless, even if he keeps it all the time, it will not improve his winning rate, so the best way to use it is the current usage.

As Feng Zhongguo, who expanded the domain, took the lead and flew towards the pitch-black storm, the domain and the storm began to contact and cancel each other out.Sure enough, this pitch-black storm is not an ordinary thing, but a certain domain with the characteristics of enchantment.

The pure-color thinking field opened a gap for people to pass through in the pitch-black storm field. Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others did not neglect, and followed closely beside Feng Zhongguo, flying towards the center of the pitch-black storm.

The pitch-black storm looked very terrifying, but it was not as thick as many people imagined.After only advancing a short distance of four or five meters, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others escaped from the area of ​​the dark storm.

However, after passing through the dark storm, dense attacks directly covered Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.The black and slender attack, like a whip and like a shadow, is sometimes solid and sometimes incorporeal.Countless black shadows drew towards the few people who broke into the storm.

"Quadruple blows." The flickering light of the thin sword at his waist instantly turned into a stream of light and attacked the opposite shadow.

Facing the sudden attack, Zhuang Xiaoyuan in Asuna's form moved very quickly, making it impossible for people to see how she drew her sword.And obviously only a passing stream of light was seen, but the four black shadows attacking were cut off at the same time at that moment and fell down.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan cut off the four black shadows in an instant, Chu Miaomiao, Wen Hui and Feng Xiaoxuan were not slow to react.Accompanied by the shining knife light, most of the approaching black shadows were cut off, and then the red and green wind and fire circled around, and the missed black shadows and subsequent attacks were all burned.The black shadow that attacked Feng Zhongguo at first was also blocked by Chu Miaomiao with his collection of titanium steel shields.

Before coming in, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others had already arranged their responsibilities.Unless a really dangerous opponent appears, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others are unable to resist and fall into crisis, Ellie will focus on preserving her strength and will not make a move easily. After all, such a big change has occurred, and no one can guarantee that the evil god Loki will not appear .

And Feng Zhonghui has been using his own domain to offset the impact of the storm, and using his eyes to determine the core location of the demon, and find Loki who may be hiding in the dark.

Therefore, all the enemies before that will be dealt with by the four of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Chu Miaomiao will act as the vanguard to protect Feng Zhongguo and Dean Ai Li from harassment.

Feng Xiaoxuan is located behind Chu Miaomiao, as the center to attack the approaching enemies, and is also ready to snipe the distant enemies at any time.

Wen Hui wandered on both sides, checking for leaks and filling in gaps, and also defending against attacks from the side.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan stayed at the back, and after the break, he also treated and recovered the injuries that the few people in front might have suffered.

With the tacit cooperation of several people, the first attack from the demon was repelled.Having withstood the first covering blow of the demon, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others saw the real scene in the dark storm.

There are no lumps of meat floating around as expected, no aircraft carrier-level demons that may still be left behind, and no messy and dirty scenes.In the dark storm there is only one huge fluffy black meat ball.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others noticed the pitch-black meat ball, they seemed to feel Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze, and a slender crack quietly appeared in the center of the pitch-black meat ball.

A faint red light leaked from the crack, and the crack suddenly expanded, and a huge scarlet eyeball appeared on this pitch-black meat ball.It was a ferocious eyeball that seemed to be dripping blood.

"No, get out of here." When the lair-level demon in the form of a pitch-black meat ball suddenly opened its one eye, Feng Zhongguo suddenly changed his face and shouted, his sharp eyes saw a serious crisis.

"Xiaohui, Xiaomiao. Water system shield." Almost at the same time Feng Zhongguo shouted, the few people here also instinctively felt a strong sense of crisis emerging from the bottom of their hearts.Zhuang Xiaoyuan called out to her two friends, and at the same time started her own actions.

With a wave of his hand, the flickering light of the thin sword in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand was put into the sheath, and his hand had been replaced by a branch with sprouts. This is the staff of the world tree that can enhance the magical ability. In the stick of the tree, a light blue magic shield appeared beside them, enveloping all six of them.

The second after the magic shield appeared, an emerald green storm surrounded several people and suddenly exploded to the left. The impetus from the storm pushed the six people to hide to the right.

At the same time, the titanium steel shield in Chu Miaomiao's hand was also replaced with another huge square shield that looked like a mirror.A specular reflective shield that can reflect lasers and protect against rays.Holding up the reflective shield in his hand, Chu Miaomiao stood in front of everyone, with the reflective shield in his hand facing the lair-level demon.

Quietly, a thick red light radiated from the lair level demon's one eye, that scarlet ray that seemed to dissolve the world.Flashed through the center of the pitch-black storm.A huge wound was broken on the pitch-black storm wall in the direction where the scarlet beam shot out.

"Ahem, shy meow, how are you?" The light breeze blew away the hot air around.Wen Hui, who put her hands on Chu Miaomiao's body, looked down at Chu Miaomiao, who was standing in the front.

At this time, Chu Miaomiao was covered in wounds, the reflective shield was completely dissolved, and even Chu Miaomiao's hands disappeared from the elbows. There was no blood on the wound, which was completely melted away by the hot heat. up.

"Healing technique." Noticing Chu Miaomiao's state at this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved the World Tree Staff in his hand, and a light blue halo began to flicker on Chu Miaomiao following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movements. , Chu Miaomiao's broken arm began to recover quickly as if it was reborn.

(End of this chapter)

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