Chapter 332 Killing God Mode - Slashing
"Fire sun breaks." A shining arrow shot out from Feng Xiaoxuan's hand, meeting the front beam.With the burst of light, the dense light beams became sparse in the area in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"Focus on the Shenguang cannon." The roar of artillery fire, followed by the shelling of Shenli, made a barely passable path in the gradually sparse coverage attack.

"Accelerate with all your strength, Flame God Storm." A red and green storm swept up and surrounded Zhuang Xiaoyuan and his party.Controlling the storm around him to move forward, Wen Hui shouted to several people around him.

There was no answer, and everyone calmly followed the huge flame god storm and flew forward.After the attacks of Vampire Raid, Lieyang Breaker and Shenguang Cannon, these beams have been reduced a lot.

But it is worthy of being a lair-level demon that has surpassed the human fusion level and is stronger than the aircraft carrier level. The remaining one-third of the scarlet beam actually has one-tenth of the attack breakthrough after meeting Wen Hui's Flame God Storm Come in, continue to shoot at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"Absolute protective ring." With a flash of golden light, the bright red lady turned into a pink and white artificial angel.A colorless transparent shield appeared to protect everyone.The last remaining small part of the light beams finally went out in the absolute protective circle of Icarus.

This time, it was the first time that Zhuang Xiaoyuan used the rapid switching of characters to carry out various cooperative battles.Without the cooldown time limit, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's fighting power has improved by more than just one or two points.

"Now, let's go." After blocking the demon's attack, Feng Xiaoxuan's eyes lit up, the bow and arrow in her hand instantly melted into the initial light, and then transformed into a shining double blade, leaping out from behind Chu Miaomiao, taking the lead rushed towards the lair-level demon body that was not far away.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others followed closely behind and also rushed up.The lair-level demon temporarily stopped attacking its tentacles in order to release the beam of light from its eyes, but now that several people blocked the beam of the lair-level demon, its tentacles didn't have time to come back and continue attacking. This is the best opportunity to get close to him.

"The ultimate weapon-Apollo." Having approached a certain distance, Zhuang Xiaoyuan in flight stretched out his hand to pull away Icarus' special attack.The city-breaking blow full of rules began to condense in her hands.

"Thunderstorm." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan was gathering strength and preparing to attack, Wen Hui also began to experience new changes.The emerald storm and crimson flames began to fade.New colors appeared on her, shimmering lavender thunder and floating yellow dust.

The color of his body changed from red-green to purple-yellow. Wen Hui held up the same discolored spear in his hand. At this time, the shape of the spear also changed to a certain extent. The original appearance of the Chinese-style spear had changed to one with the blade occupying half of the spear. throw guns.The thunder element and the earth element began to gather, converging towards the throwing spear in her hand.

Apollo was the first to strike, and the arrow of destruction with a regular aura shot across the sky at the lair-level demon.Accompanied by a violent roar, Apollo burst out with powerful power.

In the next second, Wen Hui's throwing spear, which combines the power of thunder and earth elements, flew out and pierced into Apollo's explosion.Leitu's ability exploded, and the area where Wen Hui threw his spear began to distort. The fusion of thunder and soil formed a unique elemental force field.

The force erupted from the throwing gun formed a strange gravitational and repulsive force, repelling while attracting, causing the small space area attacked by the throwing gun to be distorted and deformed under the action of the force field.

The violent explosion and space distortion did not last long, and gradually dissipated in just a few seconds, revealing the nest-level demon that was the target of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui's attacks.

Although the explosion was very violent, Wen Hui's attack also had a special ability.But the damage done to lair-level demons is very weak.Because, the lair-level demon has the same domain shield as the aircraft carrier-level demon.

It also has a domain shield on its body, so what is this dark storm outside?Could it be that the lair-level demon has two layers of shields?These are unknown, what Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others need to do at this time is not to understand the principle of the demon's ability, but to eliminate the demon.

"Dragon of Light." Dazzling light gathered on Feng Xiaoxuan's body, and the light condensed into a huge dragon head.Wearing the coat of the Dragon of Light, Feng Xiaoxuan's figure appeared in front of the lair-level demon in a flash, and the Yaoyang double blades in her hands were biting towards the lair-level demon like the fangs of the dragon of light.

Boom, after being attacked by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Wen Hui, and Feng Xiaoxuan.The domain shield of the lair-level demon finally cracked a gap.The wound recovery speed at that position suddenly dropped.

"God-killing mode - cut through." After Feng Xiaoxuan, Chu Miaomiao finally approached, and the titanium steel shield in his hand was replaced by a huge sword.There was a strong murderous look on his body.The killing god mode that combines the will of the god of war and the consciousness of killing will greatly improve Chu Miaomiao's fighting ability in a short period of time.

Facing the broken domain shield of the lair-level demon, Chu Miaomiao swung the huge sword behind him.The giant sword was thrown from her lower left, drawing a beautiful arc obliquely to the upper right corner in the area of ​​the demon's damaged domain shield.Boom, the red and black killing sword energy erupted.Instantly split the lair-level demon in half.

"Flame Chariot." The purple-yellow color on his body changed to red-green again.The red and green flames rolled up on Wen Hui's body and rushed towards the nest-level demon that was split in half by Chu Miaomiao.Demons that have not broken their cores will not be so easily eliminated.

"Sharp Gun Gungnir." The golden light flashed, and the artificial angel Icarus turned back into Miss Remilia again.While fanning the bat wings on his back, he summoned the sure-fire gun, watching the lair-level demon looking for its core.

"I always feel that I can't feel at ease. Loki still hasn't shown up." A little later from Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, Headmaster Ellie was on guard for the surrounding situation, ready to use the space ability to send Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others away at any time.I don't know why, but at this time, Dean Ellie's heart has been showing a little uneasiness.

"No, there's something wrong with that demon. Ai Li, send Xiaoxuan and the others away quickly." The eyes that were flickering with faint power kept watching the surrounding situation, and the battle between Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others was of course captured by Feng Zhongguo.Feng Zhongguo was still very happy with the fighting ability shown by several people.

However, when Chu Miaomiao slashed open the lair-level demon, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others all approached and began to search for the core crystal nucleus.Through these special eyes, Feng Zhongguo saw the demon that was split in half, and the rich energy burst out from two different parts at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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