Chapter 333 The Former Enemy Appears Again

"Space teleportation." Principal Ellie didn't feel the change of the demon at all, but after hearing Feng Zhongguo's voice, he directly activated the space teleportation ability on Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

As an old friend for decades, Dean Ellie has absolute trust in Feng Zhongguo.Following Ellie's headmaster, Zhuang Xiaoyuan moved spatially to the area where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were located.Faint ripples began to appear in that space.

"History backtracking." A slightly familiar voice suddenly inserted into this battlefield, and the space teleportation ability activated by Dean Ellie was suddenly covered with a unique layer of regularity.With the clash of breaths, the ability of space and time suddenly exploded, sending out a small shock wave.Let Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others swing around for a short distance.

Roar~ For the first time since we met, I uttered the angry howl of a demon.The body of the lair-level demon that was split in half began to twist like plasticine. The second half was connected, and the cut area in the first half turned into a huge mouth. The four of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was too unstable to avoid the energy conflict of time and space, swallowed it in their mouths.

"Bastard." I didn't expect the demon to have such a change, and my actions instead sent Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others into the demon's mouth.Dean Ellie's expression changed, and he rushed towards the demon.

"Let's get started, my recording field." Accompanied by the same familiar voice as before.A figure emerged from a tentacles swayed by the lair-level demon and stood in front of Headmaster Ellie, and the evil god's domain radiance burst from her body.

"It's you, why are you still alive. Jealous God General Lilith." A trace of shock flashed across his face, staring at Jealous God General Lilith in front of him.Headmaster Ellie's forward body couldn't help but slow down.Obviously she had died a few years ago, at the hands of Feng Xiaoxuan and Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"I said, I'll be back. I won't let you get in the way of my master." With a weird smile on her face, Lilith's recording field has been fully expanded, and she is surrounded by Dean Ellie.

"Ellie, leave this to me." A colorless field approached from behind Ellie's headmaster, resisting Lilith's recording field.An open book was suspended in Feng Zhongguo's left hand, and he looked at Lilith with a serious face.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Without the slightest hesitation, Dean Ellie's body surged with divine power, and a space door appeared in front of her.She walked right in.The direction of the space gate connection is in front of the lair-level demon.

"Hey, come out for me. Crush it." A figure emerged from the tentacles of the lair-level demon.One of them opened his mouth and bit down on the space in front of him.

Crackling, accompanied by the sound of shattering glass, the space in front of him was bitten open.Dean Ellie fell out of the space passage.The straight channel that originally connected the two points was bitten off.

As soon as Dean Ellie appeared, several figures stood in front of her and surrounded her.Zhang Wei, the God of Gluttony, Blood Prison, the God of Rage, Long Tian, ​​the God of Arrogance, Milan, the God of Laziness, He Yu, the God of Greed, Zhu Lie, the God of Lust, and the remaining six of the seven gods appeared in front of her.

"Hmph, enjoy the hospitality of the generals. This world is doomed." Over the head of the lair-level demon, the figure of the evil god Loki slowly emerged.With his appearance, the lair-level demon under his feet completely lost its original form, turning into an energy group composed entirely of pure negative energy.

This man-made lair-level demon has completed his own mission, and the lair-level demon is a trap set by the evil god Loki for this moment.Whether it is the dark storm or the lair-level demons, they are all bait created by him, in order to win the world crystal of this world.

And his only loss is probably those aircraft carrier-level demons that he regarded as abandoned sons.When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were fighting inside the pitch-black storm, the aircraft carrier-level demons outside had been gradually wiped out by the magic warriors. After all, they were just demons without wisdom.

Smiling evilly, he glanced at Headmaster Ai Li and Feng Zhongguo who had started to fight against the generals.The evil god Loki controlled the energy cluster below him to descend towards the bottom of the pitch-black hurricane.

It is very particular about choosing this location to create a pitch-black storm, because below is the most vulnerable place of the main world's barrier.If you want to break the barrier of the world in an instant, you can only do so in areas where the barrier is weak.

"God, it's still the same. Don't think I'm still the same as before." Noticing Loki's movements, Ellie's eyes flashed with anxiety, but the six evil gods in front of her completely blocked her. way to go.I'm afraid it will be difficult to get through without eliminating them.

Although I don't know why the dead generals reappeared, it should not be the ability of resurrection.Because Dean Ellie has already felt the strangeness in them.Moreover, the level of these gods is still at the level of a few years ago.

The field of time and space erupted instantly, and there was no time to delay.Although I don't know why Loki went to such lengths to do such a thing, it is obvious that his target is Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.No matter what, he couldn't be allowed to succeed, let alone hurt those four girls.

Dean Ellie, who has decided to make a quick decision, broke out in her field with all her strength.The six god generals also opened up their domain abilities one by one.But in the face of the combined field of six people, the space-time field of Dean Ellie has completely become the crushing side.

One person completely resisted the field of six people.The space-time domain exploded in an instant and suppressed the domain of the generals, and in the next second, the space-time domain quickly shrank and covered Dean Ellie.

Compared with other fusion-level divine warriors who only use domain abilities, Dean Ellie is already able to freely control his own domain.She has entered the existence of a true god with half of her foot, and she is probably stronger than Loki who suppressed the seven of them back then.

The domain covered the whole body, and Dean Ellie completely ignored the domains of the generals, and began to shuttle freely in their domains.Under her control, the energy of space turned into a blade of time and space, forming a space channel.The generals are no longer her opponents.

Boom, a violent shock.As if the whole world was shaking, strong spatial fluctuations came from below.It was a strong wave that seemed to shatter the world.

Sensing the abnormality below, Principal Ellie's face became even more serious.The figure flashed across the void, the slender right hand stretched out, and the space energy condensed into the blade of time and space in the arm.With a flash of distorted light.A wrathful god left alone will be split in two and return to the dust again.

Finally got rid of the six generals, and the ups and downs of Dean Ellie's divine power didn't have time to calm down, so he flew downward with a few minor injuries left on his body.A pair of six is ​​still a bit reluctant.However, now I can't take much care of it.

(End of this chapter)

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