Chapter 335

This is a weird sword, with a golden hilt and guard, but the blade is completely different from ordinary swords. This sword has no blade, and the blade is completely composed of cylindrical sections of black and red spirals.

Pulling out this strange sword from the void, Zhuang Xiaoyuan slowly lifted it up and pointed it at the darkness in front of him. Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movements, several strange cylinders at the front of this strange sword began to rotate rapidly, bright red The energy began to flow around, and traces of space cracks were cut out by the bright red energy.

"The heaven and the earth are deviant, the pioneering star." Smiling coldly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shouted out the real name of the treasure in his hand, and swung it forward heavily.Boom, the crimson energy seemed to turn into a hurricane and rush forward.

The swirling crimson storm tore through the surrounding space, and space cracks became more and more intense as the storm whirled.The crimson storm seemed to have infinite power, and it began to expand rapidly with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's swing.

The original space crack also rapidly grew larger in this expansion, and then began to affect the existence of this world itself.Starting from the direction where the deviant sword blasted, the world began to collapse.

Headmaster Ellie and the evil god Loki are still fighting, and the lair-level demons have already begun to enter the space channel.But just when one-fifth of his body had just stepped into the space channel.

A certain part of his body suddenly bulged, and then a crimson storm pierced through the top of the bulge, and began to wreak havoc around.The crimson storm rushing straight out didn't stop because the lair-level demon's body was broken.

After the crimson storm broke through the lair-level demons, it slanted towards the sky, directly breaking up the dark storm surrounding it, and finally disappeared into the sky and the earth.The dark storm began to gradually dissipate under the influence of the crimson storm.The warriors in divine costume and the aircraft carrier-level demons fighting outside were also caught in the eyes of the few people inside.

There is no doubt that the human side has the upper hand outside, and there are not many aircraft carrier-level demons left.But on the other hand, the magic warriors on the human side are basically all wounded.

Gugapa, after the crimson storm broke through the body of the lair-level demon.The lair-level demon's body swelled up again, as if something in its body began to grow, stretching its body apart.

With a puff, the body of the lair-level demon was broken. The golden horns first protruded from one end of the lair-level demon, and then the green wings popped out from both sides.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's transformed character is the sissy version of Gilgamesh, and her king's throne, Vimana, the Ship of Radiance, escaped from the world inside the demon's body, forcefully bursting the lair-level demon.

"We're out." Coming out of the lair-level demon's body, the surrounding dark storm began to dissipate, and the long-lost sunlight shone down.Seeing the bright colors around them, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others felt as if they had seen the sun again.

"Space channel, where is this demon going to take us?" Feeling the surrounding light and enjoying the colorful world around her, Wen Hui was almost suffocated by the darkness before.Wen Hui, who turned her head and looked around, saw the huge space passage behind them at a glance.

"There, I feel a familiar atmosphere." Hearing Wen Hui's words, Chu Miaomiao also noticed the space passage behind him, blinked lightly, and felt the breath coming from the other end of the passage, Chu Miaomiao said suddenly.

"Familiar, so strange, I also have this feeling." Frowning slightly, looking at the space passage behind her, Feng Xiaoxuan also felt the familiarity from the opposite side, as if she had been there before.

"Huh~" Just when several people were standing on the Glory Boat discussing the space channel behind them, they seemed to have noticed the accident here, the black mist in the space channel suddenly surged, and a strong suction force came from the space channel. Came from the other end.

The sudden suction almost sucked in several people on the Glory Boat. Quite a few people were not ordinary people, and their reactions were not slow.Noticing the strangeness, all of them gathered beside the throne of the Ship of Glory, and grasped the handle of the throne to stabilize his figure as much as possible.

Slightly frowning, feeling the suction from behind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan urged the Glory Boat under him with all his strength to escape from this suction.But this kind of suction is very strange, what it acts on is not the Shining Boat, but the domain itself released by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Relying on the power of the Glory Ship, this powerful suction force was completely inescapable for a while.

Roar~ Under the boat of brilliance, the exploded lair-level demon let out a resounding howl, and a huge amount of negative energy suddenly began to emerge from the broken body.Instead of repairing his body, he committed suicide.

Sensing the terrifying energy erupting from under the Radiance Boat, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expression changed, and the Radiance Boat turned around and wanted to fly upwards.But it was too late.With a loud bang, the nest-level demon revealed itself.

Huge and terrifying energy erupted from the lair-level demon, and instantly swallowed the boat of glory under Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Faced with this kind of explosion that seemed to destroy the world, Feng Xiaoxuan, Chu Miaomiao, and Wen Hui all burst out their own domains to form a circular protection. Under the impact of the explosion, the four people wrapped in their respective domains respectively exploded in different directions.

This terrifying energy explosion not only affected Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, but also a large area around it. Of course, the space channel created by the evil god Loki was also affected without exception.

During the explosion, the space channel quickly collapsed, and violent space turbulence began to scurry around.The collapse of space also began to affect the present world, and the surrounding space also began to vibrate unstable.

During the explosion, four circular fields surrounded Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others flew in four directions.Coincidentally, the direction in which Zhuang Xiaoyuan was blown up happened to be where the space passage was located.

There was absolutely no room for her to reflect, Zhuang Xiaoyuan plunged headlong into the space channel constructed by the black mist.Notice the explosion.As well as the figure that was blown into the space passage, after the evil god Loki collided with Ellie Headmaster again, he escaped with his strength, turned around and followed into the space passage that had begun to collapse.

Although only one of the originally planned four will come in, that's the only way to go for the time being. It's okay to get a part of the world crystal, and then you can rely on this part to capture the rest.Thinking of this, Loki chased after Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the black mist.

However, this space channel began to collapse rapidly.Before Luo Ji caught up with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the space channel was quietly disconnected, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan was instantly involved in a space crack and disappeared in front of Luo Ji.

Some dark world, some desolate corner.A rift in space quietly opened, and a petite figure fell out of it with a black mist all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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