Chapter 336 Hell Girl Yan Moai

Coming out of the crack in space, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already recovered her original form, and strands of black mist wrapped around her body. As the black mist merged into her body, her vitality began to drain rapidly.Struggled a few times, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't do anything because of the weakness in her body. In the end, her eyes went dark, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know anything.

"La la la la ~ la la la ~ la la la la la~" A faint, distant, sad melody came to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ears. It was the voice of a young girl, and there was still a trace of loneliness in the voice .Zhuang Xiaoyuan woke up from this sound.

Gradually regaining consciousness, in addition to hearing the sound, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also felt the shaking ground below her, it seemed that she was not on flat ground, but more like being in a boat on the lake.Slowly opening his eyes, he saw a small wooden boat, and the melodious voice of the girl was also mixed with the creaking sound of paddles.

Waking up from the darkness, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was still a little dizzy, shaking her head to wake herself up, Zhuang Xiaoyuan climbed up from the ship board with both hands supported, and looked in the direction of the melody.

The target was a young girl who didn't look very old, with long straight black hair down to her waist, flat bangs, wearing a pure black patterned kimono with an indifferent expression on her face, a pair of The bright red eyes looked at this side quietly, shaking the oar at the stern of the wooden boat in his hand.

"Yan Moai, so... am I already dead?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked from lying down to sitting, staring at the girl in front of her.The girl in front of her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, knew, and was very familiar with, the protagonist of a famous anime in her previous life, the hell girl Yan Moai, the ferryman who sent the resentful people to hell.

In addition, not only did I know her in previous life anime, I also saw her once a few years ago when I ate Wen Hui's dark cuisine. At first I thought it was a hallucination caused by cooking, but now it seems that I am afraid I watched her at that time. It's all true.I didn't expect that in this world, there would be hell after death, and I could see Yan Moai.

"I am Yan Moai, but I am not the Yan Moai in your impression." Stopping the slightly sad melody, Yan Moai continued to swing the oars, and a cold voice came from her mouth: "Are you still Not dead, but almost there."

"Almost? Dead or not, is there still such a saying?" Looking at Yan Moai in front of him in surprise, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already confirmed that she is not that Yan Moai, because Yan Moai in his impression would not use such a tone say.

"Well, you are different. Whether you want to continue reincarnation or go back is all in your mind. If you want to start over, I can send you into reincarnation. If you have already missed something, I can also send you back." The voice was still faint, with a hint of clarity, Yan Moai's words seemed to be as easy as death and reincarnation.

"I'm different? Why am I different? Who am I? Am I Zhuang Xiaoyuan in this world or Zhuang Xiaoyuan in another world, or I'm neither, but something else."

Hearing Yan Mo'ai's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes were filled with confusion. The more she knew, the more doubts she had.There are countless mysteries in Zhuang Xiaoyan's words, and it can be heard from Yan Moai's words that she knows herself.So, which one is the real self?

"This time, you have really changed." Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's confused doubts, Yan Mo'ai paused for a moment, and suddenly sighed.

The hands that paused for a while began to shake the oars again. Yan Moai looked at the front of the wooden boat, and the ghost gate erected on the river was closed: "You are Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and you are also Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and you are still... Yuanli ring."

"The Ring of Yuanli..." Muttering and repeating the term Yan Moai said, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt as if something flashed in her mind, but when she wanted to continue searching, there was nothing .He couldn't understand the meaning of this word, but at least Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew that this word might be very important to him.

Crackling, like the sound of glass breaking.Resounding in this slightly gloomy world, traces of cracks emerged from the void.As the cracks appeared, a little bit of dark fog leaked from the cracks, and a palm condensed in the air and grabbed towards the boat where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Yan Moai were.

"You actually found me here, you really have no self-filth." Looking up at the palm that was grabbed, Yan Moai didn't move at all, still shaking the oar at the stern.

Boom, the giant hand made of black mist suddenly encountered a purple-black barrier when it was still some distance away from the wooden boat.Accompanied by a faint purple-black diffuse, the materialized black mist quietly collapsed.

A voice with a wonderful melody came from Yan Moai's mouth, as if singing, and as if singing: "The sad shadow that wanders in the dark, hurts and despises others. The evil soul who indulges in sin will eventually die." will go to hell."

As the voice fell, the dark fog seemed to be strongly attracted, and suddenly rushed towards the front of the wooden boat, and was sucked into the ghost gate.With the attraction of this suction, in the cracks in the broken space, the continuous black mist poured into this world and was attracted towards the gate of hell.

Finally feeling the threat, with the appearance of the suction of the ghost gate, the black mist that originally emerged from the space crack disappeared into the space crack in a hurry.With the escape of the black mist, the space cracks that were originally broken also began to quickly repair.

"It's amazing, it's so easy..." Looking at the black mist that made me feel very troublesome, it was actually sucked away by Yan Moai's voice, and even fled in a panic.Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Yan Moai with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"This is my world. I am absolutely invincible. But I can't leave." Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes, Yan Moai continued to control the boat and explained in an indifferent voice.

She lowered her head slightly, that's right, Yan Moai has no obligation to help deal with the black mist.The most important thing is to rely on yourself, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt heavy in his heart when he thought of the black mist that seemed to swallow the entire sky that he had seen in the elf world.

Different from the black mist in the world of gods and demons, the real black mist itself is endless and boundless.Moreover, it will also quickly switch between the entity and the black mist, so it is not as easy to deal with as the black mist in the world of gods and demons. After condensing into a demon, it can only be atomized when healing.

"Do you have an answer to your choice? Reincarnation? Or go back and continue?" In fact, Yan Moai already knew the answer from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's previous questions and expressions, but Yan Moai still asked.

"Go back, Xiaohui, Xiaomiao, sister Xiaoxuan. Uncle Feng, grandpa, the dean of the school, and many, many family members, friends, and colleagues are all waiting for me. No matter who I am, I must complete it now." What I should do." Without any hesitation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stared at Yan Moai firmly and said his answer.

 Recommend a song to everyone - 【朱(あけ)に染まる】.The episode of Hell Girl has no lyrics, only la la la, but it sounds very emotional, a little sad and a little gloomy.Well, the author likes it very much.

  Also, I seem to have gotten the chapter numbers wrong yesterday.The original three chapters of 370 have been written into four chapters of 370.It seems that the chapter names cannot be changed, so let’s make two 370 chapters. The content is different, but the serial numbers overlap.In order to align the serial numbers at the back with the chapters of my own manuscript.


(End of this chapter)

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