Chapter 337 Black Enma World Card
Under the control of Yan Moai, the wooden boat passed through the gate of ghosts, and the moment it entered the gate of ghosts, it seemed to enter another world.The world before entering was dark, like a real hell.

There, the sun in the sky is also a strange flower shape, there is no strong sunlight, only a faint light.But after entering the ghost gate, what Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw was a beautiful sunset and bright red flowers all over the mountains and plains.

Among the Bianhua flowers all over the banks, a small wooden house is quietly placed there.It is Yan Moai and not Yan Moai. Although it is indeed different from Yan Moai, the scene Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw at this time is very similar to Yan Moai's residence in the anime.

"We're here, come with me." The wooden boat slowly docked, Yan Moai gently landed on the shore and looked back at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Oh." Looking away from the beautiful sunset glow that dyed the sky, Zhuang Xiaoyuan jumped off the boat and came to the shore, and followed Yan Moai along the only path among the flowers on the other side towards the small wooden house that he had seen before.

Gently pushing open the wooden door, Yan Moai walked in with Zhuang Xiaoyuan.This is a very ordinary wooden house, but it is different from Yan Moai's wooden house in the anime.There is no mother-in-law who weaves here, and there is no computer for hell communication. This wooden house looks very monotonous. Except for the low table in the center of the room, there is not even a cabinet around it.

Greeting Zhuang Xiaoyuan to sit face to face with herself, Yan Moai reached out and pushed a wooden box the size of a mobile phone box in the center of the low table to Zhuang Xiaoyuan: "If you want to go back, take this as well. It was originally your thing, I hope this One can make her wish come true."

"My stuff?" Tilting her head in doubt, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out to touch the wooden box.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan got in touch with Zhuang Xiaoyan and Yan Moai, she felt that there were more and more mysteries in her heart. Zhuang Xiaoyan's expectation and Yan Moai's cognition of herself seemed to be planning something and waiting from the very beginning. What.This feeling is not good, as if only I was kept in the dark.

Although her heart was full of doubts, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still picked up the wooden box in her hand and opened it. She believed that as long as she kept going, one day she would understand the meaning of what they said, what the Ring of Yuanli was.

The wooden box was opened, and what caught Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes were two familiar cards lying quietly inside. The appearance of these two cards was exactly the same as the cards that Zhuang Xiaoyuan originally owned.One character card and one world card.

The eyes moved from the appearance of the card to the content inside, and saw a girl with pink and white as the main theme on the character card looking at her quietly. She was small and cute, with two red lines on her pink hair. Ribbons tied into double ponytails.A pink tear-shaped gemstone hangs from the chest.The clothes on her body have a lot of ruffles and lace belts.

"This is... Lumuyuan." Looking at the girl depicted in the card, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a sense of strange familiarity.

"You said just now that I am the Ring of Yuanli, right? Is there any connection with the theory of the ring after Lumu Yuan's apotheosis?" Looking at the girl in the card, Zhuang Xiaoyuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration and looked up at Yan Moai.No wonder the Ring of Enlightenment sounds familiar. Isn't this the inversion of the principle of the Encirclement after Madoka Kamu's apotheosis?

"You need to understand and search for it yourself. The time is almost up, and you should leave too." Bright red eyes stared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan quietly, Yan Moai did not answer her question, and pointed to the card in the box Open your mouth and say.

"Sure enough, it has something to do with it." Although he didn't get any clear reply, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that Yan Mo'ai's attitude was the best answer.Thinking of this, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze shifted from Lumu Yuan's character card to another card.

The Black Enma World: The End and Beginning of All Creatures

Guardian of the World: Yan Moai

special power:

Character Card Death Immunity - Instantly restores fatal damage to a character card.

"Death immunity, that is to say, there will be no death cooldown like Chloe's back then." While speaking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out to take the two cards in the wooden box.

The moment her right hand touched the card, a pink light suddenly burst out, illuminating the entire wooden house in an instant.The light lasted for two to three seconds and gradually dimmed and dissipated. At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was sitting opposite Yan Moai, had disappeared without a trace, and at the same time, the two cards belonging to her also disappeared.

"Have you already decided? Let her find her own strength." Sitting quietly, facing the place where Zhuang Xiaoyuan disappeared, Yan Moai suddenly said, as if there was another person in the room.

"Didn't you expect her to return to Yuanli for a long time, and now you still ask me." Accompanied by a crisp voice similar to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, a girl who looks exactly like Zhuang Xiaoyuan slowly emerged from the void in this room among.Zhuang Xiaoyan, a girl who claims to be the dark side of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Coming out of the void, Zhuang Xiaoyan sat on the seat in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan as if no one else was there, and reached out to pick up the top cover of the wooden box that Zhuang Xiaoyuan put aside.As she turned the inside of the lid to face herself, a card embedded in the top lid came into view.

Black flowing long straight hair, lavender eyes, pale skin, a black headband, a lavender one-piece lotus lace skirt, a white jacket similar to a school uniform, black plaid stockings and black high-heeled shoes. With a unique mysterious temperament.It's the bondage character Akami Homura opposite Kamu Madoka.

"I am indeed looking forward to her return, not just me, but others are also looking forward to it. Only when she returns, will the chaotic world be restored to balance. But we also look forward to your successful fulfillment of your wish. Because, that is also Our long-cherished wish." Quietly watching Zhuang Xiaoyan in front of her, Yan Moai stated her true inner thoughts.

"Hmph, I won't believe you. A group of people who just sit back and enjoy what they get." With a soft snort, Zhuang Xiaoyan spat at Yan Moai's words, that group of people who only cared about their own one-third of an acre of land.

"Let's just sit back and enjoy what we have achieved. Without our help, you probably wouldn't be able to get to where you are now." His eyes still quietly stayed on Zhuang Xiaoyan, and Yan Moai spoke the truth calmly with an indifferent voice.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to tell you. I'm the one Madoka needs the most, I'm the one who helps the most, and I'm the one who contributes the most. Anyway, Madoka is mine. You're all just our subordinates, so don't get too complacent. I'll go It's gone." Waving the card in Yan Mo'ai, Zhuang Xiaoyan gave Yan Mo'ai a slight stare, turned around and stepped into the void again.

"The flame of the outer ring is still the same as before. I wish you success, otherwise, our group of people can only stay in place forever as before. The pure and selfless circle of principles..." Watched off Zhuang Xiaoyan left, Yan Moai whispered softly and drifted away with the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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