Chapter 338 The World of Little Elves
"Woo~" In a dark cave, the nocturnal plants exude a faint fluorescence, adding a ray of light to the cave.In the depths of the cave, a girl with pink ponytails lay quietly on the dry grass. With a slight moan, the girl slowly opened her eyes.

"Where... is this place?" Waking up from the darkness, what Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw was no longer Yan Mo'ai's wooden house, but this cave with faint light in the darkness.

According to previous memories, before going to Yan Moai's place, I should have been involved in the time-space channel. Could it be that the exit of the time-space channel is this cave?I didn't feel the breath of the evil god, and it didn't look like the base where the evil god stayed.

"Hey, I'm awake, Fei'er, she's awake, she's awake." Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan was looking at the scene in the cave suspiciously, there was a clear and crisp shout from the direction of the cave exit.

The sudden sound startled Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had just woken up, and she turned her head to look in the direction of the sound reflexively. What caught her eyes was a little elf the size of a palm.The little elf flapped the wings on his back and suspended in the air, with a faint halo emitting from his body.

"Elves?! Could it be... that the world of elves hasn't been destroyed yet?" Seeing the little elf floating at the entrance of the cave, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stared at her with wide eyes.This small elf, the size of an ordinary person's palm, is a resident of the elf world that Zhuang Xiaoyuan entered before the world of gods and demons, that elf world that failed the final mission and was swallowed by the black mist demon.

Under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's dazed gaze, another elf appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sight, this one was slightly older than the previous one.

The wings on her back flapped slightly, and she flew towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and flew around her in a circle, as if observing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's situation, then hovered in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and a crisp voice came from her mouth: "Finally woke up Well, human. It looks like you're making it through, which is great."

"Fei'er, it's really Fei'er. It's great that you're fine." Looking at the familiar face of the elf in front of her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face was mixed with sadness and joy, and she was sure that she was here before In the elf world, because of his own weakness, the elf world was occupied by demons.

"You know me? But I haven't seen you before." The elf girl flying in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan flapped the wings on her back, fluctuating up and down in the air, with a perplexed expression on her small face.

"How come I haven't seen it before? I'm Xiaoyuan, Xiaoyuan. I'm Zhuang Xiaoyuan." Noticing the puzzled expression on Fei'er's face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said in a tone of eagerness.

"Hoo, although there is Xiaoyuan's breath. But you are different from Xiaoyuan. Xiaoyuan has black hair, um, it will also turn blue, but you are pink." Surrounded by Zhuang Xiaoyuan Circled, the elf Mayfair still had a puzzled look on her face, unable to understand why a strange human girl in front of her would call herself Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Pink?" Hearing Fei'er's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was taken aback for a moment, and reached out to touch his hair, it really felt different.Zhuang Xiaoyuan has never had a double ponytail hairstyle, and her current hair is much shorter than before.

While stroking her hair, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked down at herself.The goal was not the clothes he was familiar with, but a lace-trimmed dress mainly in pink tones.The shoes on her feet are not what she used to be, but a pair of red round-toed shoes.

"This is... the form of Kamu Madoka?" Although there is no mirror here, I can't see my real appearance at this time.But thinking of the Kamu-en card she got from Yan Moai in the encounter in a dream before, isn't her dress exactly the same as her dress at this time?
What's going on, why does it turn into Madoka Kame, does it automatically transform when you get the card?With a trace of doubt in her heart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sank her mind and began to enter her body to communicate with the star disc.

In Zhuang Xiaoyuan's chest, the star disk was still floating in it and spinning quietly, emitting a bright light.Five world cards of different colors are set around the center of the star disk.However, the character card that was supposed to turn into a star was inlaid in the center of the starry sky disc, and that card was the card of Kamu Madoka.

The mental power is close to the starry sky disc, Zhuang Xiaoyuan wants to regain the transformation state of Lumuyuan at this time.But the star disk in his body didn't respond. Only at this moment did Zhuang Xiaoyuan realize that all the divine power surrounding the star disk had disappeared.

Withdrawing the mental power from the body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stood up from the dry haystack.Jumping in place, looking down at his arm, he clenched his fist.Zhuang Xiaoyuan found that her body seemed to be a little strange.

All the divine power flowing in his body disappeared, but he could still clearly feel the faint breath of divine power exuding from his body.I didn't feel the slightest difference in clenching fists and jumping.And when he was thinking about using the divine power, the divine power actually appeared in his hands out of nothing.

It seems that the divine power has been fully integrated into every cell of his body.Wait, the divine power is integrated into the body cells?There was a hint of shock at his body in his eyes.The more Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought about it, the more he felt like it. Perhaps, he had crossed the fusion level, and directly entered the true god level from the lower fusion level.

True god level, a level that no one has ever entered before.According to Dean Ellie and the others’ speculation, the fusion level is to integrate the patron saint in one’s body with oneself, and the true god level is to completely energize one’s body and become a patron saint state, and the whole body is full of divine power .

Isn't this the state of Zhuang Xiaoyuan at this time?The divine power in the body has completely disappeared, but the energy of the divine power can still be extracted from the body. From the feeling, these divine powers are exuded from the body cells.

"Well, are you okay? Is your body still not fully recovered?" Suspended in the air, watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan thinking for a while, talking to herself for a while, and bouncing around in place for a while.Mayfair asked with a hint of concern on her face.

"Ah, it's okay. It's just that my physical condition is a little different. Mayfair, please believe me, I'm really Zhuang Xiaoyuan, it's just that my appearance has changed. I still remember meeting you in the city of elves." , At that time, we came here as four people, and you entertained us, and invited us to eat your best seven-color fruit salad."

Hearing Fei'er's slightly concerned words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan recovered from the changes in her body, looked at Fei'er seriously, and said.

"Well, I believe you." With a slight nod, Mayfair believed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words easily.

The elves in this world are very simple existences. Zhuang Xiaoyuan has her own aura, and now she tells the story of their first meeting, so Fei'er immediately believed it.

(End of this chapter)

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