Chapter 339 Fairy Princess Mayfair

Although what he said was the truth, seeing Fei'er believing it so easily, for some reason, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a strange feeling that he was lying to deceive an ignorant girl.

Shaking his head, and throwing away the weird and strange thoughts in his mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at Fei'er and asked, "Fei'er, how is the situation in the city of elves now? Also, it has been a few years since we separated. ?”

Back then, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was still at the Divine Blessing level, carried out his own trial mission.After entering the world of elves, Wen Hui, Chu Miaomiao, and Feng Xiaoxuan came together. It was also the first time for the four of them to enter a trial task at the same time.

The residents of this elf world are all palm-sized elves. The elves have their own element attributes, which can be seen from the color of their wings.Air elementals are green and fire elementals are red.

At that time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others entered this world as if they had entered a Lilliputian country, facing a group of petite elves.To the elves, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were also strange giants.

After experiencing the initial panic, because Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others did not do anything to harm the elves, these innocent elves quickly accepted Zhuang Xiaoyuan's existence.It was a very leisurely day.

It was also in the first few days that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others met this elf girl named Fei'er.Unlike ordinary elves, the wings on Mayfair's back are colorful, not pure.Because she is the princess of the elves, she has the same full attributes as the elf king.

With an ability similar to Wen Hui's, she can completely control the power of all elements.So at that time, Mayfair was closest to Wen Hui.When Wen Hui and Fei'er cooperate, their ability to control all elements will also be greatly improved.The combat power of a combination of two is not one plus one equals three, but more ten, twenty, thirty.

At that time, that kind of leisure life made Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others very comfortable, but they all knew that crises would always come.Because this is a trial task, based on past experience, there must be something that needs them to complete.What's more, this time four people came here together, and I'm afraid they will encounter unprecedentedly powerful dangers.

Although several people had expected it, when the crisis finally came, it was completely beyond Zhuang Xiaoyuan's imagination.The black mist that devoured the world filled the sky. After touching the black mist, all the animals were instantly demonized and turned into demons.

Facing the black mist covering the sky, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others went all out to launch their own attack, but it had no effect at all.The black mist was indeed repelled, but an endless stream of black mist continued to come from behind. It was a powerful black mist that could never be eliminated.

As the black mist shrouded, more and more demons were demonized, and even many weak elves were demonized into inferior evil gods in the black mist.Facing the black mist that would reappear no matter how they attacked, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others had nothing to do.

In the end, he is still the king of these elves.Mayfair's mother, the Elf King, made the final decision.She asked Mayfair to leave the city of elves with some young elves to find shelter in other places.The Elf King took all the remaining elves to continue to resist the erosion of the black mist and buy time for Mayfair.

The four of Zhuang Xiaoyuan also stayed in the elves' capital to help the elves resist the black mist.This battle lasted for a long time, and in the end they failed.All the remaining elves in the elf capital were basically wiped out.At the end of the battle, very few elves were demonized by the black mist, because before they were demonized, they had already died in the hands of the enemy or their compatriots.

That battle was also the most tragic war that Zhuang Xiaoyuan had ever experienced. Compared with the battle of Fengcheng, the retreat of Ningcheng and even the battle of defending the island city were much more tragic.Because, this battle really killed too many elves.

At the end, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were sent back to their own world by the four-leaf clover necklaces they each wore before the black mist was about to swallow the elf capital.And the last thing they saw was the scene in the elf capital where the figure of the elf king Hanwei was swallowed by the black mist.

Although the scene he saw before leaving had already sealed the end of the city of elves, seeing Fei'er here, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still asked again with the expectation of what might happen.

Maybe the Elf King thought of a way at the last moment and escaped.Maybe the world crystal suddenly burst out with power and wiped out the black mist demon.Maybe...knowing is just a fluke that is impossible, but I still have this little hope in my heart.

"The city of elves is gone. Except for the children here, none of the elves have escaped from the city of elves. It has been more than a year. The only thing I'm glad is that the black mist didn't find us."

Mayfair had a sad expression on her small face.Maybe simple, maybe naive, but these elves also have their own feelings.Even their feelings are more obvious and exposed than ordinary human beings.

"Sorry, it's all our fault. We didn't protect the city of elves well." The scene of the king of elves facing the dark mist at the end seemed to appear in front of his eyes, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a trace of guilt on his face.Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others couldn't let go of the failure of the elf world.

"No, it's not your fault. Thank you very much for helping us. It was originally something that had nothing to do with you, but you fought for us to the end. It is also with your help that these children survived."

Leading Zhuang Xiaoyuan who had stood up, she walked out of the cave where she was resting. Fei'er pointed to the elves who were busy back and forth in the long cave passage outside the cave and said, there was no trace of blame in her tone, only gratitude.

"Eh, you just said that a year has passed?" Hearing Fei'er's gratitude, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a little better.It was only at this time that I noticed what Mayfair said just now, that only one year had passed.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others had only been in the main world for a year since the failure of the elf world.According to the space ratio between the original trial world and the main world, thousands of years should have passed here.I didn't expect it to be only one year. Could it be that the flow of time has changed because of my entry in every trial mission?
"Yeah, it's been a year. We finally managed to find a safe place. Those black mist can only spread on the surface, and haven't entered the ground yet, so this kind of underground cave is relatively safe." Nodding, There was a trace of sentimentality on Mayfair's face.She has also accepted the destruction of the elf capital in a year, and now the focus is completely on the future of these children, for the continuation of the race.

"May'er, have you heard the rumors about the world crystal?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked Fei'er next to him, looking at these young elves who looked immature but were already proficient at working with fruit trees. road.The elves are very energetic, maybe the world crystal in this world still exists intact.

(End of this chapter)

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