Chapter 340 Feeling Like a Mother

"World Crystal? Is that the shiny, big, glowing, warm one?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Fei'er blinked her small eyes, stretched out her hands and gestured in front of her chest and asked .

"Well, I don't know what it actually looks like when you say that. But the world crystal should give people in this world a strange feeling. If you want to say it, yes, it's like being in the arms of your mother. "Frowning and thinking for a while, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes suddenly lit up and he snapped his fingers and said.

"Mom's feeling, um, it seems to be true. It's very warm and warm, just like taking a bath with my mother." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's description, Mayfair closed her eyes and recalled the feeling at that time, as if it was true It feels a lot like my mother.

"That should be the world crystal of this world. Where did Mayfair see it?" After receiving Mayfair's answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan immediately confirmed that the warm thing in her mouth should be the world crystal of this world.

As an elf aborigine of this world, and also a royal princess among the elves, Mayfair is actually a child of this world's plane.The crystal that can give her such a warm feeling like a mother is undoubtedly the crystal of the world.Besides, it's impossible for ordinary crystals to have temperature, isn't it generally cold?

"Oh, I remember it should be in the square of the city of elves." Probably because she was tired from flying, or after confirming Zhuang Xiaoyuan's identity to reassure her, Fei'er flew to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's shoulder and sat down.Slightly frowning and thinking for a moment, he tapped his lips and replied.

"Huh, is it in the square? But I remember that there seems to be nothing there except the fountain pool." Hearing Mayfair's answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes widened in surprise.

Although it was more than a year ago, I still remember all kinds of Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the elf world very clearly, because the impression of that failure was too deep.

Moreover, although the capital of the elves is a city, its scope is not large, because the elves themselves are only the size of a palm, how could their capital be so big.The so-called square in Mayfair's mouth is just the size of a small apartment in a dormitory to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

It is difficult to hide things in the square that can be seen at a glance.In Zhuang Xiaoyuan's memory, there is nothing like a crystal at all.Maybe the world crystal in this world is very, very small like the elves.

"It's not in the middle of the square, it's next to it. Isn't there a very tall clock tower next to the square, it's on top of that." Noticing the surprised expression on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face, Mayfair tugged at her. When the pink hair opened his mouth to explain.

"Bell Tower, is there such a thing?" Although Fei'er was already explaining, Zhuang Xiaoyuan just couldn't figure out the location of the crystal in her mouth.In her impression, there is no bell tower near the square.

"Oh, it's the tallest one. It's taller than you." Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan still didn't expect it, Fei'er became a little anxious, let go of the hair on her hand, and started to poke Zhuang Xiaoyuan's cheek with her hand.

"Who's taller than me?" A question mark appeared on her head, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to think back to the square in the city of elves, probably the only one who could be taller than her.

Thinking of the thing that looked like a coconut tree, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes showed unbelievable surprise: "Is that a clock tower? I thought it was a street lamp, and it would always glow at night. Although there are still fruits growing on it, it's just like a clock tower." It won't grow fruit either."

"That is the bell tower. New fruits will grow every hour. When twelve fruits grow, they will fall from the tree and start growing again. Many companions rely on that to determine the time." Mayfair Patting Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ear with an expression of how stupid you are, he said.

"Well, this is knowledge that completely belongs to another world. I finally feel like I have come to another world." There was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth. With Zhuang Xiaoyuan's common sense, he couldn't imagine that the bell tower would look like this. of.It is still timed by the fruiting time of this plant.

"That crystal is on the top of the bell tower. It is shining every day. At night, it looks like there are two moons. It is so beautiful." As if thinking of that beautiful scene, Mayfair showed a trace of light on her face. Nostalgic smile.

"Is it on the top of that tree? I know the location. Mayfair, I plan to go to the city of elves to see if the world crystal is still there. If the world crystal is still there, maybe we have There is a way to drive away the black mist." Turning to look at Fei'er on his shoulder, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a serious expression on his face.

After experiencing the fusion of the world of gods and demons with Zhuang Xiaoyan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already understood the correct way to liberate the world crystal, and there is no need for the self-awakening of the world crystal and the use of the crystal's instinctive defense ability as before.

After understanding the correct way to liberate the world crystal, as long as Zhuang Xiaoyuan can be with the son of the plane, he can directly stimulate the potential power of the world crystal, radiate more powerful power, and directly expel the demons in the world from this world Like in the world of gods and demons, the world crystal is transformed into a sword and shield.However, there is also an important prerequisite for this, that is, the world crystal still exists intact.

"I'll go too." Hearing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted to go to the city of elves to find the World Crystal, Mayfair showed a serious expression on her face.The elf capital that has been occupied by demons, Mayfair has not been back since the day she left, and she also wants to take another look at the home that once belonged to her.

"Fei'er, although I sincerely hope that you can go together, you still have something to do here. If you leave..." Seeing the seriousness on Fei'er's face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a trace of hesitation. The specific situation of the crystal is still unknown, if it has been corroded, it may be in danger instead.

"Well, I know, these children still need me. However, I can't let you go alone, because this is my responsibility. If it is really possible to get rid of those black mist, I must do it. Even if only A glimmer of hope. If I don’t go, no matter how long I can hide in the cave, one day the black mist will come to the door.”

Although her body was very petite, Mayfair's face was serious and earnest.People can clearly feel the firm will in her heart.

"Okay, let's go together. If you find something wrong, run away immediately, don't hesitate." Seeing Fei'er's expression, Zhuang Xiaoyuan nodded and agreed with her companion.She was right, there is still hope, and she can still do it.If the last hope is gone and we can only wait for death, what is the difference between early death and late death?

(End of this chapter)

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