Chapter 342 True God Level Battle
"Then have a good taste of my little tricks, Loki." When Loki devoured the arrow that contained the rules of the sure shot, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already shot a second arrow at him.

"Let's go, Fei'er." The arrow shot out, Zhuang Xiaoyuan whispered to Fei'er on his shoulder, turned around and rushed towards the direction of the elf capital.

"Don't think I can hit the same move." The giant beast on the right hand returned to its original right hand, and Loki, who had received Zhuang Xiaoyuan's move forcefully, was covered with exploding scars on his right hand.

Shouting angrily, Loki sideways let Zhuang Xiaoyuan's second arrow try to chase her.However, Loki, who was advancing with all his strength, saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was getting further and further away, and the city of elves that was shrinking gradually.

The second arrow has a strong adsorption force, attracting Loki's body and flying away.The rules attached to the second arrow belonged to Huang Xiaoyan's ability of the Great Gourd of the Universe Mystery.The strong suction from the arrow sucked Loki far away.

"Rule filling-fantasy master." Ignoring Loki who was sucked away by the second arrow, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took Mayfair and rushed towards the world crystal, while drawing the rose flower bow in his hand again.

With Kamijou Tomoko's imaginary Misaka rules, the arrow pierced through the air, creating a spacious passage in the black mist.Seizing the opportunity, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Fei'er rushed into the black mist and rushed towards the World Crystal along this passage.

Click, the sound of glass being broken.At the entrance of the Fairy City Square, only a dozen meters away from the World Crystal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had to stop.

A broken spatial passage appeared in front of her. A terrifying giant beast poked its head out of the spatial passage, followed by the arm connecting the giant beast's head, and finally Loki's body came out.

"It really surprised me. You actually let me suffer twice in a row, and you can affect me who has been fully energized. You are already at the level of a true god." Coming out of the broken space tunnel, Loki had a gloomy face. Staring at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"I was also surprised. I was prepared to be attacked when I rushed in, but I didn't expect the black mist to be just a decoration." Standing in front of Luoji, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes were fixed on him, and his face seemed relaxed. Said.

Having seen the horror of the black mist, from the very beginning what Zhuang Xiaoyuan was really wary of was not Loki, who was already at the same stage as her, but the endless black mist.But it seems that Lady Luck is on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side.

For Zhuang Xiaoyuan's invasion, the black mist unexpectedly did not respond, and the black mist here was much thinner than what it had seen before.I'm afraid the real black mist has gone to other worlds. The black mist here is just like what Zhuang Xiaoyuan has seen in the world of gods and demons. It can be regarded as a separated clone, even thinner than the black mist in the world of gods and demons.

"Hmph, don't think that you can compete with me if you advance to the true god level like me. Let you feel the gap between us and your human race." His eyes shone with a dark light, and Loki's body exuded a strong Coercion.The black mist approaching around began to gradually flow into his body as if attracted by him.

"Fei'er, go and get the world crystal. I'll deal with him." Facing Loki who suddenly became imposing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the rose bow in his hand with a serious face, and a low voice flowed from her mouth to Fei'er. in the ear.

"Rule filling - the ultimate magic gun." When Mayfair left Zhuang Xiaoyuan's shoulder and was about to go to get the world crystal.Zhuang Xiaoyuan once again shot the arrow of light that contained Ba Mamei's magic cannon rules.

The pink arrow came out of his hand, rapidly enlarged as it advanced, and finally formed a super huge light arrow and shot at Loki. This time the attack was more like a super huge cannonball than an arrow.

"Oppression." Facing the huge arrow of light oncoming, the evil god Loki stretched out his hand and squeezed it hard.Following his movements, a strong pressure suddenly appeared in the air, and the light arrow shot by Zhuang Xiaoyuan was actually imprisoned in mid-air under this pressure.The next second, with the sudden increase in pressure, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's arrow of light quietly shattered.The shattered light arrow fragments smashed into huge pits on the ground.

"Soul Snatching." Loki shattered the huge light arrow with one hand, raised the other hand, and following his movement, a dark green ghost spotted from behind him, and with a wave of his hand, the ghost rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Rule Filling-Millions of Spiritual Talisman Arrays." Draw a bow and shoot an arrow, and the light arrow turns into rain.An arrow shot out and turned into tiny light arrows all over the sky to meet Loki's army of dead souls.Each small light arrow has the power of exorcising evil and demons, purifying and destroying the dead souls amidst the wailing of the dead souls.Booming, a series of explosions sounded at the intertwined positions of the two sides, and the aftermath of the explosions destroyed the houses and buildings in the elf capital.

"Hmph, it's really boring. Let's get rid of you quickly and get what I want. Forbidden God." In the confrontation between the dead soul and the light arrow, the evil god Loki has a new movement, and he has appeared in the middle of his feet. Beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan, his right hand grabbed Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a strange force.

"Rule filling - the magic eye of death." Sensing a strong danger from Loki's hands, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't dare to keep it. right hand.

The moment the arrow let go, it touched Loki's right hand, silently, without a strong collision.There is no power to destroy the world.The arrow shot by Zhuang Xiaoyuan hit the dead line on Loki's right hand, but he didn't easily kill his right hand as he wished.

And the Forbidden God used by Loki this time is the rule of the Forbidden God Domain of the lazy god general Milan.It can be said that it is the strongest ability among the Seven Gods that is specially aimed at human beings, and it directly erases the rule ability of the existence of divine power.Forbidden God did not directly wipe out Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack as expected.

At the moment when the Forbidden God and Zhisi came into contact, the Forbidden God wiped out the divine power on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's arrow, and the ability of the Devil's Eye of Zhisi also directly killed the Forbidden God's ability in Loki's hand.

"Kill." The disappearance of the god-forbidden rules only made Loki pause for [-] seconds before he came back to his senses. The killing rules surged out with a wave of his hand, and the strong murderous aura gathered into a knife to slash at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Rule filling-proper amount of manipulation." Immediately after the magic eye of death, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly reacted and shot another arrow.The arrow with a powerful vector ability met Loki's killing knife.Boom, after the previous silence canceled out, a violent explosion finally erupted.

The explosion at close range caused both Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Luo Ji to be pushed back.And at the core of the explosion, a huge crater appeared. This time the explosion directly destroyed half of the elf capital.

The only thing that is still intact is the Fairy Capital Square, which is protected by the surrounding black mist and the light of the world crystal. The other locations are basically in a state of destruction.

(End of this chapter)

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