Chapter 343 Crystal's Last Blessing
"Haha, the human race is over, today is your day of death. The world crystal taken from you will be our first step in destroying the main world." Loki, who was shaken back by the explosion, suddenly let out a laugh that was determined to win.

Accompanied by his laughter, there was a dense sound of glass shattering in the sky, and a series of crackling cracks, broken space tunnels opened above his head, and an endless stream of thick black mist gushed out from the space tunnels. The black mist demon ,came back.

"It turns out that you have been stalling for time, waiting for the return of the black mist. But, you said the world crystal on me? So that's the reason why you used the lair-level demons as a trap to catch us. Although I also expected it, but I was surprised to be sure that this is a part of the world crystal from your mouth." Taking out the spade crystal from the collar and holding it in the palm of his hand, Xia Ye showed such an expression on his face .

"That's why you human beings can't do it. The world crystal has been in your hands for so long and you don't know the origin of that thing at all. I'm afraid you don't even know how to use the world crystal. Black mist covers the world, and darkness is coming. Be obedient. Hand over your crystal, maybe you can die a little easier this way."

With an arrogant expression on his face, Loki spread his right hand towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan as a begging gesture.Behind him, the black mist gushing out from the space crack gradually began to condense.

"Xiaoyuan, I got it, I brought it here." Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Luoji were confronting each other, the black fog behind Luoji was getting bigger and bigger.Accompanied by a clear voice, Mayfair's small body rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan holding the huge green crystal.

"Huh?! Bastard, there are still survivors in the elves, put down the crystal for me." Mayfair's voice caught Loki's attention.Seeing Mayfair approaching Zhuang Xiaoyuan with the huge crystal in his arms, Loki used the rule ability of an arrogant god to oppress her with a wave of his hand.

The sudden pressure in the air caused Mayfair to lose control over her body, and she couldn't flap her wings behind her back. The hands that were holding the world crystal involuntarily let go of the world crystal that was bigger than her body.

"Rule Filling - Nullify Alice." Immediately after Loki's oppressive rules, the pink arrow containing the nullification ability rules from the protagonist Sakura Mikan from Alice Academy penetrates into Loki's oppressive rules.

Accompanied by the explosion of neutralization ability.The pressure in the air disappeared in an instant, breaking away from the endless pressure, Mayfair glanced at Loki with lingering fear, flapped her wings behind and threw herself into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's arms.

Ding Dong, at the same time that Loki's oppressive rules were eliminated by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's nullification ability, the green world crystal that Mayfair was forced to let go before fell to the ground.

The green halo flickered lightly, and in the next second, the world crystal suddenly burst into dazzling green light, which instantly cut off the part of his body polluted by the black mist, and the diffuse light began to flourish, engulfing Loki and behind him. The black mist that began to gather continuously pushed back into the distance.

Kara, snap.The sudden burst of light forced Loki and the black mist back, but in this dazzling light, cracks began to appear on the green world crystal body, and with the crisp breaking sound, the world crystal shattered.

The shattered world crystal turned into shimmering light powder and floated up. In the faintly shimmering crystal light powder, a green light flashed and merged into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, and a new world card was slowly generated.

The crystal light powder hovered in the air, and after a few seconds, it seemed as if he suddenly found his target drifting towards a certain direction. Before the light powder floated in that direction, part of the light powder flowed out and merged into Mayfair's body.

"Fair, we're leaving." The green light merged into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, forming a new world card.At the same time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind received the last words of this world, the last piece of information left by the world crystal that is about to disappear completely.

That is the core of the world, the world crystal without self-awareness, instinctively made the last request for the intelligent life like children in its own world: "Please help my children, please take them away from this imminent Destroy the world. '

The world crystal in this world has actually been polluted by the black mist demon. Although it is only a part, this part has a great influence on the world crystal.A part of the world crystal that has been polluted has lost the ability to maintain the world.

Neither Zhuang Xiaoyuan nor Fei'er knew that after this world crystal was polluted, the most influential thing in the world was not the existing life, but the unborn life.The moment the world crystal is polluted, the reproduction of life is cut off.

The elves living in the cave are still relatively young children, and they haven't reached the time when they can reproduce normally.But even if they are mature and can work hard for future generations, they will not be able to give birth to new children.Because the future of the world has been stained with shadow.No new life will be born the moment the world crystal is polluted.This world is doomed.

Therefore, after Mayfair and Zhuang Xiaoyuan brought the world crystal over, they felt the aura of Mayfair, who is a child of the plane, and the aura of crystals from another world on Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who came from another world.The world crystal of this world made the final choice.

At the cost of her own early destruction, she freed the last surviving elves in this world from the shackles of the world's laws.This also means that these surviving elves have obtained a pass to leave the world and live in other worlds.

Because of the last blessing of the world crystal, these surviving elves will not be excluded by the rules of the new world. As long as they live in the new world for a period of time, they can gain the favor of the new world and become new residents of the new world. gift.

This is also what Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew from the last message that Zhuang Xiaoyuan left her through the World Crystal.While receiving this information, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also learned the crystal ability contained in the spade crystal on her body from the world crystal in this world.

Put Mayfair on her shoulders, let her hold on tightly, before the last burst of light from the World Crystal dissipated, and Loki and Black Mist were still pushed back far away, Zhuang Xiaoyuan accelerated towards the last of the World Crystal. Chasing in the direction where the light powder was going, that direction is where the cave where the elves are hiding.

"What's the matter?" The elves who were hiding in the cave flew out from the entrance of the cave where the elves were hiding.All the elves have a strange green light shining on them.The light powder of the world crystal has been integrated into them.

Feeling the warm breath brought by the world crystal, these elves ran out of the cave at a loss. They didn't know that the world was about to be destroyed. They thought that Mayfair and Zhuang Xiaoyuan had successfully activated the world crystal. The world is about to return to normal.

(End of this chapter)

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