Chapter 344 The Final Collapsed World
"May'er, gather everyone together, we are ready to leave." After kicking over a distance of more than ten meters, he landed beside the cave where the elves were hiding, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan pushed Fei'er on his shoulders in front of the elves, While talking to Mayfair, he pulled the spade crystal that had been worn for a long time from his neck.

When I was in the world of gods and demons, I learned how to use the world crystal from Zhuang Xiaoyan, and learned the unique ability of my spade crystal from the broken world crystal before. Zhuang Xiaoyuan has been able to actively use this spade crystal up.

The spiritual power connects with the divine power in the body, and injects it into the spade crystal in his hand together. With the influx of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power, the spade crystal emits a faint black light, and a slender ray of light shoots out directly, connecting another through the void. a world.Faintly, a wide door emerged from the void.

"Everyone, quickly call out all the companions who haven't come out yet. We must leave here." With the wings flapping slightly on the back, Mayfair flew in front of her compatriots, and began to direct everyone to call for companions and gather together.

"There are still so many surviving elves, and they are finally about to gain control of this world. They have destroyed our plan and shattered our world crystal. You can bury me with this world."

The elves had just gathered, and the sky was covered in black mist.And faster than the black mist is the evil god Loki, the devouring monster on the right hand reappeared, opening its bloody mouth and biting at the gathered elves.

"Elemental Domain: Flame God Storm."

"Slaughtering Field: Killing the God and Breaking Through."

"Yaoyang Domain: Fierce Sun Soaring Break."

Facing the devouring monster of the evil god Loki, the red and green storm erupted from the elemental field absorbed by the seven-color streamer rotation, the killing blow from the killing field of the black and red whirlwind, and the heavenly bird feathers flying out of the pure and dazzling dazzling sun field cut.

Three attacks mixed with domain rules merged together to form a rotating cross slash, flying out from the void gate outlined by the spade crystal in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, and met Loki's devouring giant beast.

Boom, a violent roar erupted with a powerful shock wave, causing the gathered elves to stagger.Roar, the explosion has not subsided, and with the furious roar, the devouring beast covered in wounds broke through the smoke of the explosion and continued to bite the elves.

"Everyone, let's work together to fight back. We can't just hide behind others, we are always protected by others. Explosive fireball." Facing the undiminished devouring monster, Fei'er's face changed, and his eyes showed a firm look. Shout out to the compatriots around you.

The colorful wings on the back flashed red light, and a huge ball of fire flew out of her hand to meet the devouring monster that had already suffered a lot of damage.Hearing Mayfair's words, the young elves around her showed firm expressions one by one, unleashing various elemental attacks on the devouring giant overhead.

All the elemental attacks are not very powerful, but these elves are blessed by the world crystal. The elemental attack power at this time is mixed with the last remaining rules of the world that has begun to collapse, and there are quite a few elves.All the attacks came together, and finally, the Devouring Behemoth was scattered with a howl.

"Rule filling-seven bullets." At the moment when the Devouring Beast was eliminated, Loki whose right hand turned into the Devouring Beast could not help being affected and his body paused for a moment, seizing this fleeting opportunity, Zhuang Xiaoyuan The pink arrow pierced the sky and pierced into his body.Loki's time was temporarily stopped.

"Hu~hou~" The black mist in the sky surged crazily, as if expressing its own anger, the black mist condensed into a terrifying monster face, opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the elves.

"Go quickly." An arrow stopped the evil god Loki, noticing the change of the black mist demon, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face changed drastically, and he didn't dare to stay any longer.The right hand holding the spade crystal erupted with a black light and pointed at the gate of the void and pulled it hard.

It was as if being pulled by an invisible chain.The gate of the void opened, and at the same time the entire gate of the void was pulled by Zhuang Xiaoyuan and bumped towards this side.The opened door of the void immediately enveloped Zhuang Xiaoyuan and all the elves around him.

Enveloping everyone, the Void Gate quickly shrank and faded.From a three-dimensional door frame to a plane, and then to a line, the line gradually shortens and disappears in this world that is about to be destroyed.

Boom, the demonic beast formed by the black mist bit the ground, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others left this world a little faster.As the black mist demon bombarded the ground, the world seemed to have reached its limit.

The sky began to collapse, the ground began to burst, and the air began to vibrate. Dangerous void cracks covered the entire world, and space turbulence began to pour in from the outside of the world.Amidst the violent roar, this world finally disappeared in the gap between time and space.

Going back a little bit in time, in the main world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was blasted into the space tunnel while the lair-level demons revealed themselves, while Wen Hui, Chu Miaomiao, and Feng Xiaoxuan were also blasted out in three different directions.

The explosion gradually subsided, and the space crack created by the evil god Loki quickly closed and disappeared. This battlefield finally came to an end.After the last few aircraft carrier-level demons were wiped out under the attack of several fusion-level divine costume fighters.The highest-level battle in human history is finally over.

"Xiaohui, are you okay? Have you seen Xiaoyuan?" Feng Xiaoxuan, who flew back from the east, had no time to care about her embarrassment at this time, and met Wen Hui who came back from the west, and asked in a worried tone road.

"I'm fine, I seem to see Xiaoyuan going south." Wen Hui also had a worried look on her face, and Wen Hui only saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan going south.

"Xiao Miao, is Xiaoyuan with you?" At the last moment, Feng Xiaoxuan also saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan flying to the south.But she still asked Chu Miaomiao, who came back from the north, just in case.

"Let's go find the old witch, Xiaoyuan has fallen into the space tunnel of the evil god." Chu Miaomiao's face was ugly, and her original calm was no longer there, her eyes were full of worry and eagerness for Zhuang Xiaoyuan.He took the initiative to pull Wen Hui and Feng Xiaoxuan together, and headed in the direction of Dean Ai Li.

"Zhuang Xiaoyuan fell into a crack in space. That crack has healed, and even I can't determine the space coordinates where she is now." Ai felt the residual space energy near the space tunnel made by the evil god. As soon as Dean Li saw the three people coming over, he knew what they wanted to ask. Before Feng Xiaoxuan and the others asked, Dean Ai Li expressed his helplessness.

"How could it be? What is Madoka doing now?" Hearing what Ellie said, the three of them became even more anxious.

"Even if you ask me, I don't know." With a helpless sigh, Dean Ai Li was also a little worried about Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Just when several people were worried about Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Feng Xiaoxuan, Chu Miaomiao, and Wen Hui suddenly emitted three colors of light: yellow, red and green.Three beams of energy of various colors shot out from their chests and threw them into the void.

(End of this chapter)

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