Chapter 345 The Palace in the Starry Sky
Three beams of energy of different colors converged in the air.A virtual screen of light is formed, as if the image is reappearing, and it seems to reflect the scene of another world.

In the light screen, a girl with short pink hair and a little elf is moving fast in a certain direction. Behind them, in the far horizon, a thick black mist is rolling and surging.

"Fei'er? That's Fei'er, right?" Opening up his collar, it was the four-leaf clover crystal on his body that was shining, strange to the sudden change of the crystal, when Wen Hui looked up and saw the picture on the screen I recognized the elf inside.

"So, this is Madoka's new form?" Chu Miaomiao was also looking at the picture on the light screen, noticing the existence of Fei'er, and looked at the girl with short pink hair in a half-guessing, half-certain tone. .

"It's definitely Xiaoyuan, look in her hand." Noticing the change in the light screen, Feng Xiaoxuan confirmed Chu Miaomiao's guess.A girl with short pink hair and double ponytails gathered elves in the light screen, and a spade-shaped crystal appeared on her raised right hand, which was indeed one of the four-leaf clover that matched Feng Xiaoxuan and the others.

"Evil God Loki?! Xiaoyuan is in danger." When they saw the spade crystal that Zhuang Xiaoyuan held up, the figure of the evil God Loki coming from afar also came into their eyes.At the same time, in the light screen, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's spade crystal erupted with black light, and a void gate appeared on the light screen in front of Feng Xiaoxuan and the others at the same time.

"Sister Xiaoxuan." The green light on her body exploded and expanded her whole body. When the gate of the void appeared, Wen Hui received the purpose of the gate of the void and the location of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's world through the four-leaf clover crystal.

"Well, let's do it together." Nodding, Feng Xiaoxuan, whose body was filled with yellow crystal light, directly opened her own domain.While Feng Xiaoxuan nodded, Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao couldn't wait to activate their domain abilities.

The three people who had opened their respective domains simultaneously erupted with their nirvana skills, blasting towards the direction of the void gate.The three attacks passed through the gate of the void, and then quickly merged and changed, turning into a rotating cross, flying out of the gate of the void on the light screen, and meeting the devouring beast of the evil god Loki.

Afterwards, the screen of the light screen changed rapidly, and the devouring beast of the evil god Loki was scattered.The black mist in the sky began to surge and turned into monsters to swallow them. Zhuang Xiaoyuan pulled the gate of the void and rushed in with the elves.

And in front of Feng Xiaoxuan and the others, there was a wave of fluctuation at the gate of void, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed out with the elves.Zhuang Xiaoyuan who came out of the Void Gate, his eyes were slightly confused, and he recovered after a few seconds.

When the gate of the void pulled over, instantly enveloping Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the elves.At that time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan only felt a blur in front of her eyes, a bright starry sky appeared in front of her, in the dark world, countless stars were shining their own light.

Surrounded by countless stars, a huge palace building appeared in front of her. It was a palace that seemed not to be made by humans, floating in the void shrouded in starlight.

This palace is surrounded by a golden ring, which is full of indescribable mysterious atmosphere at first glance. Outside the ring, traces of dark flames burn the world.

This flame has no temperature, neither cold nor hot, as if it is not a real flame, but an illusory image. Looking at the flames outside the circle, one can feel the boundless emotions contained in the flames, as if countless people The flames formed by the combination of emotions.

Palaces, rings, and flames make up this world.In this starry night, it seems that they are the real protagonists.In a blur, on the top floor of the palace, many various 'people' gathered.

And in front of these 'people', on the highest throne of the palace, a young girl slowly turned around and sat on the throne.The girl's appearance and form were blurred, as if people could not see clearly through the world, but she gave people such a clear feeling, that kind of ruthless, indifferent, and strong feeling of selfless love.

The moment the girl sat on the throne, the starry sky shone brightly, and the ring around the palace began to spread, spreading farther into the sky and the earth.As the light flickered, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes blurred again, and the scene in front of him had returned from the starry sky to the present.

"Xiaoyuan, welcome back." After recovering from the blurry picture, what greeted Zhuang Xiaoyuan was a warm hug.

"Woo~ah, I'm out of breath, sister Xiaoxuan." Struggling to pull his head out of Feng Xiaoxuan's arms, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's entire face turned red.At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was in the form of Lumuyuan.She's a little shorter than her own body, and her height only reaches Feng Xiaoxuan's chest. This hug is like a cleanser.

"Really, it's worrying every time. I don't care about you if something happens next time." Beside Feng Xiaoxuan, Wen Hui folded her arms around her chest, with a dissatisfied expression on her face, but her eyes secretly aimed at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Oh, Xiaohui is still so dishonest." Looking at Wen Hui with a smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Chu Miaomiao hugged, and then opened their hands to hug Wen Hui.Gently hugging her and letting her go, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't care about the shy blushing on Wen Hui's face.

"Fei'er, long time no see. Welcome to our world." Seeing Fei'er and the elves behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Feng Xiaoxuan stretched out her right hand towards Fei'er with a gentle smile on her face.

"Well, long time no see, Xiaoxuan, Xiaohui, Xiaomiao. I need you to take care of me in the future." Seeing the gentle smile on Feng Xiaoxuan's face, he saw the familiar Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao again.The original unease on Fei'er's face gradually disappeared, showing a pure and cheerful smile, and stretched out her hands to hold Feng Xiaoxuan's index finger.

Seeing Feng Xiaoxuan and the others again, and the elves who came with Fei'er, the original tension and doubts were slightly relieved.Although they didn't know the specific situation yet, they were able to see their former friends, and they felt a lot more at ease.

Rumbling, violent roaring sound came from the light screen that had not completely disappeared.In the light screen, you can see the boundless black mist that is rolling, and the sky, the earth, and the space are all beginning to collapse.In the end, the light screen showing the doomsday scene flickered and gradually disappeared, and the final picture was a world that had collapsed into nothingness.

"The world is collapsing." Looking at the last picture on the light screen, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's tone was full of emotion and a trace of sadness.The world of elves finally came to an end.

However, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw Fei'er beside him, there was a trace of happiness in his eyes.Fortunately, although the world collapsed, at least the elves did not become extinct.

"Okay, Madoka is back too. The battle here is over. Let's go back to Central City. These children need to be arranged, and we are about to start the real recovery battle."

Looking back from the direction of the disappearing light screen, Loki and the black mist disappeared into the collapsed world together.Headmaster Ellie looked at the girls and elves around him and said.

(End of this chapter)

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