Chapter 346 Ground Recovery Operations

This time, although there were many twists and turns in the battle against the lair-level demons, it was a surprise that the lair-level demons were actually a trap set by the evil god Loki in order to capture the four of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

But the final result did not disappoint. The lair-level demons were wiped out, and the nearby aircraft carrier-level demons were all wiped out with the efforts of the fusion-level divine costume fighters.The fragments left by the aircraft carrier-level demons have also been properly disposed of. This can be regarded as a staged victory for mankind.

And, more importantly, according to the information from the intelligence team, with the collective demise of the aircraft carrier-level demons this time, all such similar energy gathering points have disappeared, which means that there are no demons above the aircraft carrier level in this world for the time being.

And this will be the best chance for mankind to regain the land.For the upcoming, strongest, final battle of demons.In fact, more than a year ago, Headmaster Ellie heard about the black mist demon in the elf world from Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others. At that time, although they said it was scary and powerful, they still had no intuitive concept.

But this time, through the light screen displayed by Feng Xiaoxuan and the others through the four-leaf clover crystal communication, Principal Ellie finally saw the true posture of the so-called black mist demon.

The black mist demon in the light screen did not make any other attacks except for the last blow, but the last blow and his figure filling the sky were enough for Headmaster Ellie to be cautious.

Therefore, at this time when both the black mist demon and the evil god Loki were involved in the gap between time and space due to the collapse of the world.It is the opportunity for human beings to make every effort to eliminate the demons' effective combat power and arrange the final battlefield.

Following Headmaster Ellie, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others led the elves back to the central city.After returning to the central city, Dean Ellie decided to divide the area north of the Shenzhuang Academy campus, that is, the garden greenhouse in the villa area of ​​the student dormitory building, and hand it over to the elves.

The elves respect nature and love plants. If they live in human cities for a long time, they will inevitably feel uncomfortable.But the garden is filled with all kinds of rare plants, which makes the elves very happy.

In fact, it is not the central city that is most suitable for elves to live in. Whether it is the lush mountains and forests of Xishu city or the lake-filled Jiangnan city, it is very suitable for elves to live in. However, this extraordinary period is not the time for a stable life.For the upcoming recovery battle, the elves can only be allowed to live in the garden of the central city for the time being.

After arranging the residence of the elves, Ellie, the head of the academy, Feng Zhongguo, the head of scientific research, and Lin Kai, the supreme commander, held a short meeting to discuss, and finally decided on the strategy for humans to regain the ground.

After three years of development, human beings have become much stronger than before. Not only are the high-end fighters in magical costumes, but the low-end combat power of humans has changed the most.These low-end combat forces are the main force in this battle to regain the land.

As the three supreme human rights issued combat orders, the fusion-level guardians gathered in the central city began to return to the floating cities they guarded through the portals, and the orders of the military were spread throughout all the floating cities through information terminals. .

Broadcasts reverberate in the city, and the battle for recovery that is about to begin contains the hope of all human beings.At this moment, the local sentiment in the human heart is condensed to its peak.They are about to return to their own ground.

One day later, human beings completed the mobilization of all personnel for combat. At the same time, all the floating cities returned to the sky above the land from which they had left. command, the floating city suspended in the air began to slowly descend.

Rumbling, accompanied by a violent roar, the central city began to descend towards the ground.Three years is not long, but it is not short. During these three years, a trace of vitality has grown in the huge pit from which the central city was originally separated, and fresh and tender weeds have grown out. It is long gone. The front was dark with an ugly pit.

After experiencing wind and rain, the shape of this crater has also changed a lot. However, when the central city slowly landed, the crater caught the central city steadily, as if it had also waited After a long time, I finally waited for the return of the Central City.

"Report to the chief, the landing of the central city is complete." The recovery operation command center in the center of the central city was accompanied by a violent vibration, and the monitors of the command center reported loudly to the three supreme human powers with anticipation and excitement. .

"Okay, the recovery battle has officially begun. You four can start. I'm also going to start my own work." Hearing the monitor's report, Headmaster Ai Li's expression turned serious, and he conveyed his message to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the other four. Order.After speaking, he turned and walked into a cylindrical tank specially set up on the side of the command center.

Entering the tank, one after another data cable is connected to Ellie's body, and around the tank, complex machinery begins to shine with various lights.The space ability of Dean Ellie began to spread to the whole world through the amplification of this special amplifier, and all the regional changes of this world were reflected in her mind.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, Xiaohui, Xiaomiao. We're about to start." Watching Dean Ellie walk into the amplifier, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the three companions around him and stretched out his right fist at them.

"Hmph, let's compete again. Let's compete this time, who will be the first to clean up all the demons in the direction he is in charge of." The corner of her mouth was slightly raised, and Wen Hui also stretched out her right fist to stick on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right fist.

"Anyway, you are the one who loses in the end." A steady voice came from Chu Miaomiao's mouth, and her petite but powerful fists stuck to those of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui.

"Heh, be careful, come on." With a gentle smile on her face, Feng Xiaoxuan made up the last gap with her right fist.

"Take care all the way." X4 said the last sentence in unison.The four people left the Central City Command and headed towards the four city gates of the Central City.

Separated from Feng Xiaoxuan and the other three, Zhuang Xiaoyuan arrived at the south gate of the Central City as quickly as possible.With a light kick, Zhuang Xiaoyuan landed from the top of the building next to the front of the city gate passage.At this time, people of all kinds and different costumes have gathered here.

The closest to the city gate, at the front is a small group of more than a dozen people, wearing all kinds of clothes, who belong to the mainstay of the central city.Behind this team of warriors in divine costumes was a group of dozens of college students wearing uniform uniforms of the divine costume academy.This is a troop belonging to the warriors in divine costume.

After the divine costume troop, there was a group of [-]-man blue IS mech troop neatly arranged in a square formation.This group of IS mecha troops are all using the second generation of IS mechas, that is, the legendary super-powered mecha troops.

Further behind the blue IS mecha unit, there is a large force of thousands of people composed of three IS mecha fighters formed around a Shiranui mecha.Surrounded by a large force of thousands of people, there are also many large transport vehicles undertaking transportation tasks.

Seeing the group of mixed troops who were about to fight with him in front of him, and the faces that were exposed were full of expectation and excitement, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised his right hand and waved towards the city gate with a serious face: "Everyone is ready!" , Let’s go.” The human’s ground recovery operation officially began.

(End of this chapter)

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