Chapter 347 The first battle to regain the ground

"Roar~" Just after they walked out of the south city gate, what greeted Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others was a large group of demon beasts.A few of them are only Serpent-level demons that are so conspicuous.In three years, a lot of fortress-level demons have evolved.However, humans have improved even more.

The bowstring in his hand was lightly loosened, and the pink light arrow flew out, without any regular force, because it was completely unnecessary.The pink light arrow crossed the sky and instantly penetrated the core of a Serpent-level demon.Accompanied by the shattering of the core, the fortress-level demon fell to the ground and turned into fly ash.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan pierced through the fortress-level demon with one arrow, the combat troops behind him started their own attacks not to be outdone.The first thing to show off is the Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection gun, with the sound of current and roar when the shells are fired.The divine power hurricane bomb exploded with great power on the body of the fortress-level demon.

After three years of research and improvement, the power of the Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection gun has also been greatly improved.One shot directly destroyed most of the body of the fortress-level demon, and there was no need to waste a second bullet after that.

Among the three mechas surrounding the Shiranui mecha, one is a sniper mecha specially used to make up the knife.The long-distance laser flashed past, and the core crystal nucleus of the fortress-level demon shattered.

The ground trembled for a while, and the earth-digging demons in the form of tortoises rose up from the ground. What greeted them was a head-on blow from a group of elite god-blessing warriors.This group of god-blessing warriors is an elite force composed of guardians of the city, teachers of the academy, and graduates of the school.

Facing the siege of the god-blessing level warriors, the earth-digging level demons were wiped out one by one.

After the god-blessing warriors made their moves, the college students following behind them also made their moves.These students, who had never experienced real combat, were a little scared at first, but as the battle continued, they quickly transformed into qualified fighters.

After experiencing the mopping up of warriors in divine costume and college students, the influx of demons continued to be suppressed by various superpowers.Wearing the second-generation IS mechs, human superpowers also showed extraordinary combat effectiveness.These superpowers performed much better than the students in the academy.

At present, most of the people who have developed superpowers are ordinary soldiers in the military. After completing the development of superpowers, they will undergo special training to operate the second-generation IS mechs specially developed for them.Therefore, in terms of combat literacy, these superpowers are probably much higher than the warriors in divine costumes.

I saw that amidst the tide of evil monsters, a blue IS mecha quickly waved the chopping knife in its hand to wipe out low-level demons at the level of soldiers and generals.His performance attracted the attention of the chariot-level demons mixed in the group of demons. The chariot-level demons turned their heads, aimed at the mech and rushed over.

Facing the charge of the chariot-level demon, this mech warrior had no intention of dodging, and went straight to meet the chariot-level demon.At the moment when the chariot level demon was about to collide with him, the body of the mech warrior suddenly became transparent and disappeared in place.

After the chariot-level demon passed through him, he reappeared in place, and with his backhand, the chopping knife in his hand pierced into the chariot-level demon's body from an awkward position behind.Ahhh, there was a strange roar, and the core of the chariot-level demon in the body was broken coincidentally, turning into fly ash.

When this penetrating ability user wiped out a chariot-level demon, a raging fire ignited on an IS mecha on the other side, and the flaming chopping knife rampaged through the crowd of demons, staring at everyone.

Of course, the super-powered mech unit is not just that.At a later stage, there were also mecha fighters who rushed into the wave of demonic beasts.I saw a mecha warrior with thin iron sheets all over his body, his eyes staring at the demon in front of him.

A demon was impacted by the mecha bullet, and its own core could not help emerging from its body.The mech warrior's eyes lit up, and the iron piece in his hand disappeared instantly, appearing in the core crystal nucleus of the demon, and the core crystal nucleus quietly shattered.This is a space mobility user.

The performance of these mecha fighters is very good, but they are not without damage in the face of the attacks of the demon beasts. From time to time, a few of them will be besieged by the demons and suffer severe injuries.

But every time a mecha warrior is seriously injured, a mecha warrior with super speed ability that moves so fast that human eyes can't keep up will appear, take the injured warrior back to the rear, and wait there for another A super warrior.

Following the white halo emitted from the superpower fighter in the rear, white light flashed on the wounded fighter, and the original injury disappeared instantly, and even the damage on the mecha was completely restored.This is a resilient person.

Compared with the uniformity and regularity of warriors in divine costumes.What superpowers have is a separate special ability.The abilities of the warriors in divine costumes are widely and varied, while those with superpowers are limited, but they are also more in-depth and specialized than warriors in divine costumes.

For example, the person with the recovery ability, if it is a magic warrior, is probably the time god's magic warrior. He has the ability to control time, but whether it is time suspension or time reversal, he needs to study and use it himself.

But this recovering ability user can't control time. Although she belongs to the ability of time, she can only make time go back to the fixed past.That is, restore to the previous state.

Perhaps the resiliency is not as broad and multi-faceted as the Time Raiment.However, the recovery ability is used quickly and consumes less, and the recovery as an auxiliary in this battle has a very important effect.

Soon, with the efforts of the god-clothed warriors and the super-powered mecha troops, the digging-level demons and chariot-level demons were all wiped out.Only the largest number of soldier-level demons and general-level demons remained in the tide of demonic beasts.At this time, the ordinary mech fighters in the rear also began to join in the battle, and the demons were quickly swept away.

"Everyone, rest on the spot for 5 minutes, and we will move on after 5 minutes." This time, the wave of demonic beasts was wiped out. This is the first time that human beings have wiped out all the swarms of demonic beasts, and none of them ran away.Glancing at many damaged mechs behind him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan gave the order to rest in place.

Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's order, many college students sat down on the ground.These students can be said to be on the battlefield for the first time.Most of the students from the last batch of fort-level demons who besieged the Central City have already graduated, but this batch is really fresh and tender.

It is usually not a good choice to let such rookies go directly to the battlefield, but this time can be said to be the best opportunity to let these rookies experience the feeling of war.At least this time, with Zhuang Xiaoyuan following and the protection of Headmaster Ellie sitting in the center, they will not die easily.

After giving the order to rest, Zhuang Xiaoyuan activated the function of the world card, and Huang Xiaoyan's sky eyes appeared on his forehead, looking into the distance.In the distance, there is a lot of smoke and dust, and more demons gather in that direction, which will be the next target to capture.

(End of this chapter)

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