Chapter 348 Return to the original starting point

Roar~ With a shrill roar, the last demon fell to the ground, and its body began to shatter into fly ash and melt into the air.Looking at the city wall that was close at hand not far away, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help showing a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Captain, all the demons have been wiped out. Please issue new instructions." A girl wearing a student uniform and carrying a long sword walked up to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, wiped off the dirt on her face, and reported energetically.

This is an adjutant temporarily assigned by Zhuang Xiaoyuan. In the past few days, this adjutant named Yue Yuele has performed very well. Not only does he have a good fighting power, but he also quickly overcomes the fear of going to the battlefield for the first time. , and even provided considerable help to the entire combat force.

It is also worth mentioning that the adjutant appointed by Zhuang Xiaoyuan was the first magic warrior to awaken superpowers.It was also her presence that made the researchers of the scientific research team believe that although the magic costume and superpowers are different systems, they can coexist safely.Although so far there is no second person besides her who has both abilities at the same time.

"Did you find any evil gods among the demons this time?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked with a calm face, looking away from the city wall that had been damaged for many years not far away, looking at Yue Yuele beside him.

"...No, all demons exist alone and have not found the commanding evil god." After a little silence, eyes flashed a bit blankly, as if his attention had been distracted for a moment, Yue Yuele replied in a positive tone.

The superpower she awakened was spiritual ability, spiritual link, which can link a limited number of people within a certain range. The moment of confusion just now was because she was asking several team leaders in her spiritual link.

"Huh, is that so, it looks like they must have some kind of conspiracy behind them." Frowning slightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan always felt uneasy about the disappearing evil god.I'm afraid they must be planning something, otherwise it would be impossible not to see the existence of an evil god for half a month.

"Forget it, let's pass through Fengcheng and continue heading south. Try to clear another area." Shaking his head, shaking off the trace of uneasiness in his heart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan gave Yue Yuele an order with a solemn face.

"Yes, Captain." With a standard salute, Yue Yuele began to contact the team leaders scattered in the team, conveying Zhuang Xiaoyuan's forward order.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's order was conveyed, the teams scattered around began to gather together, moving towards the city in front of them.Fengcheng, the city where Zhuang Xiaoyuan first lived, did not expect to have the opportunity to come here again after several years.

Huang Xiaoyan's sky eye was borrowed by Zhuang Xiaoyuan again, and while advancing towards Fengcheng, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sky eye sight had already turned to Fengcheng first.The dilapidated streets can still see the familiar appearance.

However, the once prosperous scene has completely disappeared, and this place has become a barren land with no human habitation.No one will exist anymore, and the only ones here will be those bone demons whose souls have been demonized and their bodies left behind.

However, just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw the once-familiar street turned into a dilapidated scene, he felt emotional.In the park square in the center of Maple City, a human figure gathered here, as if they were doing some secret things.

"Evil God?! I haven't seen any of them in half a month, but they all gathered here? This look looks familiar." The Celestial Eye, which has the characteristics of clairvoyance, swept away and saw the evil gods gathered in the center of the city.

"Captain, what's wrong?" Yue Yuele, who was walking beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan, noticed the change of expression on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face, and asked with a hint of doubt.Although she has the ability to link mentally, Yue Yuele doesn't know how to scan mentally, so she can't see what's going on inside Fengcheng.

The sky eyes on the top of his head narrowed slightly, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan found that the feet of the evil gods were actually covered with white bones, which were the resentful bones left over from the death of the bone demon.

Noticing that the arrangement of the bones actually formed a pattern like a fantasy formation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind flashed and remembered the picture he had seen before.

Isn't this pattern the one used by the demon king when he summoned the black mist in the world of gods and demons? It's just that the demon king used human blood, but these evil gods used the bones of bone demons.

But no matter what material is used, the effect of this pattern is unquestionable and cannot be done by them.Otherwise, the black mist demon who originally escaped into the gap between time and space due to the destruction of the world might escape from the gap earlier.

"Give me the order, and all the staff speed up. The target is the park square in the center of the city. Get ready for battle. I'll take a step first." With a serious face, he gave the order to attack and fight to Yue Yuele beside him. Kick off, jump up, and run towards the center of the city first.

Ignoring the team behind her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan moved towards the center of the city at his fastest speed, his hands shone with light as he advanced, the rose flower bow and the pink light arrow appeared on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands respectively.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan approached, the pattern of skeletons began to come into her eyes.When Zhuang Xiaoyuan could see the skeleton pattern, the evil gods surrounding the pattern also noticed Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was advancing rapidly.

"Kill her, don't let humans hinder us." Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's approach, the emperor-level evil god in the center of the skeleton pattern raised his eyes, exposing the bright red magic pattern on his forehead, and waved his right hand towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Obtaining his order, the evil gods around waved their black blades one after another, summoning chariot-level and earth-digging-level demons, charging towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan.There are actually no low-level evil gods gathered here, all of them are king-level evil gods, and there are many emperor-level evil gods.

While the evil gods were controlling the demons to rush over, the skeleton pattern under their feet began to emit a pale and gloomy light.The space began to distort a bit, and imperceptible space signals rippled around like ripples.

"I won't let you succeed, rule filling-fantasy master." With a hard kick on the ground, Zhuang Xiaoyuan jumped up, flipped 360 degrees in the air and jumped onto the back of a burrowing level demon, stepping on the ground. On the head of the emperor-level evil god on the back of the super-level evil spirit.

Boom, the power erupted, and the emperor-level evil god was directly kicked off his head by this kick.With the help of the reaction force of this foot, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already jumped above the head of the skull pattern.

The person turned sideways in the air, and the rose flower bow in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand pointed at the pattern of bones on the ground.The pink light flashed, with the rules of fantasy masters eliminating supernatural powers.The pink light arrow shot into the skeleton pattern arranged by the evil god.

Silently, the space signal that just emerged from the skeleton pattern disappeared silently in this arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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