Chapter 349 The Black Mist Begins
"How dare, how dare you destroy our good deeds. Give it to me. Kill her." The fruit of hard work was destroyed by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's random arrow. With an angry expression on his face, his eyes glistened with blood, and his powerful mental power burst out instantly, blasting towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Several emperor-level evil gods around him also made moves one after another.

"Rule filling - void explosion." The rule filling of the void magic in Zero's Familiar enters the light arrow in his hand.As soon as he let go, the pink arrow of light flew out, surpassed the spiritual power of the emperor-level evil gods, and shot towards their bodies. With a bang, the violent explosion echoed on the ground, and the gathered emperor-level evil gods all fell under the arrow. blown away.

Stepping on the air hard under his feet, twisting his waist and turning over again in the air, Zhuang Xiaoyuan avoided the spiritual bombardment of the emperor-level evil gods, and lightly landed in the skeleton pattern that had lost the space signal.

"Evil God?! Everyone, prepare to fight." At the same time as Zhuang Xiaoyuan landed, Yue Yuele finally arrived with a large army. Seeing the large group of evil gods surrounding Zhuang Xiaoyuan, she was slightly startled, and immediately delivered a battle order.

The divine bless-level warriors charged into the evil gods first, restraining the digging-level evil spirits and the emperor-level evil gods.The super-powered mecha fighters followed closely and began to sweep away the king-level evil gods.The other fighters either fired cold arrows or made up swords, and began to eliminate these evil gods.

When the troops brought out by Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to fight with the remaining evil gods, Zhuang Xiaoyuan did not join the doomed battle. He was not with the demons of the demonic beast tide, but only by a few summoned demons. Demons, these evil gods are impossible to defeat the fully armed humans at this time.

Clap, one foot stepped on the back of the imperial demon, and stepped back on him who was about to get up from the ground. Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked down at the imperial demon lying on the ground and asked, "It's over, can you answer honestly?" My question. What were you doing just now, were you summoning the black mist?"

"Hey hey hey, it's over? That's right, it's over, but you humans are the ones who are over. The eternal night is about to fall, and you can't stop it." The face of the emperor-level demon who was trampled on the ground The initial anger was gone, only deep resentment and pride remained.

"Hmph, whether it's night or night, you won't be able to see it anyway." The rose flower bow opened, and an arrow casually wiped out the emperor-level demon under her feet. With a serious expression on her face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned over the communication Tool: "Eternal night, it seems that this side is not the only one planning this kind of action."

"Principal, I have something to report. I found a gathering of evil gods here..." The communicator connected to Dean Ai Li at the Central City Command, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan reported the discovery here in detail, as well as his own understanding of the situation. Speculation about the evil god's ritual.

"Okay, I know what's going on with you. I'll notify the other groups of mopping up troops to look for it." Upon receiving Zhuang Xiaoyuan's report, Dean Ai Li said with a heavy tone that he had received it.

After that, the other end of the communication fell into silence.Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought this was the end of the communication and was about to hang up, Ellie's eager voice came from the other end: "Xiaoyuan, the situation is wrong, there are black monsters near Beiyuan City and Donghai City." Thick fog. It's too late, hurry up and end the battle over there and gather the team, I'm going to activate the recall."

"Tsk, it's a step late. Okay, I get it. Give me 5 minutes." Frowning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan hung up the phone and raised the rose bow in her hand.I really didn't expect that the victory of mankind only lasted for a few days, and then another unexpected change occurred.

The demons and evil gods who were sweeping away the remnants of this world were making final preparations for this battle against the black mist. Unexpectedly, before the preparations were finished, the black mist had already come out of the cracks in the space and began to invade the world.

With the rapid flickering of the pink light, the emperor-level evil gods were quickly wiped out. Feeling Zhuang Xiaoyuan's rapid attack, the fighting speed of the others also began to increase. After 3 minutes, all the evil gods were wiped out.

"Assemble everyone, the mission of eliminating demons is over, we are going back. Be prepared to face more dangerous battles. I hope to see all of you again in the future." After the battle, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sent all the fighters and transport People gathered.Activated the signal generating device in his hand.

As the signal of complete preparations was transmitted to the head of the school, a burst of space energy fluctuations began to ripple around Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, and the space was slightly distorted. In the next second, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others had returned to the central city from Fengcheng.

This kind of space teleportation is the safety insurance prepared by Headmaster Ellie for the suppression troops under the booster. If there is a dangerous situation, Headmaster Ellie can instantly call back the people from the suppression troops.However, this ability was not used because of the danger of the troops, but it was used because of the safety of the city.

After Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others' troops were recalled, the troops of Feng Xiaoxuan, Wen Hui, and Chu Miaomiao who went in several other directions were also called back one after another.Several people who hadn't seen each other for a few days met again, but they just nodded to each other, and there was no time to reminisce, because a dark fog had already appeared in the sky, spreading towards the central city.

The space on the open space beside him fluctuated again, and a figure emerged from it. Each of these people had injuries of varying severity.It was as if he had just been through an uphill battle.

"Ah~ kill, kill. Kill all human beings." Just as the figures in the space fluctuations appeared, a trace of black air suddenly began to emerge from someone in the group, and the skin on their bodies began to rapidly change towards black.

Pa, a thick and big hand grabbed the person who was starting to turn into a god of evil with black air all over his body, and smashed it hard on the ground.With the sound of explosion, the black air on this person's body gradually faded and dissipated into the air, but he had also lost his breath.

"You are... King Kong?! What's going on? This person is possessed by an evil god? And shouldn't you be in Beiyuan City? Could it be..." When the distortion of space gradually disappeared, the appearance of this group of people was also clearly presented in the in front of you.Noticing the appearance of the owner of the thick and big hand, Wen Hui asked with a speculative and unbelievable expression on her face.

The owner of that thick and big hand was Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others who were the steel god King Kong who ranked second in the special class before they entered school.After graduating, King Kong went to Beiyuan City to become the guardian there. They met once during the fusion level battle before.

"Beiyuan City...doesn't exist anymore." There was a trace of pain on his face, and King Kong's slightly dry voice came out of his mouth.

 Sorry everyone, this morning's update was two and a half hours late.All the work matters are finally dealt with. From next month, there should be three changes every day. I will work hard and continue to code the chapters for the evening and the manuscript for tomorrow.No manuscript saved, it’s so painful now~~
(End of this chapter)

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