Chapter 350 The Horror of the Black Fog Demon

Ten minutes ago, a few minutes earlier than when Zhuang Xiaoyuan reported to Dean Ellie.A group of suppression troops sent by Beiyuan City found a gathering point of evil gods in the north of Beiyuan City.

Facing the gathered evil gods, the fusion-level fighter who was the team leader decisively chose to attack.Facing the evil gods whose highest level is only the emperor-level evil gods, the human army led by the fusion level can be described as overwhelming.

However, just as humans began to fight against the evil god, the pattern formed by the bones of the bone demon began to emit fluctuations of space signals.Originally, if this kind of spatial fluctuation appeared, Dean Ellie should be able to feel it easily.

However, in order to take into account the safety of all the suppression troops, Headmaster Ellie's attention was inevitably distracted.Moreover, this kind of spatial fluctuation is very weak, which is a signal for the outside world, rather than affecting the space of this world.So Headmaster Ellie didn't notice the abnormality here.

The fusion-level fighters leading the team discovered this weird space signal, but because this signal did not have the slightest negative impact on humans.So although this fusion-level warrior was secretly vigilant, he only tentatively attacked the pattern on the ground.

However, the moment his tentative attack hit the bone pattern, the space above the bone pattern suddenly shattered with a crackling glass shattering sound, and a faint black mist leaked out from the shattered space.

"Black mist?!" I saw the broken space and faint traces of black mist flowing out of it.It wasn't until this time that this fusion-level fighter realized what consequences his own caution had caused.Headmaster Ellie has already passed the information to all fusion-level fighters about the demon in the form of black mist.

Just a few seconds after the fusion-level fighters were surprised by the appearance of the black mist demon, the original faint black mist began to thicken, and more black mist spewed out from it.

"Ah~" A shrill cry suddenly sounded, and several mecha fighters rushing over their heads were accidentally contaminated by the black mist that emerged from the cracks in space.The mechas on them dimmed in an instant, and the light flickering slightly due to the operation of divine power was completely extinguished.

After that, black began to spread on their skins, and in just a few seconds, their bodies were completely wrapped in black.The screams subsided, and the soldiers surrounded by black also lost their vitality.

However, in the next second, these polluted black fighters suddenly opened their eyes again.Bright red blood was shining in the pitch black, those eyes had lost their human colors, they had completely turned into the enemies of human beings, and they who were stained with black mist actually turned into evil gods directly.

"Kill, kill all human beings." Several soldiers deified by the black mist, their eyes gleaming with blood, jumped out of the mechs, and directly rushed towards the former fellow fighters who were closest to them.

"Ah~" The shrill scream sounded again, this time it was the scream of human beings who were suddenly attacked by these former comrades-in-arms before dying.Without any preparation at all, the comrades around him would suddenly turn into evil gods and attack him. In just a few seconds, several soldiers died in the hands of these evil gods who had just turned into evil gods.

More and more black mist poured out, and the range of the black mist began to gradually spread. More and more mecha fighters who rushed to the front were contaminated by these strange black mist.In the black mist, with the final scream, the former human warriors turned into dark evil gods.

"Damn it, domain, open." After only a few seconds of delay, dozens of fighters were killed and deified, which made the fusion-level fighters very angry.Facing the black mist that continued to spread, the fusion-level fighter opened his own domain.

The domain with the light of rules finally withstood the spread of the black mist, and the human fighters in the domain were also temporarily safe.But it doesn't end there.As the black mist came into contact with the fusion-level fighter's domain, the fusion-level fighter's complexion instantly turned ugly.

It's just that just after contact, one-tenth of the divine power in the body of the fusion-level fighter disappeared in an instant.He can't last long at this consumption rate.Gritting his teeth, he took a look at the increasingly turbulent black mist, and the fusion-level fighter issued a new order: "All members gather, we retreat, and return to Beiyuan City."

After giving the order to assemble and retreat, the fusion-level fighter activated the signal sending device in his hand, sending a distress signal to the Central City Command.At this time, it happened to be the time when Dean Ai Li received Zhuang Xiaoyuan's report.At this time, the black mist has invaded the world.

Accompanied by the fluctuations in the surrounding space, this Beiyuan City's suppression force was sent back to Beiyuan City by Dean Ellie. As soon as he returned to Beiyuan City, this fusion-level magic warrior reported to his superiors as quickly as possible. The appearance of black mist.

But he hadn't had time to finish the details of how the black mist appeared. The black mist that was only a small part in the north before had spread across the sky and spread towards Beiyuan City.

"Immediately order and arrange to retreat. Young children and mothers are given priority to use the teleportation array to leave. Soldiers under the age of 20 are arranged in the second echelon, and all warriors in divine costume and superpowers enter super-level alert." The sky was full of black fog, and King Kong, the captain of the guardian of Beiyuan City, immediately issued an order to retreat.

The erosion of the black mist will turn ordinary soldiers into evil gods, which is weakening the combat effectiveness of human beings and enhancing the combat effectiveness of evil gods.Faced with such a black fog, ordinary people staying here are not only useless, but even become the enemy's combat power.So they had to be arranged to leave.

According to the report of the fusion-level fighter who retreated, although the erosion of the black mist can instantly turn ordinary people into gods, the effect on divinely equipped fighters with divine power is not so obvious, and fighters who have awakened superpowers can also resist a little.Therefore, the only ones who can become combat power in front of the black mist are divine costumes and superpowers.

Soon, all human beings began to mobilize. Those who retreated and those who fought also appeared on the wall where the black mist came.Far away under the black mist, they rushed towards Beiyuan City with a large group of demons and gods.

"Start attacking, don't let these monsters come close." On the city wall, following King Kong's order, all kinds of divine power attacks and super long-range attacks began to hit the black mist in the sky and the evil spirits on the ground. .

Attacks of various colors and forms exploded on the black mist that filled the air, and the thick black mist was dispersed a lot, but in the next second more black mist surged over, as if endless, which made people feel Deep despair.

 Puff, half an hour late again -_-.Forgot to set upload time.Recently, I have become very forgetful. It is impossible for me to suffer from dementia at such a young age, right?

(End of this chapter)

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