Chapter 351 Pain in Just 5 Minutes
"It's coming, metal field, open." Under the attack of the divine costume and the superpowers, the black mist actually spread over at a very fast speed, even if part of it was scattered, more black mist swarmed in. Come.In the blink of an eye, the black mist had already appeared in front of his eyes. Facing the black mist eroding human beings, King Kong directly exploded into his own domain.Following the outbreak of King Kong, the other two fusion-level fighters belonging to Beiyuan City also successively opened up their own domains.

The bright metal-colored domain mixed with the other two's domains of various colors enveloped the entire city wall. The black mist permeated outside the domain and made a corroding sound, but finally did not continue to invade the domain.

"For now, ignore the black mist and kill the demons first." Supporting the metal field, King Kong gave the order to attack the demons.When the black mist eroded over, the demons and gods on the ground also approached.


"No, don't kill me."

"Ah~ don't, don't come here, I don't want to become a monster."

"Brother, what's wrong with you, brother? I'm Xiaomei, brother, ah~"

"Get out, get out of here, you are not my brother, you are a monster. Kill."

When the guardians resisted the invasion of demons on the city wall, loud voices, miserable pleas for help, and sad cries suddenly sounded from the city.A fist harder than metal smashed a demon climbing up the city wall. Hearing various voices from behind, King Kong looked back into the city.

The goal of entering is no longer the original peaceful city, the original order has been replaced by chaos, and blood is flowing on the ground.A person was eroded by the black mist and turned into a deity, and began to attack his compatriots and relatives around him.There are also humans who have not yet turned into evil gods to rise up against the monsters that have been completely blacked out.There was only fighting and howling in the city.

King Kong's domain blocked the erosion of the black mist, but the domain is limited in scope after all. His domain can cover the entire city wall, which is already a large area, but the black mist encountered obstacles in front of King Kong's domain. At that time, the spreading black mist crossed their domain directly from the sides and the sky and permeated into the city.

The chaos in the city made King Kong's eyes tear open, but he couldn't leave the city wall at this time, because there were countless demons and evil gods rushing over from outside the city.If they retreat at this time, the city gate will also fall. At that time, human beings will not only face the deification of their relatives, but also the attacks of demons from outside the city.

"Ah~ how come, why is this happening." In the field, a male god-level warrior in divine costume had just wiped out a demon with a single blow with the divine costume that appeared, and a faint black glow suddenly began to radiate from his body. fog.

Looking at the black mist that twisted around his body like a poisonous snake, his eyes were filled with unbelievable panic. The blackness began to spread from bottom to top, his skin gradually turned black, and the warrior in divine costume actually began to turn into a god of evil. .

"Xiaohui, why. It's obviously under the protection of the domain." A girl next to Xiaohui also noticed the change in him, and there was also a look of panic in her eyes, ignoring the evil spirits attacking outside the city wall to catch him. Xiaohui's body began to be filled with black mist.

"Nana, quick, kill me quickly. I don't want it, I don't want to become a monster. Kill me quickly." Hearing the girl's voice and seeing this Nana girl, the fear in Xiaohui's eyes was replaced by the flickering persistence. replaced by pain.No, I can't become a monster, especially in front of Nana, even if I die, I don't want to become a monster.

"Kill you? No, there must be a way, and you can definitely recover." Crystal tears burst out of Nana's eyes. Nana hugged Xiaohui, knowing that it was irreversible, but Nana Na still said self-deceiving words, facing her boyfriend's deification, she couldn't do anything.

"Quick, hurry up. I don't want you to see my ugly appearance. Aww~" A line of blood and tears flowed from the corners of Xiaohui's eyes, making the last human cry, and the blackness had already filled Xiaohui's whole body.

"Xiaohui, Xiaohui, why do we have to be treated like this, and why were we born in such a world." Even though Xiaohui has been completely turned into a god of evil, Nana still hugs him tightly and won't let go, letting the surroundings The comrades who originally wanted to do it were unable to do so.

Puff, a pitch-black arm covered with warm blood protruded from behind Nana.Xiaohui, who has been completely deified, doesn't have the pained look before, only the evil smile of destruction on his face.

"Ahem, Xiaohui. Obviously we did nothing wrong, but we still have to suffer such pain. Sure enough, we should not have been born in such a world." With deep sadness in his eyes, blood flowed from his mouth gushes out.With the last cry full of despair, Nana, who was holding Xiao Hui, kicked her feet, and the two of them fell out of the city wall together and fell towards the outside.

"Xiaohui, we are still together in the end." The soft whisper drifted away with the wind.The remaining divine power in Nana's body at the Divine Blessing level has been condensed to the limit.A crackling sound came from within her body.Her divine armament was full of cracks due to the forced condensation of divine power.

Boom, the moment he fell into the pile of demons outside the city.The divine armament in Nana's body exploded completely, and the divine power condensed to the limit burst out.The radiance of divine power spread outside the city, sweeping away a large area of ​​demons in an instant, and blasted a hole in the black mist.

But as the brilliance of divine power gradually extinguished, the black mist re-condensed, and the demons behind filled the gap in front again, as if the divine power explosion just now had never existed.

Similar scenes are staged again and again in this city that is about to be destroyed, perhaps not as tragic as Xiaohui and Nana.Maybe it's not as good as they took away a piece of demons at the end.But the same pain, the same pain, everyone is going through.

However, no matter how painful and sad.The black mist is still eroding human life.More and more human beings are deified, and more and more human beings fall down and sleep forever.On the city wall, even if there is a fusion-level domain guardian, as the domain gradually weakens, there will be more and more god-like fighters who have turned into gods.

In the end, even with the efforts of all human beings, Beiyuan City only lasted for a short 5 minutes, barely allowing a small number of children and mothers to evacuate first.When the warriors in costumes on the city wall resisted to the end, all the humans in the city had turned into evil gods, leaving only King Kong and the warriors in costumes who were still doing the final resistance.But their numbers are also dwindling.

In the end, Headmaster Ellie, who consumed most of her divine power, finally broke through the blockade of the black mist, and only had time to bring King Kong and the others back. The only thing left in place was the city that had been completely occupied by evil gods and demons. If it wasn't for Headmaster Ellie In the end, they were successfully recalled. I am afraid they will eventually become part of those evil gods.

(End of this chapter)

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