Chapter 352 The Last and Only Way

"..." Hearing King Kong's narration, all the surrounding soldiers fell into silence. Many people had heard of the existence of the black mist before, but they never thought that the black mist could be so terrifying.It took only 5 minutes to completely wipe out the entire human city.

A faint breath of despair floated in the crowd. Facing such a black mist demon, no one could remain indifferent. Many pessimistic people had no hope of survival in their hearts, and all that was left was despair.

This hopeless atmosphere is the enemy of human beings, because the negative emotions of human beings will strengthen the ability of demons.Originally, the grief caused by the loss of relatives had once strengthened the black mist. Compared with the world of elves, the speed of condensation and erosion of these black mist has become more terrifying.

If these human fighters are allowed to continue to despair, I am afraid that even the hope that may have existed will be diluted by these despairs, and in the end, human beings will also be unable to escape the fate of extinction.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, Xiaohui, Xiaomiao. How are you preparing?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned, noticing the despair that began to permeate the surroundings, and all the serious expressions on his face were restrained, showing a relaxed smile to his side asked the three girls.

"Oh, I'm fine now. It's up to Xiaohui and Xiaomiao." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expression and hearing her words, Feng Xiaoxuan instantly understood what she meant.With a gentle smile on his face, he deliberately increased his voice, answering in a voice that most people around could hear.

"Hmph, who do you think I am. I got it right the first time." I didn't fully understand what Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Feng Xiaoxuan meant, but upon hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Wen Hui put her arms around her chest and showed her usual arrogant expression.

"Well, no problem. I mastered it one-tenth of a second earlier than Stupid Hui." Nodding, Chu Miaomiao's steady voice followed the words of the three people.

"Wow, why is it earlier than me? I'm obviously faster, but I mastered it a second earlier than you." Chu Miaomiao's usual steady provocative voice aroused Wen Hui's competitive spirit.Stretching out a finger and shaking it, he emphasized his tone for a second.

"Then I'm one minute ahead of you." Chu Miaomiao replied simply and directly in a flat voice.

"No, I'm 10 minutes earlier than you." Wen Hui retorted.

"An hour earlier."

"One day earlier."

"Ten days early."

All of a sudden, Zhuang Xiaoyuan started a topic that wanted to make the people around him recover from the breath of despair.But because of the quarrel between Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, it went further and further in a weird direction.However, the original purpose was achieved very well, and the atmosphere of despair around was instantly swept away by the bickering between the two.

"Okay, that's the end of the fun. The black mist is here." When the bickering between Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao finally calmed down the despair in the crowd, the black mist in the sky was quickly approaching.Noticing the movement of the black mist, Feng Xiaoxuan interrupted the quarrel between Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao.

"It doesn't matter who mastered it first, since we have already mastered how to use it, let's try the effect. Once, in other worlds. Its activated power eliminated all demons in an instant." Face All the expressions on the face were restrained, revealing a serious look.Zhuang Xiaoyuan watched the three girls around him raised his right hand.

"Okay, at this time, we can only rely on it now." Although she habitually bickered with Chu Miaomiao, Wen Hui's heart was not as relaxed as it appeared on the surface.It's not just her, whether it's Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Feng Xiaoxuan, or Chu Miaomiao.In fact, the three girls all had serious emotions in their hearts.

The black mist demon is an existence that destroyed a world, and it is a demon that is completely different from previous demons.Although there have been several contacts, Zhuang Xiaoyuan even wiped out the clone of the black mist with the help of Anna from the world of gods and demons.But the real black mist is completely different from those clones whose roots have been cut off.

In fact, the attack power of the black mist is not strong, and a simple attack cannot even break through the fusion-level domain.The defense is also very poor, and the black mist can be dispersed even if the gods are downgraded.But what is terrifying about the black mist is not its attack power or defense power, nor even its combat ability.

The most frightening thing about black mist is its erosive power and endless regeneration ability.The black mist can transform most of the living beings into its own forces. Animals without wisdom become demons, and primates with wisdom become evil gods.

The black mist also has a body that cannot be completely destroyed by any attack. So far, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others don't know if the black mist has its own core, because they can't even temporarily disperse all the black mist and see its inside. arrive.

But now, the most terrifying enemy has finally come to the world where the girls live.Faced with such a terrifying black mist, no one could resist it. Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was clearly in deer-eyed circle state, had advanced to the true god level, but he was still powerless in the face of the black mist.

Even Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who has advanced to the true god level, is still unable to use world creation and rule changing abilities.Whether it is Suzumiya Haruhi's ability to make dreams come true, or Eucliwood's ability to speak and speak, I am afraid that there are higher levels above the true god level.

When personal abilities are unable to fight against the black mist, human beings will think of using props and the power of mutual solidarity.And the only way Zhuang Xiaoyuan could think of to deal with the black mist was the world crystal of the main world.

In the words revealed by the evil god Loki, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has confirmed that the spade crystal on her body is a part of the main world crystal. In contrast, Feng Xiaoxuan's yellow square crystal, Wen Hui's green grass flower crystal, and Chu Miaomiao's red love crystal are also Part of the world crystal.

At that time, the lucky four-leaf clover that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui saw by chance should be the real world crystal of this world.It's just that I don't know why it was suddenly divided into four shares and held by four people.Perhaps, this is because the world crystal instinctively felt the threat of the world, and was avoiding being found by the evil god.

Raising the spade crystal in his hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still kept his eyes on the three girls beside him, and slowly spread his palm.The three girls around him also made the same action, and the four crystals formed from the four leaves of the four-leaf clover reunited together again.

"Let's start." Nodding to the three people around him, the divine power in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body began to surge, and under the control and fusion of spiritual power, it poured into the spade crystal in his palm.Feng Xiaoxuan, Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao beside them also made the same action.

As the three people's respective divine power and spiritual power converged and poured into the various crystals in their hands.The four colors of black, red, yellow and green erupted at the same time, covering up all the colors in the world in an instant, leaving only these four colors emanating from the crystal in front of everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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