Chapter 353 Clover's World Crystal
The four crystals of different shapes emitted four different colors. In the dazzling light of the four colors, the four crystals slowly floated from the hands of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's four and began to converge towards the center.

When four crystals of different shapes and colors are bonded together, a more dazzling light bursts out from them. It is no longer the previous four colors, but seems to be nothingness, as if nothing exists, but it can make people feel The color that feels the presence of color.

It is impossible to describe that color, it seems to be transparent without any color, and it seems to be chaos containing all colors.In this indescribable color, the four crystals finally merged together, and a crystal clear four-leaf clover slowly floated in the center of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

With the appearance of the four-leaf clover, that wonderful color began to spread to the surroundings, and instantly enveloped the entire central city.The wonderful color seemed to sense Zhuang Xiaoyuan's desire to protect, and gradually formed a semi-circular protective circle, firmly protecting the central city.

The black mist finally descended, not only to the south but also to the east. When Beiyuan City was destroyed by the black mist, the East China Sea City located to the east of the Central City was also destroyed by the black mist. No one in the East China Sea City even had time to escape. All disappeared into the black mist.

The black mist that quickly diffused over quickly came into contact with the protective ring of this wonderful color, puff puff puff, as if a few drops of clear water were dripping into hot oil and there was an explosion sound.In an instant, the black mist enveloped the entire central city, but facing the protective circle of the four-leaf clover, the black mist was completely blocked from the outside and could not approach.

"Did we succeed?" Looking at the black mist that was blocked from the wonderful color, Wen Hui's eyes showed a gleam of joy.

"It should be safe for the time being." With a trace of hesitation in her eyes, Feng Xiaoxuan looked at the wonderful colors around the central city that completely blocked the black fog, and frowned slightly with a hint of uncertainty in her tone.

"This is only a solution to the symptoms but not the root cause. Our side is temporarily blocking it, but there are still four cities in the south of the Yangtze River, Xishu, Tianji and Diyan. If the black mist goes there..." Also looking at the strangeness of blocking the black mist around Zhuang Xiaoyuan also frowned.

Unexpectedly, after the fusion of the four-leaf clover's world crystal, it only created such an isolated shield, and it did not wipe out all the demons in an instant as I imagined.

"Ah~ what is this, don't, don't."

"I'm going to be a monster, I'm going to be a monster. Don't."

"Ah~ help, someone help me."

"Dad, no, I don't want you to become a monster."

Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others felt a little relieved by the protective cover made of four-leaf clover crystal, and began to think about how to deal with the black mist demon outside, the city suddenly started to be noisy.

Panic began to spread. Amidst the terrified shouts and calls for help, a faint black mist began to appear on the bodies of many ordinary people one after another.With the appearance of the black mist, traces of black also began to slowly spread on them.

"What's going on? Why is this happening? Isn't the world crystal already protecting us?" Seeing the civilians around who were gradually becoming evil gods.Feng Xiaoxuan couldn't maintain her usual calm and gentle face, showing a trace of panic.

"Damn it, is the crystal's ability invalid?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised his head to look at the four-leaf clover crystal with a trace of anxiety in his eyes. At this time, the four-leaf clover was still emitting a wonderful light.

"It didn't fail. Their speed of deification is very slow. But after all, they still haven't completely resisted it." Chu Miaomiao's steady voice came, but at this time her voice was steady but much shorter than usual. I'm afraid it's not peaceful, but she, who has been paying attention to the demonization of civilians, was the first to notice this change.

"So, is it because the World Crystal's ability is not enough to completely resist the erosion of the black mist? What to do, we have no other way." Frowning tightly together, Wen Hui bit her lower lip to show her resignation expression.

"Why can't the world crystal resist the invasion of the black mist? It's obviously the world crystal of the main world, so it can't be worse than the trial world. Why is this?" Frowning tightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan bit her nails. Thinking frantically, but I just can't think of a reason or a solution.

"Because you haven't fully aroused the true power of the world crystal." A clear and familiar voice suddenly came from behind.Zhuang Xiaoyuan jumped up in shock.

Turning around and looking behind her, she saw a girl with long straight black hair, purple eyes, fair skin, a black headband, and black and white clothing. The image of this girl was reflected in the The eyes surprised Zhuang Xiaoyuan even more: "Xiao Meiyan?!"

"Long time no see, Xiaohui, it's the first time we've met Xiaomiao, sister Xiaoxuan." With a slight smile on her face, Zhuang Xiaoyan, who suddenly appeared behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, bowed her knees and greeted Feng Xiaoxuan and the three of them. Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, he said, "You finally got your original appearance, Xiaoyuan."

"Are you Zhuang Xiaoyan?! Wait, you said the original appearance, the appearance of Lumuyuan? This is my original appearance? I can't be the reincarnation of Lumuyuan or something." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyan talking to herself Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attention was instantly diverted to her words.

"Well, if you want to think so, it's okay. The birth of the magical girl Madoka world itself is because our existence is reflected in a certain world." The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, Zhuang Xiaoyan seems very satisfied, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is surprised at this time eyes, nodded and answered directly.

"Our existence reflects the world... Who are we and what am I?" Frowning slightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked down at herself, then looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyan and asked seriously.

"Xiaoyuan, what are you talking about? What is something, who's? Isn't Xiaoyuan just Xiaoyuan?" Hearing the conversation between Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Zhuang Xiaoyan, for some reason, Wen Hui and the others felt that there was a relationship between Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Zhuang Xiaoyuan. The distance was pulled away all of a sudden, as if Zhuang Xiaoyuan was about to leave them, Wen Hui reached out and grabbed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sleeve worriedly.

"Hehe, I can't tell you more. If you don't think of it yourself, it's meaningless. It's only two steps away. I believe that my goal will be achieved soon." Shaking his head with a smile, Zhuang Xiaoyan refused to answer Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question.

"Okay, do I need to find the answer by myself again? Let's put this aside for now. You just said that we have not stimulated the real power of the world crystal, so how can we fully stimulate her power?" With more and more mysteries left behind in his mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face returned to its original seriousness, staring at Zhuang Xiaoyan and asking.

During the time when several people were talking with each other, the city had begun to become more and more chaotic, and many people with weaker physiques had completely turned into evil gods.There are also many people who stopped breathing before they were completely deified in the pleas to their relatives and friends, and were sent to eternal sleep by their relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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