Chapter 354 Gaining the Black Mist of Consciousness

Just as Eve, Anna, and Lanny were cooperating to kill the charging demon, a strange shadow quickly moved across the ground. In order to fight the demon, Anna and the others were already very close to the edge of the protective shield.

A strange shadow clings to the shadow of a chariot-level demon, and starts to approach Anna and the others.The unintelligent chariot-level demon still charged in the face of the impenetrable four-leaf clover shield.

There was absolutely no need for Anna and the others to do anything. When the chariot-level demon hit the protective cover, it was directly blasted into pieces by the energy rebounded by the protective cover, and the core crystal nucleus in the body did not even remain.

However, at the moment when the chariot-level demon was smashed to pieces by hitting the four-leaf clover shield, a person suddenly appeared from the shadow hidden in the shadow of the chariot-level demon, and it was the evil god Loki.As soon as the evil god Loki appeared, a lavender regular light shone in his eyes and looked at the three of Anna: "Charming."

The eyes of the enchanting rules that contained coloring and lust instantly enveloped the three of Anna. As saints in the world of gods and demons, this kind of charm cannot completely control them, but it is enough to make their bodies dull for a moment .

"Forbidden God." The next second that the rules of charm made Anna and the three of them stiff for a moment, the evil god Loki stretched out his hands to grab them.The rules of the god-forbidden general of the lazy god appeared on his hands, allowing the hands of the evil god Loki to temporarily penetrate the protective cover of the four-leaf clover.

Loki's outstretched hands grabbed Anna's neck with one hand, and grabbed the golden shield in Anna's hand with the other. Loki felt the breath of the world crystal from Anna.This is Loki's real goal. No matter which world's crystal it is, as long as he captures the crystal, he can get that world.

Just when the hands of the evil god Loki were about to catch his target, the golden shield in Anna's hand suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light. As the light flickered, Anna's originally sluggish spirit instantly recovered.

Raising the golden shield in his hand high, dodging Loki's outstretched right hand, a bright golden light burst out suddenly, and at the same time, dragon horns, dragon tail and dragon scales began to emerge from Anna's body. Facing the sudden attack of the evil god Loki, Anna felt a strong sense of shock. The crisis directly activated the power of blood in the body: "Dragon Heart Sacred Shield."

In the bright golden light erupting from the shining golden shield, the hands of the evil god Loki couldn't help being attracted by the smooth top surface of Anna's shining golden shield.The hands that were originally grabbing the throat and the edge of the shield directly bombarded Yaojin Shield.At the same time, chains of golden light shot out from the shining gold shield and bound directly to the body of the evil god Loki.

"Rule filling-gravity dizziness. I have been waiting for you for a long time, Evil God Loki." A pink light arrow flew from the side, catching the moment when Evil God Loki was restrained, the light arrow pierced the sky and shot towards Evil God Loki's body. heart.

"Oppression." The arrogant god directly applied the rules to himself, and the golden light chains bound by the evil god Loki dimmed for a moment.Pushing hard with both hands, the hands that did not disappear from the rules of forbidden gods directly broke free from Anna's golden beam restraint, but it was too late to dodge Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack, so he could only forcefully open his vitals.

Boom, the pink light arrow missed the heart, but hit the shoulder of the evil god Loki.The law of gravity contained in the lightsaber exploded instantly.The strong gravity acts directly on the evil god Loki.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan's pink light arrow evil god Loki has long been aware of the various rule abilities, and it is completely impossible to predict which kind of ability it contains.But at this time, the ability of this light arrow still caught the evil god Loki a little by surprise.

The sudden force of gravity made him have no time to react and was directly pressed to the ground.The second after he fell to the ground, Eve and Lanny broke free from the charm rules and attacked him at the same time.

At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shot a new arrow of rules again.This time the arrow of rules contains a strong rule of collapse.Arrow of rules that contains the theme of the Houkai theme in the world of seven magicians, Kasuga Saint's Wrath library.

All the attacks were accurately bombarded on the evil god Loki, and the violent regular energy even caused the four-leaf clover shield that was already close to the periphery to vibrate quite a bit.When the smoke from the explosion gradually dissipated, the evil god Loki had disappeared in place.

"Did it work?" Looking at the left hand and right leg left on the ground, Eve asked with uncertainty on her face. Could it be that their attack directly blasted the evil god Loki to nothing but this one? two things?
"He ran away." Two arrows of light pierced through the remaining hands and feet of the evil god Loki, and within the rules contained in the arrows of light, the hands and feet quietly disappeared.Zhuang Xiaoyuan came to Anna and the other three, and looked out of the protective cover while answering Eve's question.

"Damn warrior in divine costume, you actually caused me such serious injuries." Outside the protective shield, in the shadow creeping, the mutilated body of the evil god Loki slowly emerged. Evil and awe-inspiring look.

"The evil god Loki, I must destroy you here today." Looking at the evil god Loki outside the protective shield with a serious face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan drew his long rose bow again.

"Hehehe, hahaha, I will not be wiped out by you so easily. It is you who should be wiped out. You actually forced me to use this trick before I was fully mature, but it doesn't matter, even if I am immature Form, no one can stop me in this world that has no rationale anymore. Come on, dark coherence."

Laughing crazily, the evil god Loki showed a sinister expression on his face.As he shouted loudly, the black mist that had been trying to erode the four-leaf clover shield in the sky stopped abruptly as if time stood still.Afterwards, all the black mist began to surge crazily, forming a huge funnel that converged towards the evil god Loki and began to inject into his body.

"Pitch-black attunement?!" Hearing the words of the evil god Loki shouted, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind came up with the image of the female evil goddess and the earth-digging level demon fused into a more powerful monster when he was in Fengcheng.Absolutely can't let him go on smoothly: "Rule filling-fantasy master."

The pink arrow of light pierced the sky and shot at the evil god Loki with the rules of the imaginary master's ineffective ability, but the light arrow stopped abruptly at a distance of three meters away from the evil god Loki.

A black smog barrier blocked the arrow of light containing the rules of the fantasy master, and with the explosion of the rule of the fantasy master, the light arrow and the barrier disappeared at the same time.And at this moment, the black mist that filled the sky had all been poured into the body of the evil god Loki.

"Hahaha, howl, welcome despair. Human beings." Slowly raising his head, the face of the evil god Loki, who was originally exactly the same as a human being, could no longer see its original appearance. At this moment, it looked like a piece of black mist face shape.There was also a thick black mist around him.

A frenzied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the body of the evil god Loki suddenly began to swell, reincarnating into a huge black mist filling the sky.It's just that this time the black mist is no longer like a naturally formed smoke, this time the black mist can see the face and hands of the human form.The human-shaped black mist, with a crazy smile, rushed towards the four-leaf clover's protective shield.

(End of this chapter)

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