Chapter 355 Undying Hope in Despair
Boom, the four-leaf clover's shield vibrated violently.Different from the original unconscious black mist, the black mist exerted a stronger power after merging with the evil god Loki, and every trace of the black mist exuded a strong aura of rules, which was stronger than the domain rules owned by demons. rule ability.

"Hahahaha, no one can stop me." Crazy laughter came from the black mist, and with the attack of the humanoid black mist, the trembling of the protective shield formed by the four-leaf clover crystal became more and more severe.At the same time, the evil deification that had stopped in the city started again, and human cries for help and wailing sounded in every corner of the central city.

"Rule filling - nothingness explosion."

"Rule Fill - Crown Light."

"Rule Filling - Apollo."

A series of pink light arrows containing rules were shot from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand towards the evil god Loki.But all the attacks were in vain.Even if he could break his body temporarily and defeat his attack, the next second, the body that had been defeated would recover as before, as if it was just a useless effort in the last desperate struggle.

Friends from other worlds also tried various attacks, but all of them failed. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't cause any damage to the black atomized Loki.

"Could it be that there is really no other way?" Looking at the Black Mist Loki who would recover quickly no matter how he attacked.A trace of frustration began to show in Eve's eyes.

"Why, it was so hard to meet Xiaoyuan again." Biting her lower lip tightly, Zhuang Xiaosi, who was originally very indifferent, had already learned what emotion is, and felt her heart tighten.There was also deep resentment in her eyes.

"Is this world going to be destroyed like Mayfair's? It's hard to find a new home." With a disappointed expression on her face, Mayfair also lost her original lively and cheerful smile.

"It's all because of my weakness, if I can be stronger." Frowning tightly, Momotaro also showed a remorseful expression on his face.

The friends summoned by Zhuang Xiaoyuan through the world crystal, some of them have been in contact with the world crystal, and some of them are the children of the plane chosen by the world crystal. They all know the current crisis situation.

If the main world falls, it will be their turn next.Lost the ability of the main world to connect to the world.It is impossible for everyone to work together and work together to resist demons like now.If even the current state can't resist the attack of demons, then how can the only world left to resist it.

For a moment, everyone fell into silence.A faint breath of despair began to emerge.The hope in everyone's hearts began to be eroded by this despair.When the light of hope completely disappears, I am afraid it will be the end of this world.

"Rule Filling - Miracle Royal Flush." ​​The ability from the combined nirvana of the heartbeating Precure was attached to the pink light arrow and was shot at the black mist demon by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.A powerful miracle rule erupted, blowing away a large swath of black mist in an instant.But in the next second, the empty area was filled with black mist again.

"I won't give up. Maybe it's just a dying struggle, maybe it's just futile work, maybe the destruction of the world is irreparable in the end. But at least I won't give up hope. I will fight until the last second."

After one arrow was shot, Zhuang Xiaoyuan hitched a new arrow again.There is a firmness in my eyes that I have never seen before. Even if I am facing the despair that is doomed to destruction, I will still have hope in my heart.

Maybe the hope is very small, but when everyone's small hopes are gathered together, maybe a miracle can be born to overcome despair.Even if there is no miracle in the end, with hope in my heart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can face the final outcome calmly. I have worked hard.

The surrounding four-leaf clover shield trembled more and more violently, accompanied by the bombardment of the black mist demon.A trace of cracks visible to the naked eye appeared on the protective cover, and more and more cracks began to spread throughout the entire protective cover.

Kala, snapping, crisp breaking sound sounded.The four-leaf clover's protective cover finally failed to withstand the attack of Black Mist Loki, and it burst open.Thick black fog descended from the sky, frantically pouring into the central city.More and more people are becoming deified.

"That's right, maybe we are facing an abyss of despair, and we can't see the slightest hope, but ask ourselves, isn't hope in our own hearts." The dazzling pure white holy light was ignited again.Feng Xiaoxuan stood up with strong fighting spirit in her eyes.

"I will fight with Xiaoyuan until the last second." He walked quietly to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side, and with a short sentence, he expressed all of Chu Miaomiao's will.

"Oh, I really convinced you. It's embarrassing for me to be able to say such a second grade at this time. But Madoka is still Madoka. No matter what you plan to do, I will accompany you Yes." With an unburdened smile on her face, Wen Hui also walked to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side and raised the elemental spear in her hand.

"Xiaoyuan taught me what is affection. But I still don't understand what is this warm feeling in my heart that seems to be full of power. But, I think, I must stand by your side." Gently palm Sticking it to his heart, Zhuang Xiaosi stepped out with confusion and warmth on his face.

"I'm really ashamed, I haven't practiced enough. I'm actually shaken because of this kind of thing. It seems that after I go back, I have to follow the teachings of the omniscient magic mirror and continue to practice." Touching the shrinking omniscient magic mirror in his arms , Momotaro showed a firm expression on his face.

"Evil defeats justice time and time again, and the world is full of devastation and pain, but no matter how long evil rages, it will eventually be defeated by justice again." With a pure smile on his face, Lin Kexin is still the purest , A magical girl of love and justice.

"My friend, I am very satisfied to see this kind of will on your face who did not understand emotions. Let me fight with you to the last moment." He waved the Yaojin Shield in his hand.Anna's face was mixed with relief and determination.The human Anna and the dragon god Anna have completely merged into one person.

"In order to protect the new homeland, Mayfair will also work hard." The little elf stood on Wen Hui's shoulders, waving her hands vigorously.

"Don't give up hope, such a firm emotion, it seems that you have really succeeded, Flame of the Outer Ring. Maybe a miracle will really happen this time. If that's the case, I will help her." See Looking at the girls surrounding Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Yan Moai's plain face showed a slight smile that melted ice and snow.

"Ah, it's the last two steps, and it's still two steps away. If you take it, it will be considered a real success." Standing beside Yan Mo'ai, Zhuang Xiaoyan gently stroked the hourglass shield on her left hand.

"Look, the miracle has begun..."

(End of this chapter)

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