Chapter 356 The Incomplete Crystal Throne

"Come on, Loki. No matter how desperate you are, no matter how strong you are now. I will fight until the last second." Raising the rose bow in his hand, facing the broken four-leaf clover shield Loki, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shouted out her will.When she uttered this cry, a faint black crystal light emanated from her body.

"Fight until the last second." The friends surrounding Zhuang Xiaoyuan shouted their will in unison.

The light began to spread as if responding to their will.The faint black light from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body shone on Wen Hui, Chu Miaomiao and Feng Xiaoxuan who were closest to her.

Green, red, and yellow lights began to emanate from them.Afterwards, Zhuang Xiaosi in the outer circle exuded white light, Momotaro and Cucurbita emanated seven-color fairy light, Lin Kexin exuded red light different from Chu Miaomiao, Feier's green light, Anna's three The golden light, and finally the deep black light on Yan Moai's body.

The light, starting from black, lights up the different colors of light on everyone around.Then return to the black light on Yan Moai's body.At first, these rays of light were faint, and the few people who were determined to stare at the black mist Loki head-on didn't notice the rays of light on their bodies.

But when the black mist Loki got closer, the light on several people became more and more intense.The surrounding world seems to be dyed by these colorful rays of light, and the only things that can be seen are the various lights around you and the black mist that rushes over your head.

When the light on several people shone to the extreme, streamers of various colors began to appear in the void.Like a meteor coming from the void.Meteors penetrated the void and descended on this world.

When the brilliance of several people began to dim after the extreme brilliance, those meteors of various colors finally showed their true posture.Those were crystals of different colors, and each crystal was something that Zhuang Xiaoyuan had seen before.

The pure white world crystal in the white mechanical world, the red world crystal in the magical girl world, and the black world crystal in the Yan Mo hell world, when the three crystals reveal their true appearance.

The omniscient magic mirror on Momotaro's body emits seven-color light, and the seven-color world crystals in the fairy tale world slowly emerge close to the world crystals in other worlds.After that, a golden world crystal belonging to the world of gods and demons slowly emerged from the shining golden shield in Anna's hand, and it also approached the crystal in the sky.

Five different colors of white, red, black, colorful, and gold began to shine in this world. Under the illumination of the five colors, a faint crystal light powder floated from a certain direction in the central city. Fei, who was standing on Wen Hui's shoulder, A trace of green light powder floated from his body.

The floating light powder revolved slowly around the world crystal, and finally condensed and condensed again between them to form a green world crystal, crystal clear, pure green crystal that was not polluted by darkness.

Adding green to five colors makes six.After that, the four-leaf clover crystal surrounded by six world crystals also began to exude its own unique and strange color.All the colors began to merge and change, and the crystals in the sky also began to approach and merge with each other.Chaotic light erupted from it.

As if he had received a heavy blow, Loki's body began to fade the moment the black mist came into contact with the light of the crystal.He was so frightened that he dodged far away and left the area where the crystal light was most concentrated.

In the diffuse light, it seems that a century has passed, and it seems that a moment has passed.All the crystals are finally fused together.When the fused crystal revealed its true form, everyone who saw it showed a look of surprise.

After the crystal fusion, it turned out to be a pure and transparent throne.Indescribable translucent colors circulate in the throne.It's just that this throne is incomplete, and there are quite a few incomplete areas. There is a sense of regret here and there.

But even this incomplete throne makes people sigh, it is so beautiful that people can't imagine words of praise to describe this throne.It seems to be the creation of the sky and the earth, born and raised by nature, like a throne that was born from the beginning of the sky.

When the crystal throne appeared, the dazzling light gradually shrank and concentrated.All the originally scattered rays of light converged into a chaotic light containing all rays of light.

Just when all humans and evil gods were amazed at the magnificence of the throne.This chaotic light containing all colors suddenly shone down, very accurately shining on Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the crowd.

The moment the light enveloped her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan only felt her eyes light up, all the world cards in her body emitted their own light, and the light merged into the same chaotic light, after which she lost all consciousness.

In the splendid starry sky palace, on a crystal clear and unique crystal throne, a girl with long pink hair, a pure white headband, and a pure white dress sat there quietly, as if An existence that was born before the ancient times.

She just sat there so quietly, without movement, without expression, without the slightest change.Stare ahead with the eyes that seem to contain all the colors in the world, quietly watching the evolution of the world through the void.

Time goes by day by day, year after year, round after round, the girl has been sitting there, her existence maintains the balance of the world.The world has also evolved over time.

There was nothing in the first world, only a single world, and then animals, plants, and primates were gradually born.In the first world, life called gods and demons were born.

These long-lived gods and demons all know the existence of the young girl, Eternal, but their innate awe prevents them from ever visiting this starry sky palace.

Time continues to pass, and these gods and demons are the oldest and earliest generation of gods and demons.They have their own wills, argue with each other, and discuss with each other. They are also the first beings to have such things as feelings.

Time is a boring thing, girls do not know the passage of time.But the gods and demons felt the boredom of time, and one of the boring gods and demons suddenly started to create a world in a whimsical way, so the second world was born.

Inspired by this god and demon, the boring gods and demons started to work one after another, and worlds were created one by one, and various races began to be born in the world, such as dragons, new gods, new demons, elves, Orcs, machines, humans and so on.

More and more intelligent beings appeared, and they also developed various emotions just like the earliest gods and demons.The energy of this emotion is so powerful that it even begins to affect the operation of this world.But the eternal girl can't understand this strange thing, because she doesn't know what emotion is.

As a result, feelings accumulate more and more, and various emotions that cannot be dredged accumulate in the center of the world.Time is still passing, and gods and demons are still creating the world.As the world grew more and more, it was finally inevitable that war broke out.World at war with world, race against race.

 It is said that tomorrow is Ching Ming Festival, so it seems not very auspicious to wish happiness or something.So I won't talk about these.But Ching Ming Festival should be closed, so I wish everyone a happy holiday in advance.Hey.

(End of this chapter)

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