Chapter 358 The Reappearance of the Ring of Yuanli

After receiving the assistance of the gods and demons, the flame of the outer ring came to the starry sky palace again.Seeing the Ring of Yuanli again, the eyes of Flame of the Outer Ring no longer had the same love and pain as before.There are only expectations and hopes.

Quietly looking at the Ring of Yuanli still sitting on the throne in front of him, Zhiyan of the Outer Ring said softly, "Xiaoyuan, I love you."

"Love... what is it?" Facing the confession of the flame of the outer ring, the expression of the ring of Yuanli did not change at all, but simply expressed his confusion.

"Love means wanting to be together forever, to be happy all the time, to enjoy joy and happiness together." As if seeing the kind of picture he wanted, a happy smile appeared on the face of Outer Ring Zhiyan.

"But we've been together forever." Tilting his head in doubt, the ring of Yuanli couldn't understand the meaning of the flame of the outer ring.

"It's different." Recovering from his imagination, Outer Ring Zhiyan turned away with a sad expression on his face.This time, she really made up her mind.Even if the world is destroyed because of this, she will not give up her decision.

Looking at the sad back of the flame of the outer ring, a strange feeling emerged in the ring of Yuanli.Looking down at the world, countless races in the world are in love, there are also countless races struggling and fighting, countless hatreds, and countless grievances are endlessly reincarnated in those worlds.Ultimately, the Circle of Principle still doesn't know what love is.

After a period of time, maybe a few years or decades.This time, the flame of the outer ring left for a particularly long time. On this day, the flame of the outer ring came to the starry sky palace again, and the outer ring whose face had regained his calm watched quietly the ring of Yuanli who observed the world. After a long time, he asked, "After watching it for so long, do you know what love is?"

"Love, what exactly is it?" The expression on his face seemed to soften a bit, and the circle of circle still didn't know what love was.

Noticing the slight change in the expression of Yuanlizhihuan, Outer Ring Zhiyan rubbed her eyes and thought she was wrong. When she opened her eyes again, what she saw was Yuanlizhihuan, which had no emotion at all.Sure enough, she was wrong, did the strong emotions make her hallucinate?

"You will never know if you just look at it. You need to experience it yourself. Madoka, give up the principle of the world, break away from the center of the world of the ring, and become a human being with me. Let's feel true love together. How about it?" ?" Taking a deep breath, Flame of the Outer Ring, who made the final decision, put forward his own suggestion to the Ring of Yuanli.

"Can you know love only after leaving the ring and becoming a human?" Ever since seeing the sad expression of the flame of the outer ring, the ring of Yuanli has always had a weird feeling.She didn't know why she felt this way.But when she heard the suggestion from the Flame of the Outer Ring, her heart couldn't help beating slightly.An even weirder feeling emerged from the bottom of my heart.

"Well, don't worry, Madoka, I will always be with you. Even if we are forced to separate, I will find you soon." The expression on his face was so gentle, like an oath, and like an agreement.

For the first time, the flame of the outer ring reached out and touched the face of the ring of Yuanli.The delicate touch in her hand made her more determined in her heart. Even if the world is destroyed, I still want Madoka's response.

"Yeah." For some reason, looking at the flames of the outer ring at this time with anticipation, sadness, longing, pain, love, and firm eyes.The Ring of Yuanli couldn't say no to it.Finally she nodded slightly.

So, on this day, the world changed.The root of the world, the center of the circle at the core of the world, and the circle of principles that govern the world's principles and rules have left the area of ​​the circle and become fragile human beings.Disappearing with her and becoming a human being is the flame of emotion outside the ring, the flame of the outer ring that embodies the emotions of all living beings.

At the same time as these two masters of the world disappeared, the Crystal Throne, which contained all the regular power of the Circle of Principle, also turned into countless crystal fragments and scattered in countless small worlds.The rules of the world came to a standstill on this day.

Tens of millions of years later, there is still no sign of the Circle of Principle returning.In the ring of the world, the deepest darkness that was suppressed and born at the same time as the ring of Yuanli gradually awakened, which was the original evil of the world.

Time continues to pass, and after another tens of millions of years, time has come to the present.The Crystal Throne that had been scattered and disappeared reappeared in this world, although it was still in a broken state.

The chaotic light cast by the crystal throne enveloped Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the crowd.The moment she saw the Crystal Throne, Zhuang Xiaoyan, who was standing aside, already showed a hint of anxiety and anticipation in her eyes.When the light of chaos shrouded it, Zhuang Xiaoyan opened his eyes and stared at the light of chaos.

The light of chaos lasted for two seconds and began to gradually dissipate. When the light disappeared completely, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had completely changed his form.The pure white dress, the long pink hair, and the transparent pink wings on the back seem to contain the truth of the world, which is already completely in the shape of the ring of Yuanli.

Under Zhuang Xiaoyan's nervous gaze, Zhuang Xiaoyuan who transformed into a ring of Yuanli slowly opened her eyes.What kind of eyes are those? I can't see the color of the eyes clearly, and it's hard to guess the emotions in them.It was a pair of inhuman eyes.

"Xiao Yuan, are you awake? Do you understand the true meaning of love?" Gently stroking the hourglass shield on his left hand with his right hand, Zhuang Xiaoyan stepped forward a few steps to the Circle of Principle, and asked nervously.

"Ah, I still don't fully understand what love is. It's such a profound question. But, I've already felt it. Thank you, Homura." Zhuang Xiaoyan, the Ring of Yuanli showed a smile that had never been seen in this state.

Hearing the previous sentence, Zhuang Xiaoyan's face already showed a frustrated expression.But when he heard the second half of the sentence, saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan's smile, especially when he heard her thank you, Zhuang Xiaoyan only felt a sore nose, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Okay, don't cry. I have retrieved the memory of the Ring of Yuanli. Don't worry, we will always be together." Reaching out to wipe off the tears on Zhuang Xiaoyan's face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled slightly, and then looked up To the black mist Loki in the sky: "Now, let me deal with him first."

"En, um." The tears welling up in her eyes couldn't be stopped, and while wiping away the tears, Zhuang Xiaoyan stepped aside.

"Loki, everything is over here. Go back to where you should go." The smiling expression was completely restrained, facing the black mist Loki, Zhuang Xiaoyuan seemed to have changed back to the original ring of Yuanli in an instant.

"No, it's impossible. How could you be the Ring of Yuanli? She should have disappeared a long time ago, it's impossible." With panic and disbelief in his eyes, the appearance of the Yuanli Ring, from Henggu's In memory, Loki has a deep impression.So even though he said words of disbelief, Loki rolled up the black mist on his body and ran towards the distance.Even if it's just a futile action.

(End of this chapter)

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