Chapter 359 The Incomplete Power of Yuanli

"Go back to where you are supposed to go." Opening her hands lightly, the dress on her body seemed to contain the entire universe, and a dark starry sky appeared behind her.A chaotic circle spread from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.

As the ring spread, the black mist that touched the ring disappeared in an instant, and a small world that was tightly attached to the back of the main world was created out of thin air.The disappearing black mist all poured into this small world.

The dense black mist began to quickly disperse and degenerate after entering this world.In the end, there was no trace of black mist in this small world, and there were only countless demons at the level of soldiers and generals.

The rules of the small world are determined at the moment of creation.This world will absorb the excessive negative emotions produced by the creatures of other worlds. After entering the small world, such excessive negative emotions will turn into the lowest level of soldier-level demons, wandering in the small world, waiting for the sweepers to eliminate them. .Under the shroud of the rules of this small world, more powerful demons will not be produced.

The rings spreading around Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body chased the fleeing black mist, and as there were more and more demons in the small world, the black mist in the main world became less and less.Before the black mist was completely wiped out, Loki finally got into the gap in the space that he came out of before.

The Ring of Yuanli is the ultimate manager of the great world, and the world barrier cannot hinder her Ring of Yuanli.Even if he hides in other worlds, the Ring of Yuanli can catch him.However, just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan's spreading ring was about to penetrate the world and send the last black mist to the new world.

There was a sense of emptiness in the body, and the spreading ring quietly collapsed.Let the black mist Loki run into other worlds through the cracks of time and space.And as the ring quietly shattered, the pure white dress on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body and the transparent wings on the back also began to gradually dissipate.

"This is... what's going on?" In the blink of an eye, Zhuang Xiaoyuan returned to her original appearance.It's not the ring of Yuanli or the circle of deer eyes.Instead, he could vaguely see the state of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body that was somewhat similar to Lumuyuan.

"Xiaoyuan, your memory seems to have recovered, but your power has not been fully recovered. You only recovered a little bit and then you used it to create the world." Finally stopped the tears on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyan stabilized his emotional guidance. Pointing to the incomplete Crystal Throne, he replied.

"Hey, I almost forgot, my power crystals haven't been fully collected, and the crystals from other worlds haven't been taken back." Noticing the incomplete appearance of the crystal throne floating in the air, Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned a little annoyed, seeming to think It is temporarily impossible to solve the black mist problem at once.

"Xiaoyuan, you suddenly became so powerful. You wiped out the black mist all at once. Are we already victorious? There will be no more demons in the future?" From the combination of crystals just now, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was surprised when he suddenly became powerful and wiped out the black mist Zhong came back to his senses, Wen Hui rushed over and hugged Zhuang Xiaoyuan, asking with a hint of excitement on his face.

"Madoka, that's amazing."

"It suddenly changed."

"I was taken aback when the light came down just now."

"Haha, finally defeated him."

"Victory, this is a miracle."

Awakened by Wen Hui's words, all the friends around Zhuang Xiaoyuan came to their senses, and everyone had happy and excited expressions on their faces.They saw with their own eyes that the black mist was completely wiped out in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's circle.

"Well, we have won. In the future, there will be no new demons in our world." There was also a smile on his face, seeing the happy faces of his friends around him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued: "However, demons come from all People’s negative emotions cannot be completely eliminated as long as there are emotions, so everyone still needs to regularly go to the back of the world to clean up the demons born there. As long as the limit of the world on the back is not exceeded, the demons will not come to this world again. "

"It's great, it's finally over. Unfortunately, many people can't see this kind of endless war." When everyone was celebrating this victory with smiles on their faces, behind the smiles Hidden is the grief for the lost.

Black Mist Loki was repulsed, all demons were wiped out, and no new demons would appear in this world.However, this battle still brought deep pain, Beiyuan City and Donghai City were destroyed.Two-thirds of the ordinary people in the central city were demonized, and the population dropped by half.These people can no longer see the victories that are theirs.

After this battle, mankind has really entered the stage of recuperation.Several cities that have not been attacked have sent people to help rebuild the central city.Because of the existence of the Crystal Throne that was born after the fusion of all world crystals.The gate of the world that was originally opened temporarily was also fixed. The worlds that Zhuang Xiaoyuan has been to can freely travel through the gate of the world, but it must be approved by the sons of several planes.

So after a simple communication, Ellie, the principal of the main world, Zhuang Xiaosi, the mechanical world, Snow White, the fairy tale world, Lin Kexin, the magic girl world, and Anna, the gods and demons world, started to sprout again. The elf world represents Mayfair, and the hell world represents Yan Moai, the plenipotentiary agent of the seven worlds, held a meeting on the premise of peaceful coexistence.

After signing a simple mutual aid contract, each world sent talents with their own world characteristics to help rebuild the human world.

The development of the high-tech mechanical world has brought advanced technology and research talents, and these full-time machine girls and scientific researchers in the scientific research team are making a fuss.

Snow White in the fairy tale world also brought many fairy-tale things and helpers to the main world, such as those leprechauns who are good at work.

Lin Kexin from the magical world brought a large number of magical girls with various magical abilities to help rebuild the city. They got along well with the superpowers in the main world, and they were very curious about each other's abilities.

Anna from the world of gods and demons has already inherited the throne, and she directly brought the Saint Legion here. These Saint Legion who have obtained divine power are also very curious about the abilities of the magical warriors, all of which are based on divine power.

It's not just Anna's Saint Legion who came from the world of gods and demons, but also a lot of real adventurers. These adventurers have already started to explore the map and wipe out the remaining bone demons and the like.

Of course, the elves are also helping the main world to restore vegetation and vitality. Yan Moai's hell world is of no help, but she has left a little more time for the people who sacrificed this time, so that they can say goodbye to their loved ones.

So, amidst the busyness, time passed quickly.Half a month later, thanks to everyone's efforts, the Central City finally restored its former splendor, and it was no longer dilapidated like the ruins after the war.

The city had indeed returned to its original state, but the bustling and prosperous city seemed a little deserted after the helpers from other worlds returned.However, everyone believes that in the future, prosperity will be restored here.

(End of this chapter)

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