Chapter 361 The Almost Drowning Assassin

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan's form changed, the scenery of this world also appeared in front of her eyes.Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who penetrated into the world, directly appeared in the sky above tens of millions of meters, taking in the world below at a glance.

It was a huge continent in the middle of the sea, and its general shape looked a bit like a fat sheep grazing with its head down.On the left side of the head of the sheep is a white covered mountain.

The bottom of the mountain, that is, the mouth of the sheep, is an abyss canyon that cannot be seen to the bottom.Below the canyon is a blue sea. On the other side of the sea, there is a thickened version of three-fork grass that looks like a child's graffiti. However, this grass island is silver, as if the entire island is covered with silver.

Down from the head of the sheep is its neck, which is a vast plain, and on the right side of the plain, between the belly and back of the sheep, is a slightly larger forest.The top, bottom, left, and right of this forest are all plains, as if they were deliberately opened up and isolated.

At the sheep's buttocks, the plain to the right of the forest and beyond is a pitch-black land, on which there is no trace of life.Below the plain below the forest is an even larger and lush forest. In this large forest, a huge besieged city can be vaguely seen inside.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan went deeper into this world, the distance between her and this continent became closer and closer.As the distance got closer, the edge of the continent that was originally clear began to move away from her sight. The continent in front of her eyes began to expand rapidly, and various scenery on the continent came into her eyes in detail.

When the ground of this continent was only about a thousand meters away from Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the ring around her suddenly stopped and disappeared, and it seemed that the range touched by the ring could only end here.At the moment when he escaped from the ring, Zhuang Xiaoyuan seemed to have penetrated a layer of bubble-like film, and fresh air was inhaled into his lungs.

The strong wind caused by the rapid landing also began to blow on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face, but this state did not last long. Before Zhuang Xiaoyuan had time to enjoy the fresh air, with a plop, Zhuang Xiaoyuan fell directly into the air. In the blue heart-shaped lake that I had seen before, between the forest of the sheep's legs and the plain of the belly.

"I just went into the water right away, I have to swim out quickly." The air in his lungs was being consumed rapidly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had the idea of ​​swimming and surfacing, and he began to gesture habitually with his hands and feet.But a strange thing happened, no matter how Zhuang Xiaoyuan threw her arms and legs, she couldn't swim out of the water, but sank towards the bottom of the lake instead.

"Cough, grunt~" Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who couldn't hold her breath anymore, opened her mouth involuntarily, and the cold lake water was sucked into her lungs, making her feel uncomfortable from suffocation.With the inhalation of the lake water, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's vision began to blur, and his consciousness became unclear.Vaguely, he seemed to see a faint red light in his line of sight.

"Could it be that when I first came to this world, I was going to drown." With the last thought that emerged in his mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan fell into darkness before his eyes and completely lost consciousness.

Not long after Zhuang Xiaoyuan lost consciousness, accompanied by the sound of something falling into the water, a faintly visible fishing net spread out in the lake water, and this fishing net wrapped Zhuang Xiaoyuan in very accurately.

"Cough, cough, cough." There was a sense of oppression in the chest, feeling the pressure on the lungs, and the lake water that had choked into the lungs was spit out one after another. With the coughs, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's consciousness gradually began recovery.

"Wake up, dad, dad, come on, this young lady is awake." Gradually regaining consciousness, Zhuang Xiaoyuan slowly opened her eyes, and before she could see the surrounding environment clearly, a voice came from her ear Crisp shouts.

As the shout sounded, the surrounding floor began to shake slightly, and a slightly heavy footstep approached quickly.He opened his blurred eyes, and there were still some drops of water on his face, which made his eyes a little uncomfortable.

Blinking lightly to remove the moisture from her eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's vision gradually became clear.As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sight became clear, three figures came into her eyes.

A soft-looking middle-aged young woman was sitting on her right side, her hands still pressing her lungs.On the right is a small head, that is a little girl with a pair of braids.

With the sound of heavy footsteps approaching, a burly man came over.It was only at this time that Zhuang Xiaoyuan noticed that he was on a small wooden boat at this time, and the big man got out of the slightly small cabin of the small wooden boat before.

"Little girl, are you okay?" Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes looking around, the middle-aged man asked with a simple and honest smile on his face.

"Ahem, I should be fine, I'm saved. Thank you for saving me." After coughing a few more times, finally coughing up all the lake water sucked into her lungs, Zhuang Xiaoyuan struggled to sit up from the board and thanked her .

"It's nothing, we happened to see you falling from the sky, falling into the lake, and someone drowning. Anyone who saw it would stretch out their hands." Hanhan smiled, and the middle-aged man said that it was just a matter of raising a finger.

"Miss, are you a professional? Just now you fell from the sky, can you fly?" Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted to continue expressing his gratitude, a small head broke into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's room. In the line of sight, with a naive expression on his face and curious light in his eyes, he asked

"Professional?" Hearing the little girl's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had a slight question in his heart, and couldn't help repeating the noun in the little girl's mouth.A transparent screen of light suddenly appeared in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan as she muttered.

Nickname: Zhuang Xiaoyuan
Rating: 999
Occupation: Assassin

Sub-job: Tracker

Life Occupation: Cooking

Equipment: Iron Devourer Tara (short sword)

Status: Recovering from drowning

Oral Secret Technique: Shadow Escape

Assassin skills: ...

Tracker Skills:  …

? ? ? :? ? ?

"What is this... an online game?" Seeing the light screen suddenly appearing in front of him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help being taken aback.She wasn't surprised by the sudden appearance of the light screen, but the content in the light screen.Isn't this kind of data the character attribute template of traditional RPG online games?

"Assassins, trackers, iron-eating worms, oral secret skills?" Recovering from surprise, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze stayed on these data again, as if thinking of something, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned around and jumped to the side of the small wooden boat, looking down at the the lake.

Sure enough, what came into view was a purple single ponytail and a pair of purple eyes, that delicate and lovely face like a primary school student, isn't this the heroine in the recorded horizon world, Xiao Xiao who is an assassin.

(End of this chapter)

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