Chapter 362

"What's the matter, miss? Did something fall into the river?" Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's strange movement of looking at the water, the little girl tilted her head in doubt.

"It's nothing, can you tell me something about professionals? I drank a lot of water just now, and my head was confused by the water." Sitting back on the board of the boat again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's inner fluctuations have calmed down.After going through all kinds of things, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart has long become stronger, and being surprised is only a momentary thing.

"Xiaohua, you should have a good chat with this sister, mom will prepare lunch for you." Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan has regained her energy and can act on her own, the young woman who had rescued Zhuang Xiaoyuan before smiled and nodded to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, He touched the little girl's head and ordered, then turned and walked into the cabin.The middle-aged man on the other side also glanced at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, smiled in the same way, and turned back to help.

"Little sister, is your name Xiaohua? It sounds cute." Watching the couple leave, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled and looked at the little girl beside her.Looking at it this way, this couple is a rare good person. Not only did they not ask Zhuang Xiaoyuan why he came, but they also gave Zhuang Xiaoyuan a chance to find out about the situation through their daughter.

"Well, it was given to me by the village chief's grandfather. The village chief's grandfather is amazing. He knows a lot of characters that I don't. There are many books at home." Zhuang Xiaoyuan praised her name.A smile appeared on Xiaohua's face immediately.

"Hehe, did Xiaohua learn to read from the village chief's grandfather?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to ask as she touched Xiaohua's head with a smile.

"Yes, I already know a lot of characters, and I can count from one to a hundred." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, Xiaohua replied with a smug expression on her face, as if waiting for praise .

"It's amazing, Xiaohua is very smart..." Smiling and chatting with Zhang Xiaohua, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised her own questions from time to time during the conversation.Soon Zhuang Xiaoyuan got to know her current location and the affairs of Zhang Xiaohua's family.

Now Zhuang Xiaoyuan is located in the lower right area in the middle of the Magic Continent. The middle-aged couple who saved Zhuang Xiaoyuan just now, that is, Zhang Xiaohua's parents are called Zhang Aniu and Zhang Qingying.

The three of them live in Blue Lake Village, a small village attached to Blue Stone City, one of the four largest main cities in the mainland. They rely on fishing in Blue Stone Lake, the largest freshwater lake in the mainland. Fishing expert.

This continent looks peaceful, but there are many dangerous areas in a peaceful environment.The young Zhang Xiaohua didn't know the specific area, but she knew from her mouth that humans only built four cities in such a huge continent. Just from this fact, we can know that this continent may not be as safe as imagined.

In addition to the simple information about this continent and the simple situation of Zhang Xiaohua's family, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also got his wish to know about the professionals from her mouth.Zhang Xiaohua didn't know the details, but she had heard of the simple classification of a few professionals, so she only told Zhuang Xiaoyuan these.

Because there are various dangerous areas on this continent, there are also characters called professionals among humans.The so-called professional is not a certain profession or title, it can only be regarded as the collective name of all combat professions on this continent.

On the mainland, professionals are divided into several simple categories according to their fighting style and their respective abilities, fighters, mages, thieves, priests, and hunters.Based on these five occupations, after the ability is improved, there are advanced transfers of various branch occupations.

Knowing the classification of these so-called professionals, Zhuang Xiaoyuan feels that this world is a bit like the setting of an unknown RPG game.It seems that the rules of this world should be similar to the world of game data.

Therefore, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan entered this world, he changed into Xiao's appearance due to the influence of the world's rules.After all, Akatsuki, as the heroine of the recorded Horizon World, also lives in a different world similar to a game.It's slightly similar to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's current situation.

"Hey, is Miss Sister also a professional?" Zhang Xiaohua looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with an expectant expression and asked after finishing talking about professionals.

"Well, it should be considered. If you look at it as a professional in this world, I should be considered a relatively good one." Looking at the level 999 displayed on his attribute bar.Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied with a smile.

"Shame and shame, young lady is bragging, she fell into the water just now and still can't swim." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's self-proclaimed power, Zhang Xiaohua scratched her face with her finger, with a bragging expression on her face.

"Well, it can only be regarded as an accidental mistake. Even professionals can't swim, right?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan scratched her face in embarrassment, and replied with her head turned away.

After learning about the world from Zhang Xiaohua, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also knew why he drowned even though he could swim.Because she has no swimming skills.

If you go directly into the water without skills, you will not be able to display your own swimming ability, but according to the normal skill learning mode, in addition to finding someone to learn, you can also comprehend it as long as you practice a few more times.

It's just that at that time Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't hold her breath enough, and she drowned before she thumped enough to comprehend her skills. It can only be said that she was unlucky.Fortunately, Zhang Aniu and his boat happened to be nearby at that time, otherwise Zhuang Xiaoyuan would have fed the fish directly.

"The fish soup is ready, it's time to serve dinner." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan was a little embarrassed, Zhang Qingying's shout came from the cabin, and as she lifted the lid of the pot, the faint smell of fish soup permeated over here .

Not long after, Zhang Aniu and his wife walked out of the cabin.Zhang Aniu held a small folded square table in his hand, and directly supported the square table on the bow of the ship.

Then Zhang Qingying took a large soup plate full of fish soup and put it on the open small square table. Not long after the fish soup was put down, Zhang A Niu who turned the small cabin came out again, holding some bowls and chopsticks and a few plates in his hand Special side dishes were placed on the square table.

In this way, under the arrangement of Zhang Aniu and his wife, a simple fisherman's lunch began.Crisp and crisp radish strips, crisp and refreshing cucumber slices, as well as Zhang Qingying’s own pickled winter melon, and freshly caught white carp make a fish soup that looks like white jade.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who has been cooking for Wen Hui and the others to enjoy the taste of food, is rare to enjoy such excellent food from others this time.

The fish soup made from freshly caught fish soup is really fragrant and delicious. With a mouthful of fish soup, accompanied by a strong aroma, the warm feeling spreads from the stomach to the body, as if at that moment, I started to become a free swimmer in the lake. Carp is average.

(End of this chapter)

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