Chapter 363
With her mouth tightly closed and her eyes slightly squinted, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed an expression of enjoyment as she savored the rich fish soup in her mouth.It seems that this sister-in-law Zhang's cooking skills are unexpectedly excellent. Although there is still a big gap compared with Nakiri Erina's cooking skills, she already has her own characteristics and has incorporated her own intentions.

Noticing the reminiscing expression on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face, Zhang Aniu and Zhang Qingying looked at each other and smiled.They are also very happy to be able to satisfy the guest who was accidentally rescued. For the producer of the dish, there is no better compliment than the expression of enjoyment of the diners.

Just when Zhang Aniu and Zhang Qingying looked at each other and smiled, and Zhang Xiaohua was also happily drinking the fish soup on her small bowl, Zhuang Xiaoyuan suddenly opened her eyes, her left hand was still holding the bowl of fish soup, and her right hand was pulled out instantly. The short tachi that came out of his lower back slashed to the right.

Puff, the sound of a sharp knife piercing into the flesh sounded.Accompanied by the sound of something falling on the board, a strange fish cut in half fell on the board on the right side of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Zhang Xiaohua, who was paying attention to Zhuang Xiaoyuan while drinking fish soup, clearly saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan's actions just now.In her line of sight, she only saw that Zhuang Xiaoyuan moved his right hand, followed by a flash of white light, and the strange fish was cut in half.

"Okay, it's amazing. My sister is amazing. What was that just now, it cut the fish open in one fell swoop." The porcelain bowl in her hand was thrown on the table by her, completely ignoring the fact that her favorite fish was too big. The soup spilled a little, Zhang Xiaohua turned around and threw herself at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side, looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand with admiration.

At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand was empty, and the dagger had been retracted into the scabbard, as if it had never been pulled out. If it wasn't for the fish that was cut into two pieces on the ground, Zhang Xiaohua would probably think that she was delusional.

"Heh, didn't I tell you just now, I'm very powerful." Smiling and touching Zhang Xiaohua's head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked down at the strange fish on the ground.It was a very strange-looking strange fish, with a particularly large head and a very small body. There was not much flesh on the cut fish, and most of the body structure was composed of bones and teeth.

"This is a stingray? It's really strange. Why do stingrays appear here? They obviously haven't entered their area." Zhuang Xiaoyuan was not the only one who looked at the fish on the ground. Niu recognized this very distinctive strange fish at a glance.

"Area? The distribution of monsters? Brother Zhang, did you remember it wrong? Why do I feel like we have entered their area now." Hearing Zhang Aniu's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought of many things in the game. Fixed monsters in various areas.Judging by Zhang Aniu's appearance at this time, I am afraid that the fish in Blue Stone Lake may also be divided according to that kind of area.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice fell, the water around the small wooden boat began to boil as if it had been boiled.With the tumbling bubbles on the water surface, strange fishes exactly the same as the one before broke out of the water, and opened their sharp teeth to bite the four people on the boat.

The silver knife light flashed past, and all the stingrays pounced around were cut off in an instant, but after the first batch was wiped out, the next batch of stingrays pounced again soon.

"Tsk, this was clearly an area where the docile white carp lived before, and there must have been some changes in the water that we don't know about. No matter what, we must leave quickly. Although the devil fish are not strong individually, they have a large number of groups , is a very dangerous monster."

Mingming Zhuang Xiaoyuan seemed to be able to easily kill the wave after wave of stingrays, but Zhang Aniu still had a serious expression on his face. He stood up, picked up the oars, and started rowing to control the wooden boat. to the shore,

"What happened underwater? Could it be because of the appearance of the leading BOSS?" The right hand danced quickly, and the feet moved lightly and quickly on the board without making the slightest sound or causing the wooden boat to shake.
Under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's protection, no matter which direction the stingray came out of the water, it couldn't escape the fate of a clean break.Squinting his eyes slightly, he killed the devil fish with Lv10 on their heads.Under the surrounding boiling water, a bright red Lv50 is so conspicuous.

Under the skilful manipulation of Zhang A Niu, the small wooden boat sailed quickly to the shore, and soon it was about to leave the boiling area on the water surface. Floating up and down, the string of bright red characters quickly rushed towards the small wooden boat.

"Be careful, something is coming." Noticing the string of Lv50s approaching quickly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes showed a trace of seriousness, and he opened his mouth to remind the three people around him.After the words fell, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had disappeared in place.The stealth skill of the assassin profession was used by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

It's just a level [-] monster. With Zhuang Xiaoyuan's current level of [-], he can definitely kill it in one hit.But now it was on the surface of the water, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had not mastered swimming skills, could not get in the water.

So if you want everyone to go back safely, you must kill this high-level strange fish with one blow the moment it leaves the water.If he missed the timing, didn't kill it, and let him focus on destroying the hull, it would be troublesome.

Boom, a huge wave protruded from the water on the right side of the small wooden boat.With the emergence of waves, a huge devil fish, not much smaller than the small wooden boat, broke its head out of the water, opened its bloody mouth, and bit Zhang A Niu and three people on the small wooden boat.

"Ghost Transformation." At the moment when the giant stingray appeared, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was in stealth mode, had already stepped on the plank of the boat, and activated the sub-professional tracker for an instant burst. Head over.

"Desperate flash." With his right hand tightly grasping the dagger that had not been unsheathed in his lower back, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was in the air, adjusting his posture slightly, kicking the air with both feet.The whole person rushed directly to the devil fish below.

Quickly approaching the stingray, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's tightly held dagger came out of its sheath in an instant.The light of the knife flashed by, and at the moment when the light of the knife flashed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stepped on the head of the devil fish with his right foot and used his strength to turn over and fall back to the board of the small wooden boat.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who landed on the board with his back to the devil fish, lightly sheathed the dagger behind him.Accompanied by the sound of the weapon returning to its sheath, a big "cut" appeared on the devil fish.Boom, the word chop erupted, and the blood bar on the devil fish's head was emptied in an instant.

Boom~long, the devil fish that just came out of the water returned to the water again before it had time to make its own movements, but this time, he could no longer come out of the water.

(End of this chapter)

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