Chapter 365 The Alien Who Descended from the Sky
"That's right. Is the village chief also a professional?" Blinking his eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was a little surprised that the level displayed above the head of the village chief in front of him was actually three question marks.

You must know that along the way, no matter whether it was the devil fish before or Zhang Xiaohua's family next to him, there were level data floating above their heads, and this village chief was the first person to make Zhuang Xiaoyuan unable to see his level.

"No, I'm not a professional. I'm just an ordinary teacher." Smiling and shaking his head, the village head replied negatively.

"An ordinary teacher?" Looking at the question mark above the village chief's head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't believe that he was an ordinary teacher.

If this world is really set according to the world of online games, the only people who can make people unable to see the specific level are the existence of higher levels or possessing special hidden skills.No matter which one it is, it can't just belong to an ordinary teacher.

"Speaking of which, why did this lady thief come to our Blue Lake Village? We don't have anything special here, the only famous one is the Blue Stone Lake." As if he didn't want to continue the question about Mr. Teacher, the village Turning the head of the long talk, he asked Zhuang Xiaoyuan straightforwardly.

"I only come here occasionally. I'm on my way to find something important. I wonder if the village head can give me some clues." Unlike Zhang Xiaohua who is innocent and innocent, the village head is obviously concerned about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's appearance. Be wary.Therefore, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't intend to hide anything, and replied directly.

"Looking for something? What kind of thing are you looking for?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, the village head showed obvious surprise on his face, wondering if he thought of something else.

"How should I say it?" Slightly frowning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face flashed a trace of hesitation, not knowing how to describe it better, he organized his own words in his mind and continued: "The thing I'm looking for is a very important thing, to me, It's all important to the world. That's the core of the world, it should be something like a crystal."

"The core of the world? Crystal? Have you really reached that step? You are really young and promising." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's description, the village chief showed a shocked expression mixed with complexity and difficulty.Some sighed, another professional who has reached the pinnacle, but it's a pity that he still missed the last step if he wanted to become a saint.

"Village chief, do you have any clues about it? Or have you seen such a crystal?" Noticing the complex expression of the village chief at this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also showed a hint of surprise on his face. Got a clue?

"No, I haven't seen it, and I don't have any clues about it." Shaking his head, although he still had that complicated expression on his face, the words of the village chief couldn't tell the slightest lie.

"By the way, our village happens to be short of a mentor for the thief profession recently. I don't know if this lady thief can give in. Soon Blue Lake Village will become lively." After denying that he knew the clue, The complex expression on the village chief's face gradually subsided, he glanced at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a look that implied deep meaning, and suddenly opened his mouth to invite.

"Thief mentor, no problem. I will stay here for a while." Noticing the deep meaning in the village chief's eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan agreed in a heartbeat.I'm afraid something will happen in the next few days, but I don't know if it will be related to the world crystal.

"It would be great if you could promise, Xiao Hua, let your parents clean up the empty house opposite your house later. This young lady will live opposite your house." Upon receiving Zhuang Xiaoyuan's answer, the village head She nodded with a smile, lowered her head and gave instructions to Zhang Xiaohua.

In this way, after meeting this somewhat mysterious village chief, Zhuang Xiaoyuan temporarily settled down in Blue Lake Village.The house he lives in is directly opposite Zhang Xiaohua's house, which is next to the blacksmith's shop. Here, you can hear the sound of tinkling every day.

After confirming his place of residence, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to wander around the village.From the next day, Zhang Xiaohua got up early to go to school, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan was the only one wandering around the village.

I spent a few days in this leisurely state, during which Zhuang Xiaoyuan also got to know all the villagers in the small village, visited temples, schools, martial arts training grounds and other places, and even helped the doctor Doctor Zhang in the museum picked medicine and protected blacksmith Zhang to go to the mine to mine.This allowed Zhuang Xiaoyuan to integrate into this peaceful small village in just a few days.

However, after so many days passed, what Zhuang Xiaoyuan expected to happen did not happen.The small village is still peaceful and peaceful.It was not as lively as the village chief said.

Moreover, as a so-called thief mentor, none of the villagers came to Zhuang Xiaoyuan to learn how to become a professional thief.Most villagers have their own jobs every day.

And the children in the village are either in the school or in the martial arts training ground, not to mention learning assassination skills, even going to the temple to pay homage, and learning to hunt from hunters are very few.After all, this small village is really small and there are very few people.

On this day, Zhuang Xiaoyuan gradually woke up to the tinkling sound of the blacksmith shop next door.After getting up, dressing and washing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked out of the cabin she lived in and walked towards the small restaurant at the east entrance of the village.

In the past few days, Zhuang Xiaoyuan ate in the small restaurant. As the only guest in the small restaurant recently, he was of course warmly welcomed by the restaurant owner.I also proudly gave a [-]% discount.

It's just that Zhuang Xiaoyuan has never enjoyed the so-called [-]% discount.Because she came to eat and didn't pay at all.Now the head chef of this small restaurant has become Zhuang Xiaoyuan's registered disciple.

After showing their culinary skills at the level of chefs, these chefs bowed down.After Zhuang Xiaoyuan's education, the chef's skills in this restaurant have greatly improved, but no one came to eat.

After eating breakfast slowly, I casually commented on the defects of the meat bun filling made today and the problem that the flour was not kneaded enough.Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked out of the small restaurant under the eyes of the chefs who were full of gratitude for their improved culinary skills.

Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked out of the small restaurant, a white light fell from the sky and fell on the square of the small village. As the white light gradually subsided, a young man in simple clothes appeared in the square.

"It really fell from the sky, these aliens finally appeared. It's great, the restaurant doesn't have to close down." Not only Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw the white light falling from the sky, but the chefs who followed her also saw the human beings appearing in the white light .The slightly excited words came to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ears from behind.

That's the way it is. Is this the so-called excitement?From the looks of it, this world is not just a simple data world similar to online games. I am afraid it is really a world of online games. Players have appeared.Seeing the young man appearing in the white light looking around in a daze, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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