Chapter 366 Became a Special NPC

After the first boy's white light dissipated, streaks of white light began to descend from the sky.One after another, men and women appeared in the center of the square.In just a few minutes, the originally deserted Blue Lake Village became bustling, and the noise was no longer the original tranquility and serenity.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can do to help you?" Just as more and more people appeared in the white light, the bewilderment on the face of the young man who appeared at first disappeared, and he was standing seriously at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face. Open your mouth and ask if you need help.

"Heh, you guys go back, I'm leaving." Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned his head and gave instructions to the chefs behind him, turning his head and turning away, ignoring the young man in front of him.

"...May I ask if you have any troubles or troubles. I can help you solve them." The young man who was ignored by Zhuang Xiaoyuan flashed his face in astonishment, silently watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back, but in When he noticed the dagger behind her, his eyes flickered slightly, and he quickly chased after her and continued to ask.

Facing the boy's inquiry, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still adopts the strategy of ignoring it.Unexpectedly, this young man was very persistent. Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't open his mouth, but he kept chasing after her, asking questions one after another.And every question is not repeated.

"My troubles, you can't help me." After being entangled for a long time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also admired this young man's persistence, maybe he is that kind of professional game player.Taking a funny look at the young man who had been trying to change his tone and sentence pattern, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally answered his question.

"Hey." I have asked several times in different sentences, but I have not gotten a response from Zhuang Xiaoyuan. When the boy was racking his brains to think about the next question, he suddenly got a response from Zhuang Xiaoyuan, which made him stunned. .

After being taken aback for a moment, he immediately reacted.A look of joy flashed across the boy's face, and his eyes continued to ask with hope in his eyes, "I can't help you? Does it mean that I'm too weak? Then how can I help you?"

"How's it going...let's talk about it after you get acquainted with it first." Looking at the boy's simple clothes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan answered casually, turned and continued to walk forward.Today's plan is to continue to go to the village chief to look up information about this world. Although the appearance of the players is unexpected, it does not affect Zhuang Xiaoyuan's original itinerary.

"Stop, you must have a mission on you, give it to me quickly. I am in a hurry to upgrade." Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan answered the boy's words, turned around and continued to cross the square, the three young men who were in a hurry Blocking Zhuang Xiaoyuan's way.

"There really is a big gap between people." Sighing slightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned around and walked around the three people in front of her and continued towards her goal.She completely ignored their plans for such a typical trash role.

"How dare you ignore me. She's just an NPC brat. Brothers, show her some strength. We have novice protection on us, and she can't kill us."

The young man who was ignored and bypassed showed a hint of anger on his face. He was always despised in reality, but he never expected to be despised by NPCs even after entering the game.This made him very annoyed, he greeted his two companions, he took out the dagger given by the novice from his backpack and swung it at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"There are scum everywhere, especially a lot of idiots, who have no self-knowledge and ignore other people's attitudes. You are destined to lose at the starting line." Facing the attack from behind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sighed helplessly, and touched the dagger behind him with his right hand.

The white light of the knife flashed by, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan seemed to have stood still, sheathed the short knife lightly, and continued to walk towards the village chief's house.The moment Zhuang Xiaoyuan returned the dagger to its sheath, the sound of a piece of cloth breaking and the sound of things falling came from behind her.

The daggers in the hands of the three youths behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan all broke and fell to the ground, and even the novice clothes on their bodies were instantly shattered into pieces, leaving only a pair of white boxer shorts on their bodies.But the blood bars above their heads did not decrease at all.

There are so many iron-eating insects, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's weapon can forcibly reduce the durability of the opponent's weapons and equipment.How could the mere novice commoner and the short sword be able to resist the attack of the iron-eating insect Duoduoliang?

"Okay, that's amazing. I didn't see her attack at all. Is this the combat power after changing jobs?" The young man who had been watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan from behind took into account Zhuang Xiaoyuan's brief attack just now.There was a look of shock on his face, but the flames of longing were ignited in his eyes.He raised his feet and continued to chase Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Tsk, there are so many people." As soon as he walked to the door of the village chief's house, Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw players densely packed in the courtyard.He really deserves to be the village chief. According to the traditional RPG strategy, the village chief is usually the one who releases the first mission. No wonder so many people gather here.

"Hey, look quickly. She seems to be looking for the village chief."

"That outfit looks like the assassin on the official website. Could it be a hidden NPC?"

"Idiot, how can it be a hidden NPC that appears here so obviously, it should be a special NPC, maybe there will be a hidden mission."

"Hurry up, let's go find her to pick up the hidden mission. If we are late, we will be preempted by others."

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan approached the village chief's house and stretched his head to look inside, several people at the back of the yard also noticed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's existence. Following the whispering discussions, many people gathered around Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Noticing the excited crowd surrounding him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned slightly.She didn't want to attract too much attention, it might be troublesome if she was surrounded.Turning her head and noticing that the crowd in the village chief's yard was a little thinner as these people came out, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stood on tiptoe, turned around and disappeared directly in place.

"Disappeared?!" Zhuang Xiaoyuan actually disappeared right under their noses.The few people who came over widened their eyes in astonishment, and stopped involuntarily.

"You can't be wrong, you can't be wrong, this is a stealth skill. The thief is a stealth skill that can only be learned after the second turn of level [-]. The advanced version of the thief's hidden skills. That girl is at least a level [-] assassin. Or a big thief." Among the crowd, one of the young people suddenly thought of the information he had read on the official website before, and he couldn't help explaining loudly with an excited expression on his face.

"Look for it, look for it quickly. The movement speed in the stealth state will be weakened to a certain extent, she must still be nearby. This NPC definitely has a hidden mission. Maybe it is a world-class mission." Hearing the young man's voice Explaining, the middle-aged man on the other side also showed a trace of excitement on his face, calling his companions to start a carpet search of the nearby area.

"It's impossible to be world-class, but the second-rank professionals who appeared so early will at least have city-level golden missions. Let's look for it quickly, so as not to be preempted." The surrounding teams also began to look for Zhuang Xiaoyuan disappeared.

At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already sneaked into the village chief's house.She is a full-level assassin after three turns, stealth and slow down?Her stealth also has its own acceleration effect.

 Recently, because the heroine of the new book is good at divination, she couldn't help but bought a set of tarot cards to study.I just received the goods today, so I have studied from five o'clock in the evening until now, and I have calculated my career and future for myself, completely forgetting the third update today.Well, the third update that is late.

  In other words, should I restore the two updates? Although the third update has only been updated for less than a week, it is super tiring. In addition to the two updates of double-opening new books, in fact, I am in the heart of the fifth update every day. , I can't save the manuscript at all, and feel sorry for myself. (I feel more and more that I’m doing my own death when I’m double-opening =_=)

(End of this chapter)

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