Chapter 367 The Mysterious Eternal Battlefield

"Oh, sure enough, if I was the only one looking for it, I'm afraid it would take a long time to find it." Closing the geography book in his hand that introduced the distribution of the mainland, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sighed helplessly.

According to the books and materials that Zhuang Xiaoyuan had read at the village chief's house recently, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already matched the numbers of the various regions of the mainland that he had seen before.Located in the ice field and snow mountain in the northwest of the mainland, there is an abyss of despair below the snow mountain.

The central part is the White Wolf Plain, the Expanded Earth Plain, the Star Stone Plain, and the Warcraft Forest surrounded by the three major plains and the four major human cities.In the north of the central part, Beifeng City, the main city of human beings, used to go out to sea, and it was Dragon Island, the territory of the Dragon Clan.

The black land in the east of the mainland is the lifeless black land left after the war between humans and the undead.To the south of the continent is the Star Forest where the elves live.And what I saw in the sky before, located in the southwest of the mainland, the island shaped like Sanchacao is the forbidden eternal battlefield for creatures.

After knowing the brief introduction and description of these areas, Zhuang Xiaoyuan guessed that the most likely place where the World Crystal exists should be on the Eternal Battlefield, because so far no one has been to that silver land.

Of course, this is just an intuitive guess.Apart from the Eternal Battlefield, there may be clues of world crystals in other places, such as Dragon Island and Star Forest. These two long-lived races probably have more or less relevant records handed down.

In addition, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was a little concerned about the land of black soil, which is the battlefield between humans and undead. That lifeless land is very suitable for the growth of resentful creatures. The land will be more dangerous than imagined.

"As expected, you are here. How are you? Did you find anything new?" Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan put the geography book back on the shelf, he guessed in his mind where the world crystal might exist.The village head walked in with a cane.

"Is it true or not? Is the village head grandpa finished?" After struggling for a while, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know if this was a new discovery.It's just a guess in my own imagination.

"Is it over? How could it be over? Now I just take time to rest. I didn't expect so many people from other worlds to come over. My old arms and legs." Sighing helplessly, the village chief gave a hammer My arms and legs looked exhausted.

"Isn't this great? It became lively all of a sudden. I have been complaining about not being able to make money, going bankrupt or something. Uncle Zhang and the others should be very happy now. There are so many guests here."

Thinking of Zhang Tiejiang and Doctor Zhang complaining that the village was too deserted, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help showing a smile on his face. He didn't know that so many people came in. Now they are happy that there are so many people and the business is good, or are they worried about the lack of time for work? .

"Little girl, aren't you happy that so many people from other worlds have come to this world." Sitting down on the chair by the door, the village chief let go of the crutch in his hand, shrugged his shoulders, and relaxed his muscles and bones.

"Hey, what am I so happy about?" Blinking in surprise, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes were full of doubts.It seems that these players have nothing to do with me when they enter the game. My goal is to find the world crystal.

"You haven't thought about it yet, so many people from other worlds have come here, and they have been blessed by the gods and have infinite immortality. There are so many people who can help you find the clues for what you want to find." The village head looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, with a hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

"In this way, it seems to be true. It should be easier to find if someone helps you find it. But, can I issue tasks at will?" Noticing the village chief's obvious discomfort, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked up behind him with both hands Put it on his shoulder and start to massage his shoulder.

"Ah, a little bit on the right side, that's right, that's right, it's really comfortable. Is it okay, you can try it yourself and you'll know." The shoulder was pressed skillfully by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and the village head showed an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Okay, I'll try it when the time comes." The thumb of his right hand found the acupuncture point and pressed it hard a few times, which made the village chief's face show a sore and enjoyable expression.

"Okay, okay, it's almost done. If you press it again, the old man will be reluctant to leave. There are still many people waiting." After about five or six minutes of massage, the village chief stopped.A lot of people from other worlds have flooded into Blue Lake Village today. I'm afraid the yard is overcrowded again now, and we have to release a batch of novice tasks.

"Wait a minute, Grandpa Village Chief. I have another question I want to ask you." Letting go of the hands massaging his shoulders, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped the village chief who got up and was about to leave, and continued to ask.

"You want to ask about the Eternal Battlefield, right?" But before Zhuang Xiaoyuan could ask the question, the village head asked in anticipation.

"That's right, why no one has ever entered the Eternal Battlefield. It's just across from Bihai City, one of the four main cities." Zhuang Xiaoyuan was not surprised that the village chief could think of his own question. He saw it.Compared to the known areas on the mainland, the Eternal Battlefield is a mysterious area that has no records other than its name.

"Because no one can get in. Although I can see the Eternal Battlefield, I can't get close to it, as if something is blocking my progress. However, the arrival of people from another world may become an opportunity to open the Eternal Battlefield." Take a look. Zhuang Xiaoyuan put it back in the geography book, and the village head showed a trace of nostalgia in front of his eyes, and replied with a sigh.

"Is there something blocking it? It seems that there is a great possibility there." After getting the answer from the village chief, Zhuang Xiaoyuan became more and more convinced of his guess. The world crystal of the world he wanted to find might be there.

"Okay, the old man will continue to deal with that group of people. If you're fine, it's time to go back. Maybe some people are about to reach the level of job change now." Shaking his head, the village chief picked up the crutch beside him Step by step towards the outside.

"Changing job, the job of a thief instructor, it seems quite interesting." Thinking of his current status in the village, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help showing a funny smile on the corner of his mouth.

If you want to change jobs, you will undoubtedly need to complete the job transfer task.And this job transfer task needs to be decided by a career mentor.Several interesting mission ideas have already appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind.It can be a good training for players who want to change jobs to become thieves.

As for how to make these players change jobs successfully, these Zhuang Xiaoyuan have already inquired from several other professionals.As long as Zhuang Xiaoyuan teaches the non-professional target the skills of the thief department, the target can be successfully transferred to the thief profession.As for what skills to teach, it was up to Zhuang Xiaoyuan to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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