Chapter 368 The Test of the Assassin Mentor
In the middle of the square in the novice village, the novice tasks received from the village chief have been rounded, and the level has been successfully upgraded to level ten.After that, I teamed up with my friends to kill rabbits and upgraded to level [-] where I can change jobs.

After reaching level [-], the young man who had asked Zhuang Xiaoyuan to accept the task before squatted silently near the square, quietly watching the crowd passing by the door of the village chief's house.

"Shadow, why are you still squatting here? Like those guys, you haven't found a career-changing instructor for the thief class? How about changing to a fighter like me? Aren't the weapon experts in the later stage of fighters also able to choose light weapons? It’s similar to thieves.” With a slap on Shadow’s shoulder, a burly man sat down beside Shadow Boy.

"You don't understand, I've already found my target. And the thief's mentor has also been found. Maybe there is still a chance to get the hidden mission." Shaking his head, the shadow rejected Gangzi's kindness, and his eyes were still fixed on him. At the door of the village chief's house.

"You can't be the NPC girl who can sneak in the rumors before, so many people haven't found her, but she can sneak, maybe she has already left secretly." Hearing what the shadow said, Gangzi Frowning slightly, obviously not agreeing with his words, he couldn't help persuading him.

The chances in the game are very unreliable, many things can be encountered but not sought after, so it might just be a waste of time to stay here like this.Maybe the rumored stealth girl hasn't left yet, but she can sneak, even if she stands in front of you now, you can't see her.

"Come out." He didn't listen to his friend's words at all, and Shadow's eyes were still fixed on the door of the village head's house.Under his concentrated gaze, he found the slightly opened wooden door of the village chief's house in an instant.

Noticing the moment the wooden door opened, Shadow stood up and ran quickly to the courtyard door of the village chief's house, estimated the time when the door opened and the distance to the courtyard gate, and after a few seconds of silence, Shadow faced the empty Air said: "I saw you, you are the job change instructor of the thief profession, I want to accept the job change task."

After the voice fell, there was still nothing in front of the shadow, and there was no response at all.However, a few nearby players heard his words and looked at him as if they were looking at a crazy idiot.

Not paying attention to the gazes around him at all, Shadow gritted his teeth and repeated what he said before.But a few seconds after the voice fell, there was still no reply.Facing the empty silence in front of him, Shadow couldn't help showing a trace of disappointment and frustration.

"Pfft, you're quite interesting. You keep talking to places where no one is around." Just when Shadow showed a disappointed expression and thought he had missed it, a clear female voice sounded behind him.The sudden appearance of a female voice not only brought a smile to Shadow's face, but also changed the faces of the few people around who were watching his jokes.

"Mentor, I want to change my job to become a thief. Please issue me the task of changing my job." Hearing the voice behind him, a flash of joy flashed across Shadow's face, he turned to face behind him, and said seriously.

"No problem, but let's play a simple game first. Here is the key for you. This is the key to my residence. If you can find my residence smoothly, I will give you the task of changing jobs. If you If you want some special treatment, find it within 5 minutes, and look forward to your performance." A small key was stuffed into Shadow's hand, and with the key's appearance, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words gradually faded away, floating in the air .

"Drip, get a special task. The test of the assassin mentor - please find the tutor's residence. Task reward - get the job transfer task, failure penalty - permanently lose the chance to change job as a thief."

Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan stuffed the key into Shadow's hand, with the sound of the system, Shadow accepted the system task.The moment he saw the mission, Shadow was stunned.

"Hey, Shadow, what's the matter with you, isn't it just that you have received a job transfer task, do you need to be silly and happy like this?" Gangzi also heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice just now, and his friend was able to receive the task smoothly. I was also happy for him, and couldn't help but patted Shadow on the shoulder and joked.

"It's not a job transfer task, look." Waking up with Gangzi's slap, Shadow's eyes were faintly excited, and he shared his special mission in front of Gangzi.

"What is this? A special task? The punishment for failure is so severe? The reward is only a job transfer task, which is worthy of your happiness?" Seeing the task shared by the shadow, Gangzi couldn't appreciate his joy at all.The rewards and punishments for this mission are clearly unbalanced.

"Idiot, I didn't ask you to read the rewards and punishments. You should read the task title and take a closer look." He tapped Gangzi's stupid head casually, and the shadow showed a look of hatred for iron.

This good friend of mine is good at everything, and has a strong personality charm, which can attract a large number of like-minded friends, but his head is not very bright, and from time to time, the blood rushes to his head, and he slams into the south wall.

"Assassin mentor's test? Do you have any questions... Assassin mentor? I'll go, the thief is a third-rank job, assassins who can only change jobs after at least 5 levels? Make wool, there is a third-rank job in Novice Village?" Hearing Shadow's voice Reminder, Gangzi's eyes returned to the task name, he didn't pay much attention to it at first, but the word "Assassin" came into his eyes, and a large group of beasts rushed in his heart******** Hey, you know how powerful I am .I'm going to pick up the hidden mission.Said to find it within 1 minutes.I can be there in [-] minute. "Hey hey smiled, the smugness on Shadow's face couldn't be hidden, he waved to his friend, turned around and ran towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan's residence.

Ever since Zhuang Xiaoyuan casually told him to get acquainted with the surrounding environment, he took a good look around the whole village, and he has already found out the residences of all the instructors.As for Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the thieves mentor, he also inquired about it from the restaurant owner after completing the restaurant's ingredients task.

"Isn't it pretty fast? I came here so quickly. But this task is not enough to find it." Sitting on the roof of his own house, Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw the shadow boy coming straight to this side at a glance.

It is actually very simple to find your own residence. The village itself is only so big, and there are not many goals left after just turning around.What's more, as long as you ask other people in the village, they won't hide it. After all, it's just asking for directions. The villagers in this village are still very hospitable.

But after that is the focus of the task. Can you be firm on the answer you got, or choose another answer because of doubts and doubts.

 Three is almost a week away, and I am exhausted.The double-opened new book is still caught in Calvin.I thought it would be easier to write about daily life, but I am so sweet.Let’s resume the original two updates from today. I’m sorry everyone, the three updates this month were originally agreed.In the end it only lasted a week.In the future, I will never say that I want three updates =_=, I am too tired, so I should fix two updates every day, and it would be better to have a [-]D update once in a while if there are too many manuscripts.Only after double opening did I feel the pain of double opening. I was so desperate that I will never dare to double open easily again.

(End of this chapter)

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