Chapter 369 Mission Design Interface
"Hey, what's the matter, the key doesn't match?" In front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's residence, the shadow took out the key that Zhuang Xiaoyuan gave him before and wanted to open the door of the residence, but the key couldn't fit into the lock. Obviously the size does not match.

"Isn't it this one?" Shadow gestured for the key in his hand, and there was a hint of doubt in Shadow's eyes.Mingming found out about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's residence from other villagers, but in the end it didn't match the key given by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Did the villagers lie, or did Zhuang Xiaoyuan give him the wrong key?Shadow's heart was full of confusion.

Sitting on the roof of his own house, looking at the shadow boy standing in front of the door anxiously, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a smirk on his face, bowed his head and continued with his work.There are still three and a half minutes to five minutes.Let me see how long you can last.Fight well with the contradictions and doubts in your heart, boy.

At this time, using the stealth skill, a somewhat special screen was displayed in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was hiding on his roof.At the very top of the screen is marked the use of this screen - the serial task design interface.

When the shadow boy triggered a special task because of that little game before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also got this kind of functional interface that allows him to design a series of tasks by himself.However, although the serial tasks can be added and arranged at will, there will be some special changes if other people are involved.

For example, if Zhuang Xiaoyuan designs the next task and needs to help Dr. Zhang in the medical center collect medicine, this task will also be sent to Doctor Zhang in the medical center as soon as it is confirmed.

Doctor Zhang will receive a message that someone will come to help.Afterwards, the task of collecting medicines, what kind of medicines to collect, and which areas to go to collect medicines were arranged according to Dr. Zhang's own needs, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan could not forcibly interfere.

Of course, if it is arranged to steal someone's props, there is no need to get the next task from the target, and the target will not receive such an obvious reminder that someone will come to steal something.

In addition, if it's just a simple task of killing wild monsters, it's completely up to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own arrangements.Even if one hundred rabbits are killed in the first ring, one hundred wild boars are killed in the second ring, another hundred rabbits are killed in the third ring, and wild boars are killed in the fourth ring, it does not matter if the cycle is repeated a hundred times.The only ones who will complain are the players who have received the quest.

A series of interesting tasks were put into the series of tasks by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help laughing at the thought of the people who received this task running all over the village trying to complete the task.This feeling of controlling other people's actions and accomplishing according to one's own wishes is really interesting.

5 minutes is not a long time, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan arranged the chain mission, 5 minutes has already exceeded one or two minutes.Looking down, the shadow boy who received the special task before was still hovering in front of his house.The look of hesitation, the look of wanting to leave but unwilling to give up, is really beautiful.

"Yo, you haven't left yet." Closing off the chain of missions arranged in order, Zhuang Xiaoyuan released her stealth state, and raised her hand to greet the shadow boy below.If you can persist for so long and stay here, this interesting task is decided to be entrusted to you.

"Mentor." Originally, he planned to leave, but he was very unwilling, because he felt that this was definitely the right place to live, but it had been several minutes, and the task was still not completed, which made Shadow start to doubt himself again. Guessed.So, when he heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's greeting, his eyes were as excited as seeing a relative.

"Give me the key, I thought you would leave soon after you found out that the key is wrong, but I didn't expect to wait so long." Limbly jumping from the roof to the shadow, Zhuang Xiaoyuan spread her palms and begged him for her own key .

"Hey, did this key not allow me to open the door on purpose? But you said it was the key to the residence? Can you still lie to people in the mission?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, there was a hint of surprise on Shadow's face.It turned out that it wasn't a mistake, but a key that couldn't be opened on purpose.

"The task is not deceiving. This key of mine is indeed the key of the residence, but it is not the door but the key of the locker. Alright, stop talking nonsense, let me give you the task of changing jobs." The key that the shadow handed over, Zhuang Xiaoyuan hooked the corner of his mouth, revealing a smirk of watching a play, and sent him the chain mission he had designed just now.

"Drip, get the job transfer task. The first professional skill (silver) as a thief: Please go to Blue Lake Village to steal the underwear of Doctor Zhang's daughter Zhang Cuilan and give it to Zhang Orion in the north of the village. Task reward: experience 1000, money 100, Zhang Orion's favorability degree is 10, and the next round of missions will start. Failure penalty - the level will be reduced by one level, and the mission chain will start again."

"Silver? It's still a chain of missions." Hearing the system prompt sound from his ear, Shadow opened his own mission interface, and what appeared in front of him was a silver mission chain.

According to the basic setting information that Shadow found on the official website, the missions of this online game world are divided into world-level purple epic missions, continent-level orange legend missions, city-level gold missions, regional-level silver missions, and finally group missions. Team bronze quests and individual black iron quests.

So far, he has never heard of anyone who has received a quest above the bronze level. Maybe he is the first player to receive a silver quest.What's more, this mission is not a single round, but a complete mission chain.

If you can complete it all, the rewards are definitely rich.No wonder he was so excited.It's just that the task reward and difficulty are directly proportional, and the task chain is not so easy to complete.

Looking at the excited shadow, the smirk on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face deepened, and he said again: "The task has been given to you, as long as you can complete half of it, I will teach you the basic skills of thieves to make you succeed." Change jobs. But in that case, this set of quest chains will also be terminated. If you can complete all of them, I can give you the hidden quests you want, at least they are legendary."

"What? Legendary? There really is a hidden mission, that's great. I'll do it right away." Hearing the news of the hidden mission from Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Shadow couldn't hide the joy on his face, and left a sentence After that, he left in a hurry to complete the task.

"Oh, come on boy. I'm very optimistic about you." Watching the shadow leave, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at the vast sky.

People just have a certain bad nature, they don't cherish what is easy to get, and they don't want what is hard to get.If you don't give them a little bit of trouble and give them some sweet dates, how can you work hard to complete the task of finding the world crystal in the future?

Under this sky, where is the world crystal hidden?After the task is released, it's about time for me to set off to find it myself.Dragon Island and Star Forest must be visited first, and the land of black soil is also a key area.If there is nothing to gain, you can only wait for the opening of the eternal battlefield.

 Thanks to the book friend [Shuangwei] and the book friend [Danty Lane] for the reward of [-] coins. I only noticed the reward the day before yesterday.As soon as the reward was finished, I happened to change from the third change back to the second change, and I always feel so sorry.After turning into two changes, he received a second reward of [-] coins.It made me feel even more sorry.I'm restless.

  Therefore, in order to thank book friends [Shuangwei] and book friends [Dandy Lane] for their rewards, to celebrate the birth of the first Dharma protector in this book, and to celebrate the addition of a new helmsman in this book, and thank you for always supporting the author Bacteria, insist on subscribing, and give rewards to all book lovers (every week, someone rewards, and I have never thanked them).The author's fungus is going to explode today.

  How many chapters will be updated today is uncertain.Last night, I finished coding the chapters of the new book. Today, the author Zhe will do his best to code this book. After coding, I will post a chapter. Let's see how many updates I can make today.

  So, this is today's fixed first update.

(End of this chapter)

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