Chapter 370

Time passed day by day, and the level of the players who came to this world gradually increased.At present, the highest level in Blue Lake Village has been raised to more than 40 levels, but the level of the shadow boy has not increased but decreased. Now he has become level [-], a full six levels down.

This made Zhuang Xiaoyuan start to reflect on whether the difficulty of the task he assigned was too high, but after reflection, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that it was not that the task was too difficult, but that the boy was too stupid.

Just like the first mission, stealing Zhang Cuilan's personal clothing and giving it to Zhang Orion.It is conceivable how hard it is to steal other people's personal clothing. After all, everyone wears them, and the shadow boy has not learned the skills of stealing.This task is basically impossible.

But Zhuang Xiaoyuan would not intentionally make it difficult for him to assign tasks that he could not complete. In fact, the target of this task was not Zhang Cuilan, but the tailor shop.All the clothes in the village are made by tailors.

Recently, Zhang Cuilan's body developed, and she happened to order a batch of new underwear at the tailor shop.If you want to complete the first ring task, you need to go to the tailor shop to find a way. Whether it is directly stealing or picking up a task to help her pick up the goods, it is easier than asking me to steal it.

It's a pity that the shadow boy never thought about it, and he didn't even go to the tailor shop to inquire about it, so he just focused on Zhang Cuilan blankly.Every theft turned into a robbery, and was driven out of the hospital as a pervert again and again.Now Doctor Zhang's favorability towards the shadow boy is almost breaking through the lower limit.

However, what he didn't expect was that this almost impossible method was still abruptly completed by him.The persistent shadow boy found out when Zhang Cuilan took a bath every day, so one night, while the girl was taking a bath, he actually sneaked in over the wall and stole underwear.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who has been following the shadow boy, has thus labeled him as inferior to a beast.Faced with the girl taking a bath, she didn't peep, but just took her underwear and ran away?He is still not a man.

But in the past few days, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't go to the theater with Shadow Boy anymore.Because, in addition to the shadow boy, several people came to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's residence one after another and asked to change their careers to thieves.

These people, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, didn't make it difficult for them any more, and didn't give them any troublesome serial tasks. He just asked them to get some ingredients and props such as rabbit meat, pork, and beef. Come here with some seasoning.

As people changed jobs to become thieves one after another, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's family's food reserves also increased, and all kinds of meat and vegetable seasonings were piled up in the storage room.You can take it when you want to eat, and you don’t need to go to the restaurant to grab a meal.Speaking of which, now the restaurant is full of business every day, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan doesn't want to go there and crowd around with so many people.

Magneto, as the ground seasoning powder was sprinkled on the barbecue on the fire, the flames sizzled, and a strong meaty aroma came out from the barbecue, making Zhang Xiaohua beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan drool.

"Sister Xiaoyuan, are you still okay?" Zhang Xiaohua wiped the corners of her moist mouth, fixed her eyes on the barbecue in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, and asked eagerly.

"It's coming soon, I can't eat hot tofu if I'm impatient." Smiling and looking at Zhang Xiaohua beside her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sprinkled a handful of seasonings on top of it, and roasted it for a while, blending all the flavors of the seasonings into the barbecue meat During this time, the barbecue was removed from the flame.

"It's ready to eat, be careful it's hot." Handed Zhang Xiaohua a skewer from the barbecue, Zhuang Xiaoyuan told her to eat carefully while taking out a skewer from the barbecue and took a bite.

The rich meat aroma is mixed with a hint of charcoal, and the seasoning is perfectly integrated into the barbecue. The complex taste of the seasoning makes the meat flavor of the barbecue more intense.Moreover, the taste of this barbecue is also very smooth and tender, full of elastic chewy, and the fragrant oil will burst out from the barbecue every time you chew, it is really delicious.

Tasting the skewers in his mouth, he seemed to be in a vast ocean of lava. The hot lava was burning at the bottom, but he couldn't feel the slightest pain, only the feeling of warmth, and the endless waves floating out of the lava. Meaty.Here and there is lava, obviously endless gravy.

"Oh, it smells so good. It looks like I came here at the right time. Little girl, bring me a few skewers too." Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Zhang Xiaohua were eating barbecue in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's house, the village Chang walked over on crutches from one side.He unceremoniously sat down on the doorstep next to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and reached out to grab the barbecue in her hand.

"Grandpa the village head is so busy today, he still has time to eat my barbecue." The skewer in his hand was divided into a part for the village chief and the rest was handed to Zhang Xiaohua, Zhuang Xiaoyuan opened his mouth and stuffed all the barbecue meat he had bitten Putting it into his mouth, while chewing and talking vaguely, he reached out and took the raw meat on the side to start a new round of barbecue.

"Ah, it's delicious, it's delicious. I didn't expect you to have such a skill. It's definitely a master's skill." After taking a bite of the roast meat he snatched from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, the village chief's eyes lit up and he began to bite quickly. Barbecue in hand.It was so delicious that even the purpose of coming here was so fascinated by the delicious barbecue that I forgot.

He ate all the kebabs in his hand in one go, and licked his lips with some aftertaste. Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's second round of barbecue was still not ready, the village head answered Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question: "I'm not idle, and I have a new question. People from the world are here. However, something happened recently, and I came to ask you to help me take a look."

"Boss, how much is your barbecue? It smells so good." As soon as the village chief finished speaking, a player passing by who handed in the task was attracted by the smell of barbecue here, staring at the barbecue in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, and asked.

"A string of one hundred thousand." Confusing the player in front of him casually, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned his head to look at the village chief while doing the movements of his hand: "Ask me for help? What happened? Where are Brother Zhang and Sister Xuan'er? They are all alone." Is there something that can't be solved by the hunter system and the warrior system?"

"Boss, did you quote the wrong price? One hundred thousand skewers, you are robbing. This is barbecue, not gold." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's quotation, he also noticed that Zhuang Xiaoyuan was ignoring himself and chatting with the old village elder beside him. Look, the player in front of him asked with a full face.

"Whether robbery can make money faster than slaughtering people, if you want it or not, you won't bargain for a string of [-]. Don't go away." Impatiently glaring at the opposite player, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is not setting up a street stall to sell barbecue, she is just I made food for myself and Zhang Xiaohua, but never thought of selling it for money.Just now, I just said something casually, just to drive the person away, but this person actually won me over.

 Second update today
(End of this chapter)

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