Chapter 371 The Missing Bluestone Caravan

"Missing? When? Can the village chief confirm that they are missing? Didn't they change the business route, or was something delayed?" The movements of his hands couldn't help but frivolously, Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned, sprinkled the last handful of spices, and waited. After all the seasonings were incorporated into the kebab, the barbecue was taken out from the fire.

"Originally they should have arrived yesterday evening, but they haven't come yet. I contacted the person in charge of Bluestone City and got a reply that they left on time yesterday morning. Calculated according to their usual speed, It's been almost twenty hours now." He reached out to take a few skewers of meat from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands, and while savoring the deliciousness of the barbecue, the village chief's face was a little dignified.

"Twenty hours, it's been such a long time. If you encounter an attack, you will almost die. Didn't Blue Stone City send someone to look for it? There are so many people from other worlds, the village chief grandfather should have appointed You have passed the mission. How was the result?"

Slapping Zhang Xiaohua's little hand away, pointing to her protruding stomach, Zhuang Xiaoyuan ignored her protest, refused her request, put the skewers in his mouth, and chewed He asked the village head beside him.

"In the end, I came to look for you. The team sent by Bluestone City never returned. As for those outsiders, they all returned dead. They were all wiped out without even seeing their opponents. Say yes, I only saw a piece of black, and I died immediately." He sighed helplessly, and the village chief seemed to lose his appetite when he said this, and his original movement of eating meat slowed down.

"Black, I know." His eyes narrowed slightly, and when he mentioned black, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had to think of his old opponent.Zhuang Xiaoyuan patted Zhang Xiaohua's head and stood up from the ground: "Xiaohua, go home obediently, don't stay outside for too long, sister is going out for a while."

"Okay, sister, be careful. Hiccup" He raised his hands in response, and as soon as he finished speaking, he hiccupped, obviously eating too much.

"Heh, I'm leaving." Smiling and touching Zhang Xiaohua's head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan nodded to the village chief.As soon as he moved his feet, the person had quietly appeared a hundred meters away, and quickly walked towards the west of Blue Lake Village with his footsteps flickering.

As one of the four main cities of human beings, Bluestone City is located in the east-southern area of ​​the central part of the mainland, just to the west of Blue Lake Village.Adjacent to the Demonic Beast Forest, the official road connecting Beifeng City and Bihai City just surrounds the central Demonic Beast Forest.

As a novice village affiliated to Bluestone City, Blue Lake Village is not far from Bluestone City, and it only takes five or six hours to reach it at the speed of a caravan.And Zhuang Xiaoyuan's speed of acting alone is even faster. If he just goes to Blue Stone City at the fastest speed, he can arrive in only two hours.

But this time it wasn't going to Bluestone City, but looking for the missing caravan along the way, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't keep going at the highest speed all the time.Instead, he stopped from time to time to observe the traces on the ground.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan has maintained Xiao's assassin form since entering this world, and can only use this form.After becoming Xiao, Zhuang Xiaoyuan not only has the ability of Xiao's master professional assassin, but also transforms her own culinary skills into the life occupation of a master chef, and also inherits Xiao's sub-profession tracker.

Tracker, there is no such profession in this world.This can be regarded as Zhuang Xiaoyuan's unique occupation at this time.Most of the stalker's skills are movement and concealment abilities.

For example, the ghost gate transformation that changes positions instantly, the lost footwork that improves one's own explosive power and dodge ability, the invisibility technique that eliminates one's own breath, and the silent movement that eliminates the sound of footsteps.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan's stealth ability is terrifyingly strong because of her sub-profession as a stalker.Although ordinary stealth can make the body invisible, the sound of footsteps and the aura exuding from the body cannot be hidden.

People with keen perception can detect the assassin's position through the strange breath around them or the slight sound of footsteps and breathing.But with the hidden ability of the tracker, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's stealth will never be discovered, unless he meets someone with a strong sixth sense.

In addition to the movement and hidden enhancements provided by the skills, the tracker.Just like his name, the tracker's tracking ability is also very strong. Through the traces left on the ground and the residual smell in the air, he can be keenly aware of the targets that have passed through this area.

With Zhuang Xiaoyuan's tracker profession that has been strengthened to the limit, her tracking ability has been transformed into a powerful ability similar to intuition.Even if you can't find the trace, sometimes you can intuitively feel the direction the other party left.

In the middle of the official road leading from Blue Lake Village to Blue Rock City, near the direction of Blue Lake Village, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already appeared beside the official road, in a sparse forest close to the official road.

The scope of this jungle is actually not that big, and the length of its coverage is only on the side of the official road between Blue Rock City and Blue Lake Village.On the other side of the official road is a small reef beach, and on the other side of the reef beach is of course the Blue Stone Lake.

Although there is no port of Bluestone Lake in Bluestone City, Bluestone City is not far from Bluestone Lake.The overall area of ​​Bluestone Lake is very large, at least as large as four or five Bluestone Cities.The east shore of Bluestone Lake extends from Blue Lake Village to the surrounding area of ​​Bluestone City.

At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan appeared in a small jungle that separated Kuatu Plain from the official road from Blue Stone City to Blue Lake Village.He reached out and pulled out a weed growing on the ground, put it in front of his nose and smelled it.A faint smell of blood mixed with a trace of animal stench entered Zhuang Xiaoyuan's nose.

"Sure enough, something happened here. But it doesn't seem to have the smell of that kind of thing." In the remaining breath of this jungle, besides the smell of popularity and blood, there is only an animal-like anger.But it didn't have the evil aura that Zhuang Xiaoyuan imagined about demons.

"In this direction. This kind of footprints... Orcs?" Slightly frowning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan found a lot of footprints in the jungle. Although many weeds that were trampled due to time have begun to recover, they can still be seen. It looks unnatural.

The footprints left here look more like animal footprints.Probably the disappearance this time has something to do with the orcs in the Expanse Plain.

However, how could the orcs suddenly cross the jungle to attack the human caravan?And based on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's recent understanding, the orc clan should not have the strength to defeat the caravan, and the caravan's guard leader is a second-rank professional.

After confirming the direction, Zhuang Xiaoyuan threw away the weeds in his hands, bent down and quickly chased in that direction.There was no sound at all during the movement of the footsteps, and each foot landed on the ground just in the empty space, not a single weed was crushed by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's footsteps.

 Fourth more
(End of this chapter)

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