Chapter 372 The Stupid Threesome Outside the Camp

"Woof, woof, woof." "Woof, woof, woof." In a corner of the Kotu Plain, near the Guandao jungle, a group of kobolds gathered and barked at each other.The area is fenced off by kobolds with simple wooden fences.

In the center of this wooden fence, two human beings were tied to two tall wooden posts.A chubby white man with a rich look on his face, but now his face was full of fear.

The other is a strong man dressed as a guard.At this moment, the guard man was completely out of breath.Judging from the blood still flowing on his body, the guard probably died not long ago.

"Boss, what should we do? Do you want to do it?" In the jungle not far from the kobold camp, three young men were lurking at this moment.Looking at the messy equipment they put together, I'm afraid they are players who have just changed jobs not long ago.

"Do it? Move some wool. You go and try it. There are so many kobolds of level 55 or [-], and there is a leader of kobolds of level [-]. We also deliver food when we go up. Just hide for me obediently." Slap Patting his brother on the back of the head, the boss glared at him with an expression of 'Why are you so stupid'.

"Boss, it's useless if we don't do anything here, why don't we retreat first? It's better to kill wild boars and level up than to watch here." Looking at the kobold camp not far away, another brother cautiously suggested arrive.

"That's right, the second brother is right, boss, let's go practice leveling." Hearing the words of the second brother, the second brother, the third brother who was beaten for speaking before nodded his head in support.

"That's right." Another slap on the back of the third child, the boss continued with an indisputable expression on his face: "Can you be a little ideal, can you be a little ambitious, when can't you practice leveling? The one here But silver-level regional missions. We will get rich after completing them, and no one has completed silver-level missions so far."

"Why do you keep beating me? Isn't that what the second brother said?" Puckering his mouth and rubbing the back of his head, the third child looked up at the eldest with an aggrieved expression.

"You are the one who slapped, can you be a little promising. Every day you look like a bitch. It's annoying to see it." Another slap on the back of the third child, the boss said with an expression of "I'm sorry for you".

"Boss, it seems that someone passed by just now." Just when the expression on the youngest's face became more aggrieved, he saw a lavender figure flashing behind the boss out of the corner of his eyes.The figure that flashed past made him widen his eyes, pointing at the boss's back and shouting.

"Where is anyone, dare to lie to your boss, you are so brave." Turning his head and looking behind him, there was no one, the boss slapped the fourth child on the back of the head with his fourth slap on his face annoyed.

"Boss, there is someone. Look, she rushed to the kobold camp." The fourth slap of the boss just hit the back of the third child.The second child who had been paying attention to the kobold camp suddenly pointed to the front and reminded.

Hearing the reminder from the second child, the eldest looked up, and sure enough, a figure rushed into the kobold camp.As the figure entered, the kobold camp suddenly became noisy like a frying pan was boiling.

"Damn it. There's really someone here. She's here to steal the missions of the three of us." Seeing the figure in the kobold camp, the boss slapped the third child directly on the back of the head with his fifth slap, with an excited expression on his face. stood up.

"Boss, why did you hit me again?" The third child had an aggrieved expression on his face, and he was about to cry.After being slapped several times by the boss, half of the blood of the third brother was knocked out.

"What's the point, hurry up, let's go too, how dare you take the mission of the Three Ghosts of the Yellow River, you must show her some color." Ignoring the complaints of the third child, the boss directly raised his weapon and started Greet the two brothers and rush in together.

"Boss, weren't we called Huangtu Three Swords before?" The third child frantically dug out his weapon from his backpack, and at the same time pointed out that the name that the boss reported at this time was completely different from what he said before.

"You still dare to talk back, whether you are the boss or I am the boss, I am the boss and I have the final say, don't let me go." Another slap was slapped on the back of the third child's head, and the blood strip on the top of the third child's head was visible to the naked eye. a cut.The boss waved his hands and took the lead towards the kobold camp.

"I told you earlier, don't fight with the boss, why you just don't listen, really. Hurry up, let's catch up, the boss has already gone in." The second child patted the third child on the shoulder. The expression of "don't listen to me, you will suffer a loss" on the face.He also rushed to the kobold camp with the boss.

"You told me earlier? When did you tell me?" Followed at the end with an aggrieved face, the youngest also rushed in waving the weapon in his hand.He didn't remember that his second brother had ever said such a thing to him.

"Ah, it's amazing. The second and third child are here to help." He raised his weapon and slashed at the outermost kobold. The blood on the kobold's head was slightly reduced. The hand is to slash at the boss who attacked him.

Facing the kobold's counterattack, the boss raised his weapon and used the blocking skill.With a swaying sound, the boss was knocked back two steps, and the blood bar on the top of his head was directly reduced by one-fifth.The difference in strength made the boss startled, and hurriedly called the two brothers to help.

Run to the boss, the second and the third help deal with the kobold together.With the hard work of the three of them, they were finally able to fight this kobold with great vigor.

A slash on the kobold's body made the blood bar on his head slightly lowered.The second child glanced at the kobold camp, and his expression changed and he shouted: "Boss, the situation is not right."

"The situation is not right, and I know that the situation is not right, you still don't work harder. If you don't pull the hatred over, your boss will die." Hearing what the second child said, the boss who was accidentally hit again just rolled over Dodging the kobold's attack, looking at the chasing kobold, and then at the little bloody skin left on the top of his head, he cursed angrily.

"No, boss, look inside. That person is definitely a master. Killing monsters is like chopping vegetables." Noticing the blood bar on the top of the boss's head, the second child hurriedly used provocative skills, and finally put the kobold's hatred Pulled over.While dodging the attack, he pointed to the inside of the camp and shouted.

Hearing the cry of the second child, the eldest one took out the red medicine and began to stuff it into his mouth, while turning his head to look into the camp.Pfft, seeing the battle in the camp, the boss sprayed out a mouthful of red medicine directly from his mouth.There are really masters, the person who went in just now is actually so powerful?

 It's the fifth update, let's stop here for today's update, it's finally a day of ten thousand updates.Thank you again for your subscription and rewards, thank you.

  By the way, I'm asking for leave for tomorrow morning. It's changed today. I haven't saved the manuscript for tomorrow, so I plan to get up tomorrow morning and start typing again.So the morning chapter might be uploaded a few hours later.Starting tomorrow, the double update will be normal, and the manuscripts will be saved.When I save more manuscripts, I will update them occasionally.Just Jiang Zi, good night everyone.Go to bed early and get up early to keep healthy~~~ Go to bed.

(End of this chapter)

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