Chapter 373 The real culprit

In the kobold camp, a lavender petite figure flickered quickly inside, suddenly appeared behind a kobold, and killed the kobold in seconds.In the next second, another kobold appeared behind him, and the same knife killed another kobold in seconds.

As if teleporting, the purple figure moved to and fro among the kobold crowd, and every time it appeared with the blood sprayed by the kobold, a kobold was instantly killed.This kind of speed and attack power is definitely a great master, not just an ordinary master, but a great master among the great masters.

Just when the boss was shocked by the opponent's movement speed and attack power, he seemed to be tired of killing him all at once.The purple figure appeared in a corner of the camp and did not continue to attack, but bent down and made a sprinting motion.

Only at this time did the boss see the real appearance of this purple figure, which was not at all the image of a master they had imagined, but actually a very petite girl.If you only look at the appearance, there is not much deterrence at all, but it will make people feel petite and cute.

However, as the girl sprinted and charged, the white knife light flashed past.The girl disappeared from this end and appeared on the other end of the camp.When she turned her back to the countless kobolds and slowly sheathed the dagger on her back, a series of "cut" characters appeared on the countless kobolds.

Boom, sword energy erupted.The kobold with the word "cut" floating on his body was blown to pieces in an instant.Such a blow actually directly emptied two-thirds of the kobolds in the camp.When the girl turned around with the handle of the knife in her hand and looked at the remaining kobolds, all the kobolds were frightened and retreated into the distance.

"Master, come and save me." After Zhuang Xiaoyuan wiped out most of the kobolds, the fat businessman who was tied to the wooden post in the middle of the camp finally saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan's real body.

Noticing a large number of kobolds falling around, the fat and white businessman's face showed the joy of desperate survival, and he shouted for help to Zhuang Xiaoyuan as if he had grasped the last straw.

"Woo~" A loud howl sounded in the camp, as if awakened by the shouts of the white and fat businessman. In the simple tent on one side of the camp, a huge kobold held a hammer in his hand, accompanied by a heavy Footsteps came out from inside.

This is the boss monster in this kobold camp, the Kobold Commander, just appeared, the Kobold Commander looked at the purple girl Zhuang Xiaoyuan on the side of the camp with red eyes.

Noticing the appearance of the kobold leader, the fat white businessman froze in place as if under the magic of silence, and did not dare to shout again.He only dared to stare closely at the kobold leader who came out of the tent with eyes full of fear and panic, lest he be noticed.

"Ha, it's just this kind of mob. How the caravan was defeated, it seems that we can only ask him." Holding the short knife behind him with his right hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned around and glanced at the fat white businessman. His eyes turned to the kobold who was staring at him angrily.

Originally seeing the orc footprints left on the ground, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought it would be a stronger werewolf or tiger man. After all, if you want to defeat a caravan with a second-level career, you must have a few high-level commanders.

But what I didn't expect was that Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who followed the traces, found the kobold camp.Although it is also a branch of orcs, kobolds can only be regarded as the bottom race among orcs, and their combat effectiveness is not strong.The highest level did not break a hundred, which made it difficult for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to understand.

How did these kobolds, who could only be regarded as mobs, defeat a caravan with a level [-] second-rank job.However, the intelligence of the kobolds is not high, and they do not have a perfect language system. It is obviously unrealistic to know what happened from them.Now the only person who knows the truth is probably the lucky owner of the caravan, Jia Dafu.

With a light kick, Zhuang Xiaoyuan already leaned over and rushed towards the kobold leader. Even the boss monster, with the obvious difference in level, is doomed to his end.

Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's approach, the kobold leader raised his hammer and slammed it down heavily. Along with the ground shaking, the trio who approached the camp instantly fell into a dizzy stupor.Fortunately, the shock was in the whole area, and the kobold they attacked was also stunned, otherwise, what awaited them would be death and downgrade.

With a light jump, he avoided the vibrating attack of the Kobold Commander. Zhuang Xiaoyuan lightly tapped the Kobold's hammer under his feet, and rushed directly towards the Kobold Commander's head along the thick handle of the hammer.

"Wang~" noticed that Zhuang Xiaoyuan dodged his own attack, and even used his own attack to get closer to him.The kobold leader stretched his left hand behind his back, and he pulled out a huge saber from behind, and slashed at Zhuang Xiaoyuan on the hammer handle.

"It's over." The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a cold smile.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand holding the dagger moved lightly, and the dagger came out of its sheath: "A flash of death."

The white light of the knife flashed past, and the white light struck straight up along the handle of the hammer led by the kobold, and passed through his neck in an instant.With a flash of white light, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has appeared behind the kobold leader.The iron-eating insect Dotara, who was not stained with any blood, gently returned to its sheath, and a huge "cut" appeared on the leader of the kobold.

It is exactly the same as ordinary kobolds, it is also a flash of a knife, and it is also a one-hit kill.For Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the difference between a Kobold Commander and an ordinary Kobold is that they are bigger.

But in the eyes of the trio and businessman Jia Dafu, this was particularly shocking.Whether it is a kobold or a kobold leader, they are all killed in one hit.How strong is she? Who can force her to use the second strike?

Boom, the cut word was broken, the sword energy exploded, and the kobold leader stepped into the same fate as his subordinates.With a flash of the knife, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who landed next to the wooden pillar in the center of the camp, freed Jia Dafu from the rattan that bound him.

"Master, thank you for saving me, Master. I almost thought I was going to die." Being lowered from the wooden pillar, Jia Dafu had an excited expression on his face.Occasionally, he looked up and saw the silent guard beside him, with a faint fear on his face.

Frowning slightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised his hand and grabbed Jia Dafu's collar, jumped directly to the side of the trio, and waved his free left hand at the kobold who was confronting the trio.A flying knife flew out of his hand, and instantly inserted into the back of the kobold's neck, killing the kobold directly.

Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan left the spot and took care of the kobolds, a loud bombardment sounded from the place where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others stayed before.The two thick wooden pillars were blown away by the bombardment, and the body of the guard on one of the wooden pillars was even torn apart.The smoke from the bombing gradually dissipated, revealing the tall body inside.

"Are you the real culprit?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan said softly with a serious face.

 Late first update =_=
(End of this chapter)

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