Chapter 374 Betrayal and the Emerging Dark Mist
"Wei Renjie, why did you do this. I have never treated you badly. Aren't many people in my guards are your brothers. How can you do this kind of murder?" Seeing the smoke dissipate , the figure that appeared.Jia Dafu shouted excitedly, but there was lingering fear in his eyes.

"Sure enough, you did it. I wonder how the orcs caught him with a second-rank professional like you." Looking carefully at Wei Renjie in front of him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan intuitively felt a strange threat , which has never happened before.

Obviously at this time Wei Renjie looked similar to before, and there was no obvious change at all.No, there are still obvious changes. The Lv500 floating above Wei Renjie's head has changed, and now it shows Lv? ? ? .Can't see the specific level value.

"This world is illusory, and only destruction is eternal. Stupid mortals should return to the original darkness." Jia Dafu's questioning was ignored, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze was ignored.Wei Renjie looked at this side coldly with his dead eyes, and stretched out his right hand to the broad sword in his left hand.

As the wide sword in his hand was slowly unsheathed, traces of black mist emerged from the sword, and wrapped around Wei Renjie along the hilt of the sword.In an instant, Wei Renjie's temperament changed significantly.

If it was said that it was still a little popular before but it was more gloomy, but now it has no human feeling at all, as if standing in front of it is a dead spirit without life.

"What's the matter with that sword? It's actually... black mist." Gritting his teeth lightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes widened when he noticed the black mist that gradually spread after Wei Renjie drew his sword out of its sheath.

Probably because it was hidden in the scabbard all the time, it hadn't felt the breath of the black mist at all before.But it is black mist, the black mist on this sword seems to be slightly different from the black mist that Zhuang Xiaoyuan fought in the past.

"That sword? It was reforged with precious iron ore he got by chance some time ago. Could it be that Wei Renjie's sudden betrayal was because of that sword?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Jia Dafu noticed Wei Renjie only now The weird mist that came out of the sword.

"Hey, you guys, take him away, it's best to take him back to Blue Lake Village. If you get too close, I don't care if he dies." Throwing Jia Dafu to the trio, Zhuang Xiaoyuan put the knife behind him with his right hand On the handle, he walked towards Wei Renjie step by step.This time, I'm afraid it can't be solved with one blow.

"Drip, Special Mission - Protect Bluestone Merchant Jia Dafu (Bronze~Silver): Protect Bluestone Merchant Jia Dafu to reach Blue Lake Village safely. Mission Rewards: 50.00 experience, [-] money, and the title Merchant's Friendship (all merchant alliance stores) [-]% off), according to the performance, there is a chance to get additional rewards from the assassin mentor. Failure penalty: hostility from the business alliance (all shop consumption increased by [-]%)”

The three hurriedly caught Jia Dafu thrown by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and when they helped him to stand up, a system notification sounded in their ears.The new task appeared in the task bar of the three of them, directly overriding the previous silver-level task of investigating the disappearance of the caravan.

"Boss, we are going to send it. Silver mission, she, she, she is a second-rank assassin? Wow, a master at level [-]." Seeing the new mission that appeared in his task bar, the third brother's eyes lit up looked at the boss.

"Fuck me, I think about it all day long. Don't hurry up. Can we participate in the five-hundred-level master battle? If you don't run, let alone the task, your life is gone." A slap was slapped directly on With the back of the third child's head, the boss cursed, pulled Jia Dafu up, turned and ran away.

Being slapped for no reason and speechless, the third child rubbed the back of his head with an aggrieved expression and followed the eldest and second child towards Blue Lake Village.He muttered in his mouth and said that if he hit him again, he would be beaten stupid.In response to him was the boss's scolding that you won't be stupid if you fight again, you are already stupid enough.

When the boss took the lead and started to escape, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already quietly disappeared in place and entered a stealth state.Different from ordinary stealth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's stealth state is not only more stealthy, but also increases his movement speed.

With a silent trot, Zhuang Xiaoyuan circled to Wei Renjie's right side, gently unsheathed the short knife behind his back, and stabbed Wei Renjie's back with his backhand.Now that he has been controlled by the black mist on the knife, Zhuang Xiaoyuan will not show mercy to him who only met once.If he survived, he was lucky, but if he couldn't survive and was killed, he could only count himself unlucky.

Ding, the clear and crisp weapon chimes sounded.As soon as Zhuang Xiaoyuan's dagger touched the black mist floating around Wei Renjie, he noticed it.With a wave of his hand, the broad sword appeared in his right hand to block Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack.

The transformation of the ghost gate instantly increased explosive power and movement speed, and the skill of switching positions was used by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.In a flash, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already appeared on Wei Renjie's left side, and the dagger in his hand cut directly at the aorta of his neck.

While the black mist was surging around his body, Wei Renjie sensed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack again, and he dodged the fatal blow with a short body. The wide-edged sword in Wei Renjie's hand cut across to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's waist.

With a turn of footsteps, he used stray footwork, narrowly dodging Wei Renjie's attack, and the moment he avoided the attack, Zhuang Xiaoyuan leaned close to his body and stabbed him in the heart with a dagger.The wide-edged sword abruptly turned and cut towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan, at the same time raised his right foot, and directly hit Zhuang Xiaoyuan's abdomen with his knee.

Boom, the knee bump and the wide-edged sword attacked Zhuang Xiaoyuan at the same time.Breaking up Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly is a clone.Faced with Wei Renjie's counterattack, Zhuang Xiaoyuan used the assassin's phantom mastery skill to create a clone, and the main body quietly appeared behind him.

Ding, the swords and swords intersected, and there was another crisp sound.From the first strike, Zhuang Xiaoyuan never stopped attacking.He appeared next to Wei Renjie again and again, and every attack was his vital point.

In the face of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's quick attack, Wei Renjie, who was originally only level 900, showed full-level attributes comparable to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's level [-]. Coupled with the powerful perception ability of the black mist around him, he avoided Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attacks again and again.Only when it is really impossible to dodge will it resist with the broad-edged sword in hand.

However, as the wide-edged sword and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's iron-eating insects fought many times, Wei Renjie, who felt something was wrong, no longer dared to directly confront the weapon with force.I would rather take some light damage than use a broad-edged sword to resist.

Because, as Wei Renjie's wide-edged sword collided with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's weapon, small wounds began to appear on the broad-edged sword, and the durability of the broad-edged sword would decrease rapidly after each collision.

The characteristic of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Iron Devourer Duoduoliang can directly reduce the durability of the opponent's armament. When the durability is reduced to a certain level, it can even directly destroy the opponent's armament.

It was because of the many and good characteristics of the iron-eating insects that Wei Renjie avoided collisions with weapons, and having such concerns also weakened his combat effectiveness to a small extent.

 Thanks to the book friend [Shuangwei] for the reward of [-] coins again. I never thought that this book would give birth to an elder. I never thought about it.But today it seems that it is too late to add updates, let's make up updates tomorrow.Thank you again, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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