Chapter 378 Caravan to North Wind City
"Assassin mentor Zhuang Xiaoyuan taught you the stealth skill of a professional assassin of the third-rank thief system. Because it is a higher-level skill, the effect will be weakened. Do you accept the teaching? After completing the teaching, your main job will be changed to a thief. Yes/No .”

"Assassin mentor Zhuang Xiaoyuan taught you the silent movement skill of the hidden sub-professional tracker. Do you accept the teaching? After completing the teaching, your sub-professional will be changed to a unique hidden professional tracker. Yes/No."

"Three-turn assassin's stealth? Unique hidden occupation? Do you even need to ask, of course it is." Hearing the system's notification sound, the shadow boy couldn't control his emotions, and he jumped up excitedly.The right hand stretched out to the screen trembled uncontrollably.

Looking at the shadow boy amusedly, after he chose to accept the teaching, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly sent him the task of finding the world crystal that he had prepared a long time ago.

In fact, if this kind of task of finding props waits for the players to level up, all go to the main city, and then release it to a public task area such as the mercenary union or the adventurer union, the effect will probably be better.

But Zhuang Xiaoyuan has no plan to let more people know about this mission.Although it is indeed easy to find clues that way, if some people have evil intentions and really find it but do not intend to hand it over, it will be a bit troublesome.If it is only given to one person, and then let this person spread the word, it will be at least a little safer.

What's more, now that Loki has been spotted, although I don't know if Loki came to this world for the power of Yuanli, but no matter what his goal is, Zhuang Xiaoyuan doesn't intend to let him touch his Yuanyuan. The power of reason.

"Hey, the Assassin Mentor releases a world-class mission to you - Traces of the World Crystal (Purple Epic): Please help the Assassin Mentor find clues about the World Crystal, and get rewards at different stages (shareable) according to the benefit of providing clues. The ultimate reward : Oral Secret Technique - Shadow Escape (uniqueness)."

"World-class epic mission?" If it was just a surprise to acquire assassin skills and take up a hidden job before, then the shadow boy who received the world-class mission at this moment was shocked, and his eyes were so wide that they were about to fall off.

"Okay, the job transfer is complete, and the task is given to you. You should also leave here to upgrade. You have been left behind by others. After tomorrow, you don't need to come to me anymore. If you want to learn skills, go to the blue Go to Shicheng to find the thieves mentor there. I'm leaving here to find the world crystal elsewhere."

After the skills were taught and the task was announced, Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to chase people away.Having just had a strenuous exercise, Zhuang Xiaoyuan now wants to have a good meal and sleep soundly.Afterwards, there may not be such a stable place to rest well.

No words all night, the next morning.Zhuang Xiaoyuan got up early in the morning and left her residence refreshed.Called Jia Dafu, who lived in the Blue Lake Hotel, and received two letters from the village chief. In the enthusiastic farewell of the villagers, he packed a backpack with various props as farewell gifts and set foot on the road to Blue Stone City. .

"Hey, what's going on here? Our mission target was cleared in advance?" When Zhuang Xiaoyuan was preparing to go to Blue Rock City with Jia Dafu, the isolated jungle in the middle of the official road between Blue Rock City and Blue Lake Village On the other side, a team of three 40 people gathered here.Facing the kobold camp that had been completely destroyed at this time, they looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

"Look carefully to see if there are any changes in the mission branch. The mission system of this game often changes randomly, and the original low-level missions may become higher-level missions." The leader of the team, His equipment is obviously much more luxurious than others.Moreover, his expression also appeared very calm, showing no other emotions at all due to the unexpected change of the task.

Seeing the dilapidated camp in front of him, he just frowned slightly, and began to order his teammates to search in all directions.When his teammates scattered and began to search for possible clues in the kobold camp, he himself walked in step by step.

Kacha, not long after entering the camp, the leader seemed to have stepped on something under his feet, making a crisp crashing sound.Moving his right foot away, the leader looked down, scattered and broken metal fragments came into his eyes, and he could vaguely see that these fragments seemed to be fragments of a certain weapon.

There was a slight jump in my heart. For some reason, the leader's eyes were attracted by these fragments, as if they were something important.Slightly frowning, the team leader squatted down and picked up the fragments on the ground: "Unknown weapon fragments (equipment forging materials): greatly increase the weapon's attributes, and come with special effects at random."

"President, come here quickly, we found the kobold's treasure chest." As soon as the fragmented data came into view, the shouts of the team members came from not far away.Put these fragments into the backpack at will.The president stood up and walked over to the position where the players were greeted.Vaguely, the fragments put into the package filled with a faint black mist.

"Okay, let's go. Let's keep up." With the shout of the caravan manager, the caravan from Blue Stone City to North Wind City finally set off.The front carriage is the first to start, followed by various trucks full of goods.In each truck, there are one or two people who are obviously dressed as professionals.

And Zhuang Xiaoyuan was arranged on the last truck. At this time, she was sitting cross-legged on the roof of the truck, while leisurely looking at the gradually changing scenery around her, while taking out a small dried fish from her backpack and putting it in her mouth to chew. .

This is a farewell gift from her group of chef apprentices. It is full of a large bag of dried fish. It is the dried fish of the small yellow croaker in Blue Stone Lake, and it is also the biggest specialty of Blue Lake Village.The price is also very important. For Zhuang Xiaoyuan, it can barely be considered delicious, compared with her own craftsmanship.However, at least these small dried fish are already the best dishes of that group of chefs.

"You look so leisurely, where did you come from, the richest lady? Taking care of children is the most troublesome thing." On the front of the truck that Zhuang Xiaoyuan was in.Two guards dressed as swordsmen sat in the back of the car, one of the guards called Xiao Jian glanced at Zhuang Xiaoyuan on the roof of the car, and complained to the other in a low voice.

"Hey, what's the matter. Looking at her now, she will definitely be a beauty when she grows up. It's also good to be seductive. Anyway, this journey should be as boring as usual." Another guard said with a mean and wretched expression on his face.

"Hmph, you don't have the experience of taking care of such a young lady, you will be annoying." Rolling his eyes at Xiao Shea, Xiao Jian said with a trace of obvious disgust on his face as if he had come here.

(End of this chapter)

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