Chapter 379 The Attack of the Gray Rock Lobster

"What are you afraid of? Come to experience life once in a while, maybe you will see me right. Then you can save hundreds of years of struggle. This kind of innocent young lady is not the most romantic kind of step-over Are you in love?" Blinking at Xiao Jian, Xiao Sheath had a 'you understand' expression.

"Daydream, you. I don't know what the boss thinks, but he still hires her to work as a security guard. I heard that the boss pays her more than we put together. This kind of half-playing role-playing young lady Cut." Turning his head away disdainfully, Xiaojian was obviously very dissatisfied with the decision of the person in charge of the caravan to let Zhuang Xiaoyuan join the guard.

"Hehe, it turns out that you are because of this. There is something wrong with your thinking. The boss didn't give her any salary, it should be for the sake of good relationship. From this point of view, this person's backstage is probably not simple. Could it be the daughter of the city lord or something." Unlike the dissatisfied Xiao Jian, Xiao Shea became more interested in Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and he still dreamed of reaching the sky in one step.

"Oh, oh, I'm completely underestimated. After all, it's the figure of this kind of elementary school student." He licked his fingers that had been smelled of dried fish, and licked all the fishy smell left on his fingers into his mouth.Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached into the bag full of dried fish and took out another one and took a bite.It was funny to listen to the conversation of the guards in front.

They thought they couldn't hear them at all, but their super-high perceptual ability clearly received their whispered voices in their ears.Speaking of her figure at this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but think of the passage that impressed her the most when she was watching the recorded horizon.

That passage was Akatsuki's self-exposure when talking about her experience, and it was talking about Akatsuki's own loli figure.When I went to elementary school, I was an elementary school student who looked like an elementary school student. When I went to junior high school, I was a junior high school student who looked like an elementary school student. After high school, I was a high school student who looked like an elementary school student. After entering university, I was no longer considered an elementary school student. A university student like a junior high school student.

When I first saw this sentence, I didn't know why I wanted to laugh and felt a little sad.As the heroine, Xiao is probably very self-absorbed about her figure, but because of this sentence, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thinks Xiao is even more cute.

It's just that I didn't expect that one day I would become like her.Of course, what I didn't expect was that I would experience so many big and small things, and I didn't expect that my ordinary self would have such a hidden background. The world is really impermanent.

"Huh? It seems that something good is about to happen." Bite off the small dried fish in his mouth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned his mouth up, and shouted at the two guards in the car in front who spoke ill of him: "Hey, the one in front Those two, be careful under your feet."

"Eh? Is she talking to us?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's shout, Xiao Shea stared at Xiao Jian in a daze.

"Who knows, what's under your feet." Frowning, Xiao Jian had a look of disdain on his face, but he couldn't help but look at the ground that was receding rapidly as the truck moved forward.

Boom, just when Xiaojian looked down at the ground.The ground suddenly jumped, and a pair of gray iron tongs broke through the ground and pinched their legs.Staring, the little sword and the little scabbard were visibly taken aback, they didn't expect something to come out of the ground.

However, although their hearts were full of surprises, as professional guards, both of them had good reflexes.Facing the iron tongs pinching his legs, he instantly retracted his feet, drew out the weapon beside him, and slashed at him.

Ding, the weapon and the iron tongs are separated at the touch of a touch. Facing the metal weapon, the pair of iron tongs are unscathed.Boom, the ground split open, and a huge gray lobster crawled out of the ground, waving the iron tongs in its hand and continued to pinch the small sword and sheath.

"Oh, it's really a gray rock lobster. It has the blood of the dragon, a variant of the aquatic lobster, and is an intermediate-level monster that can freely shuttle in the earth. It is said that its meat is delicious."

Turning over, Zhuang Xiaoyuan jumped from the roof of the truck to the front seat of the stopped truck, the small dried fish in his hand didn't spill out at all, while eating with relish, he watched the battle ahead with interesting eyes.

In the village chief's collection of books, what Zhuang Xiaoyuan reads the most is the introduction to the geography of the mainland and the detailed introductions of various monsters.In particular, one of the books on how to cook monsters made Zhuang Xiaoyuan very interested.

That book introduced in detail hundreds of kinds of monsters with the most delicious meat and the best taste among the known monsters.And the gray rock lobster in front of me is one of the top ten good ingredients, I really want to eat it.

But ordinary people probably don't know the delicacy of this kind of lobster, because it contains toxins, so no one dares to eat the meat of this kind of lobster so far.But in that cooking book, there is a way to get rid of toxins.

"Well, shouldn't it be better for us to back off?" Sitting next to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the old driver of the truck looked cautiously at the battle in front of him and asked Zhuang Xiaoyuan beside him.

Although he didn't know the details of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the old driver was repeatedly told by the boss to obey Zhuang Xiaoyuan's orders, so even though he didn't think that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's staying here would be of any use, the old driver asked her opinion first.

"No, it's fine here, I don't want to let the rare delicacy go away." I looked at the gray rock lobster in front of me with my eyes. From his strong forelimbs and bulging figure, it can be seen that this lobster is very fat. It made Zhuang Xiaoyuan salivate even more.Waved casually at the old driver, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was eager to try this lobster.

At this time, the guards on the trucks in front finally noticed the situation behind them, jumped out of the trucks and surrounded the gray rock lobster.After all, it was only a mid-level monster. After the guards in front surrounded it and started to join in the attack, the gray rock lobster that accidentally broke into the convoy was quickly killed.

"You guys did a good job. I've been looking forward to the meat of the gray rock lobster for a long time. Haha." After the gray rock lobster was finally knocked down, Zhuang Xiaoyuan jumped out of the car and walked in front of the gray rock lobster and started cutting it. The scale armor, collect the meat you need.

"What are you doing? This is the monster we killed. It is our trophy. Anyone who has not done it should not move." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movement, Xiaojian's face flashed with anger, and he couldn't help it from the heart. A strong sense of irritability emerged, and he asked in a stern tone.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, my companion doesn't know how to speak. In fact, what he wants to say is that the meat of this monster is poisonous and inedible. The more useful ones are the scales and its pincers." He stretched out his hand Holding the little sword and covering his mouth with his right hand, Xiao Shea said to Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was squatting on the ground and cutting meat with a smile on his face.

"All I need is meat, and you don't need it anyway." Facing Xiao Shea with a smile on her face, she shook the large piece of white and tender lobster meat that she had cut out of her hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan indifferently shook her head and looked at Xiao Shea. Jian continued: "Also, although I didn't do anything, I reminded you. Think about the consequences of being suddenly attacked if I didn't remind you."

 Make up and make up, this chapter can be regarded as the addition that was missed the day before yesterday.Thanks again for everyone's rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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