Chapter 380 Braised Limestone Lobster Meat

"Pfft, bah bah. What are the consequences? Even without your reminder, we can avoid the attack intact. Don't be too self-righteous." Reaching out the small sheath to cover his right hand, Xiaojian had an unconvinced expression on his face. retorted.

"Oh, that's right. Then let me meddle in my own business." Shrugging her shoulders indifferently, Zhuang Xiaoyuan bounced back to her truck with the lobster meat in her hand.Lobster meat get, who has the heart to quarrel with such a faulty guy.Zhuang Xiaoyuan would not pay attention to this kind of stranger.

"What kind of attitude, you actually ignore me." Faced with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ignorance, Xiaojian became even more annoyed.

"Hey, Xiao Jian, what's going on with you today. You targeted people for no reason. If it weren't for her reminder just now, we might have been injured, and the meat of the gray rock lobster is useless and should be thrown away. It doesn't matter if she takes it, right? Why are you so excited?" Xiao Shea asked with a frown as she grabbed the little sword that was about to rush forward to continue provoking Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Tsk, I don't know why, I couldn't calm down when I saw her, and I became irritable all of a sudden." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan left Xiaojian's sight, the anger on Xiaojian's face gradually disappeared. The looming gloom gradually hides and restores the original clarity. Recalling the sudden irritable mood before, Xiaojian frowned slightly and did not understand his behavior.

"I don't know the reason for the inexplicable irritability. Could it be that those few days every month come." Hearing Xiao Jian's words, Xiao Sheath showed a strange smile on his face, and teased with a hook on his shoulder.

"Get out of here, you only have so many days every month." Pushing away the small sheath, Xiao Jian rolled his eyes helplessly, shook his head and walked to the gray rock lobster corpse to start collecting After collecting the scales, go to the truck you just took. Fortunately, the gray rock lobster came out at the rear of the truck, so it didn't cause any damage to the truck.

"Haha, are you indulged in lust or are you ashamed to speak?" Haha laughed, Xiao Sheath followed Xiao Jian to collect scales and put them on the truck.

"Don't use idioms indiscriminately, you idiot." Then Xiao Jian's voice turned into anger from embarrassment that responded to him.The caravan soon continued on the road. The gray rock lobster attack was just a small episode, and it would happen occasionally. The guards were already used to this kind of monster attack.

Since the gray rock lobster attack, nothing special has happened. The caravan has been advancing smoothly. Soon the sun was setting and the sky began to dim. The caravan finally arrived at the previously scheduled place and started camping rest.

Night is a paradise for monsters, and monsters that haunt the wild will be enhanced by the night to become more powerful.And because human beings are not adapted to the night, it will weaken their combat effectiveness. Therefore, walking in the dark is not a wise choice.

The caravan headed for North Wind City, both the guards and merchant members are veterans who have been away all year round, and they are also very good at camping. In a short period of time, tents were erected one after another, and bonfires were lit. The darkness around the camp.

Rejecting the invitation from the head of the caravan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan set up a bonfire beside him.He lit the bonfire and put the iron pot on it. As the bonfire became more and more prosperous, the iron pot gradually began to heat up. Zhuang Xiaoyuan also took out the gray rock lobster meat that he had purified all afternoon from behind.

The gray rock lobster is a very peculiar kind of monster. It has the blood of the dragon clan, and it is born with a faint dragon power. Humans and some ordinary beasts may not feel it, but monsters can perceive it. Longwei, so few Warcraft will provoke it.

In addition to Longwei, the gray rock lobster is best at escaping the ground. This ability does not come from the dragon clan, but from the ability of the demon clan rock demon in the abyss of despair. The gray rock lobster not only has the dragon blood but also the devil Bloodline.

It is because the gray rock lobster has the blood of the devil, and ordinary people will be eroded by the devil's breath after eating the meat of the gray rock lobster, which makes people think that its meat is poisonous and cannot be eaten by humans.

However, after knowing that this toxin comes from the devil, it is easier to solve it. Using the holy water of the temple or asking the priest to release the purification technique can well eliminate the devil's breath in the gray rock lobster meat.

It just so happened that Zhuang Xiaoyuan carried high-grade holy water from the temple on her body. This was a farewell gift given to Zhuang Xiaoyuan by the professional priests of the Blue Lake Village temple before she left. This kind of holy water has a strong effect.

Not only can it purify most abnormal states, but it can also kill demons, and even has a good recovery effect on its own injuries. It can be regarded as a multi-functional combination of antidote, panacea, anti-enemy medicine and healing medicine. potion.

Moreover, this kind of holy water is very rare, even if it is stored in the temple, it is not much, because it can be regarded as getting along well with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and the priest gave Zhuang Xiaoyuan a whole bottle of it with rare generosity.

But she probably would never have imagined that this bottle of potion was not used on the devil, nor was it used for healing, but for Zhuang Xiaoyuan's appetite.If she knew that such a thing would happen, I don't know if she would regret her generosity.

No matter how wasteful his behavior was, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the delicate white and tender gray rock lobster meat with a satisfied look on his face as if it was still shining with pure white holy light. Now he can taste the delicacy described in the book.

From the backpack, he dug out various seasonings and cutting boards and kitchen knives that he had prepared. Zhuang Xiaoyuan poured a little oil into the hot pan, and then put in peppercorns and peppers to stir-fry the smell.At the same time, the lobster meat was placed on the cutting board and started to be cut into pieces. With the rapid up and down movement of the kitchen knife, a whole piece of lobster meat became small pieces of easy-to-appetize size in a short period of time.

Fish out the completely useless prickly ash pepper from the oil pan and throw away, leaving only the hot oil with a hint of spiciness. Zhuang Xiaoyuan added a little shredded ginger and stir-fried a few times at will, then poured chopped ginger into the hot pan. Good lobster meat.

The lobster meat is poured into the pot, and the moment it touches the hot pot, a faint and peculiar aroma has already floated out. Put salt, pour wine, add soy sauce, stir fry quickly, and the meat flavor of the lobster adds a hint of sauce. smell.

Then add some other seasonings, stir fry and add water.Adding water until the lobster meat was completely covered, Zhuang Xiaoyuan put the lid on, pulled out a few logs from the campfire, made the flames slightly smaller, and began to sit on the spot and wait for the water inside to dry up.

As the flame licked the bottom of the pot, the water in the pot became less and less, and the thick aroma of lobster meat mixed with the wonderful seasoning aroma wafted out from the pot. At first, only Zhuang Xiaoyuan could smell this aroma, but no one could smell it. After a while, the fragrance spread throughout the entire caravan. Unknowingly, the caravan guards all focused their attention on it. It was so fragrant. It was a fragrance that had never been smelled before.

(End of this chapter)

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