Chapter 382 It's Not the Meat That's Poisonous, It's Him
"Ah~" As a piece of lobster meat was put into his mouth, a tearing pain spread from his mouth and instantly permeated his whole body, causing Xiaojian to let out a miserable scream, and fell to the ground with a plop, his hands started Scratching every part of his body.

"Hey, what's going on here, Xiaojian." Xiaojian suddenly screamed in pain, causing Xiaoshea to panic instantly. He didn't even care about the discarded wooden bowl and the overturned lobster meat. The little sword was rolling back and forth, and the little sheath reached out to help him up to see if there was something wrong.

"Wait a minute, don't touch him." A petite hand grabbed the back collar of the little sheath and threw him away from the little sword. At some point, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had put down her chopsticks and appeared next to the little sword and sheath, with a smear on her face. It is no longer the leisurely way of enjoying delicious food before, but a little serious and dignified.

"What's wrong with Xiaojian? Didn't you say that all the toxins have been dealt with? Why did he do this all of a sudden?" Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's appearance, Xiao Shea asked as if he had found the culprit.

"Idiot, if the lobster meat is poisonous, it will poison you first, how could he be poisoned. It is not my lobster meat that is poisonous, but him." Looking sideways at Xiao Shea, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at her with contempt. Xiao Jian said as he rolled back and forth on the ground with a painful expression on his face.

"Him? You mean that Xiao Jian was poisoned in the first place? Then what should we do now? Why did it suddenly happen?" After being reminded by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Xiao Shea realized that she was in a panic, and didn't even look at such an obvious reason. Come out, but looking at the companion in pain in front of him, Xiao Shean still doesn't know what to do.

There was a sudden scream here, which attracted the rest of the guards who were resting around, and everyone surrounding them obviously had nothing to do about the sudden change.Not paying attention to the crowd watching, Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved at the small scabbard and pointed to the small sword on the ground: "Come here, feed him all the lobster meat on the ground, my lobster meat has the effect of detoxifying, and the effect is too strong now." Xiao Cai has been resisting each other so painfully, as long as one party completely suppresses the other, it will recover soon."

"Ah, but it has already fallen on the ground." Looking at the overturned lobster meat on the ground, Xiao Sheath seemed a little hesitant.

"What happened on the ground, you knocked it over yourself. I don't want my food to be wasted by you. Besides, the ground is not poisonous. At most, I have diarrhea. It's much better than dying from such pain." Helplessly Rolling eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pulled him and told him to act quickly.

Thinking about it carefully, yes, although it is not very clean when it falls on the ground, it is better than dying like this.Gritting her teeth, Xiao Shea picked up the lobster meat on the ground and stuffed it into Xiaojian's mouth.

"You can only touch it with the hand that is grasping the meat, don't use the other hand, or it will be passed on to you." Seeing Xiao Sheath's movements, Zhuang Xiaoyuan kindly reminded her.

As the lobster meat was stuffed into Xiaojian's mouth by the small sheath, a faint black breath leaked from him.When all the lobster meat on the ground was stuffed into his mouth, the breath exuding from him had gradually condensed on Xiaojian's head, and a black figure appeared.

"Who dares to pour holy water on my host body. If you break my possession technique, use your body to repay it." The black figure gradually condensed, revealing a tall and strong body.

There are a pair of sharp curved horns on top of the head, the bat wings on the back are widely spread to cover the sky, and the slender tail is flicking gently behind it. It is really a classic devil costume.Even the lines that appear on the stage are full of demonic breath.

"This, this, this is a demon?!" Seeing the condensed figure formed by the aura emanating from Xiao Jian's body, Xiao Sheath sat down on the ground in fright, screaming tremblingly.

"Human beings, is that the holy water you gave me to drink? Give me your body." Hearing Xiao Sheath's scream, the demon's blood-red eyes looked down, and the low-pitched demon's murmur lingered in his ears. Xiao Sheath seemed to have lost her sanity and fell into a sluggish state.

"The devil, there is a devil, run away."

"The devil is back, help."

With the appearance of the demon, most of the guards in the guard team began to flee in all directions.Demons are not those driven orcs, monsters.The devil is the strongest existence that almost dominated the mainland.The moment the demon appeared, the fleeing guards were terrified.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. It's just a demon, not an army of demons. We have so many professionals, are we afraid that we won't be able to defeat him?" There are those who run away, and of course there are those who choose to fight with determination.After being greeted by a guard with good prestige, the remaining guards gathered together and surrounded the demon.

"Hmph, it looks like I haven't come out for a long time. Have human beings forgotten our fear? Now that I have seen them all, don't even try to run away." Black light emanated from the demon's body, spread out in an instant, and formed a Formed a huge enchantment.The guards who wanted to escape were immediately blocked and lost the chance to escape.


"Let's go together."

"Since you can't run away, let's fight him."

After experiencing despair, the guards who couldn't run away had the will to survive burning in their hearts, and rushed towards the devil with bright red eyes.All of a sudden, the devil was surrounded by professionals guarding the caravan.All kinds of weapons are intertwined to attack the demon.

"Stupid human beings, how dare you draw your saber at me, the Grand Duke of the Devil. Heh heh heh, he is really overwhelmed." With a wave of his hand, the black breath swept away, and the guards who rushed towards the demon were under attack. All of them were knocked into the air, and their health bar dropped rapidly, falling to the ground.Several low-level guards even disappeared directly in this black breath.

Just when the Demon Grand Duke crushed the audience, the silver knife light flashed past, and the demon who knocked all the professionals into the air with his own power was cut into two pieces.With the waist as the center, the upper half and lower half are separated directly.

"I see, is it this structure? Unlike the demon's fast-recovering body, the demon is a pure energy body." A blow cut the demon into two pieces, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face showed no sign of victory at all, and of course there was no sign of victory. He was not nervous at all, but turned around with a relaxed face and looked at the demon behind him, without any pressure in his tone.

"Ju, you actually cut the demon in half with one blow. Who is it?" The professional who fell to the ground after being blown away by the blow had a shocked expression on his face when he noticed the blow that directly severed the demon's body.

"No, it's impossible for demons to be wiped out so easily." A professional on the other side struggled to sit up. Although there was shock in his eyes, it was more fear of demons.

"She, isn't she hired by the boss to eat for nothing, so she is so powerful?" At this time, someone finally noticed the person behind the demon.With a petite figure, he was dressed in light assassin clothes that seemed to be playful.That girl who looks like an underage child.

(End of this chapter)

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