Chapter 383 The Devil Who Pretends Failed
"Who are you?" The severed body began to twist and fuse, and the Grand Duke returned to its original appearance in just a few seconds, as if the previous knife wound was just a phantom.Slowly turning around to face Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the face of the Demon Grand Duke was full of surprise and anger.

"It's really a villain-like questioning. When you appear on the stage and sweep everything, you ask who the opponent is after being attacked, and then continue to pretend to be aggressive and start to suppress the protagonist. After defeating the protagonist, you talk a lot, and finally get killed by the protagonist foolishly. This This kind of plot is not my thing." Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned when he heard the question from the Demon Duke, and said.

"Nonsense, since you didn't report your name, then you will die here as an unknown person." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's answer was completely unclear, so the Demon Duke felt that he had been fooled, his anger flashed, and he curled up The black breath rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Hey, nameless pawn. Don't you know that most of the time nameless is the strongest." With a light smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan slowly pulled out the dagger in his back when facing the demonic Grand Duke who rushed towards him with a ferocious aura .

"Shadowless Blade. Continuous Slash." Disappeared in place in an instant, and the silver knife light quickly circled around the Demon Grand Duke.In the blink of an eye, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had appeared behind the Demon Grand Duke, and the dagger he had drawn earlier had already been sheathed: "I don't have the aura of black mist on me, so I'll save your life for now."

Swish, swish, streaks of silver saber light burst from different positions on the Grand Duke's body. In an instant, the Grand Duke was cut into several sections by the silver saber light, and his hands, feet, head, and body were all separated and fell to the ground. , leaving only a beating bloody heart in the air.

"Why, how could it be. It actually cut off the connection between my body and my heart in an instant. You can't be an ordinary human being. Who are you?" A dull, panicked voice came from the heart mobilized in the air, The moment of contact made the winner, and the Grand Duke of the Demon was filled with shock and panic.

"Do you want to know who I am? It's a pity that I don't want to tell you." A smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned out the bottle of holy water from his backpack, and shut his heart directly before the Devil Duke escaped. into the bottle.

Although there is no holy water in this bottle, the bottle itself is not an ordinary bottle. It is a special bottle that has been soaked in holy water, which can preserve the holy water well and prevent the effect of holy water from passing away.It is also effective for the Demon Grand Duke who is also an energy body. With his current state of only his heart left, he may not be able to escape.

"That's amazing. This is the real master. He actually wiped out the Grand Duke of Demons all at once." It took only a few minutes from the appearance of the Grand Duke of Demons until he was wiped out by Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a few knives, but the surrounding professionals The hearts of the guards were up and down, and it felt as if a century had passed.

"With the speed and attack style just now, she is definitely a third-rank professional, and she may have reached the peak of human beings. Maybe she is a peak professional who has reached the title level." Whether she is still lying on the ground or The guards who had managed to get up all looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with shocked eyes.

The original contempt, ignorance, jealousy, disgust, etc., all the emotions disappeared. At this moment, the surrounding guards looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with only deep awe.That is respect for masters and fear for the strong.

"Hey, don't pretend to be dead. Get up and tidy up when you wake up. It's so messy, it's shocking to see. I'm going back to enjoy my delicious food." Putting away the bottle containing the devil's heart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan kicked Kicking the small sword and scabbard lying on the ground pretending to be dead, he walked towards his bonfire. The braised lobster hadn't been eaten yet.

"Peak professionals at the title level will have their own title. What do you think her title will be? It seems that no new title holder has appeared recently. Is her title still undecided?"

Watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan leave, the surrounding guards began to get up and drink blood medicine, some bandaged them, and cleaned up the battlefield.A professional guard who was not seriously injured had been watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan go back to his campfire and start dinner, and suddenly asked his colleagues around him with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"The title has not been decided? It is very possible. If this is the case, a title that has been circulated here may become the official title of this title-level powerhouse." Hearing what the companion beside him said, another The guard's eyes lit up, and a look of excitement appeared on his face.

Although I don't have such a strong strength and I am not familiar with this title-level powerhouse, but if the title I started can become the official title of this powerhouse, it is also an honor.In the future, you can also pretend to be aggressive in front of your children and grandchildren. I think the title of a certain strong man was passed down from your grandfather back then.

The guards who were tidying up around heard the guard's words, and their faces also showed excitement.It is already an honor to be able to walk a certain distance with such a strong person, if the title can also be handed down from them.Everyone is excited.

"Then let's try to determine a title. What do you guys think of the ghost image? I didn't see her attack clearly just now. She came and went without a trace like a ghost."

"It's not good, it's not good, the ghost is so ghostly, it's not worthy of this master at all."

"What's that called?"

"Why not call it Shadow?"

"Why do you want to bring a shadow character. I think it can be called a killing saint."

"Pfft, Killing Saint? What a bad title. I think White Fang is even better. Just now, the white light of the knife was like the teeth of a beast that instantly crushed the demon."

"White Fang? It's too rustic. How about calling it Silver Flash?"

"Silver Flash is not domineering at all."

"Silver Light." "Blink." "Shining." "Shadow Strike." "Silver Moon."

All of a sudden, the guards gathered together and began to discuss the issue of titles.He completely lost the fear he had before, and seemed to have no sense of his companion's death.

Accustomed to the life of licking blood, these guards are also used to the passing of their companions, and they are also using this method to transfer their inner sadness.There is still a long way to go, if you keep immersing yourself in your own sorrow, then you will lose your own life.

After intense discussions, several of them even almost fought over the issue of titles.After all the collapsed tents were packed away in the chaotic venue, the discussion finally came to a conclusion.That is shadow killing.With a trace of murderousness, with a trace of mystery, but also with a trace of solemnity.This is the title formed by the guards' forced respect for Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Completely unaware that he had gained the title of Shadow Killer for no reason, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was still enjoying his dinner at this moment.Taking a piece of warm lobster meat casually into his mouth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out the bottle that held the devil.

(End of this chapter)

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