Chapter 386 Opening Conditions of Eternal Battlefield

"I don't know the specific situation very well, but as far as I know, the Eternal Battlefield will suddenly open when certain conditions are met, and then some people who think they are capable will go there. But no one has ever been to the Eternal Battlefield I've been back." Shaking her head lightly, Lilith told what she knew.

"Do you meet the conditions? What conditions do you need to meet to open the Eternal Battlefield?" This is the first time Zhuang Xiaoyuan has heard of this news. I didn't expect that the Eternal Battlefield has such a setting. If so, the chance of the World Crystal being there is even higher. big.

"The conditions for opening the Eternal Battlefield are not easy, but they have been met several times. That is when there are more than nine peak powerhouses on this continent." With a serious expression on her face, Lilith said Eternal The opening conditions of the battlefield.

"Peak powerhouses are level 999, right? You should have already reached the peak level. Who else?" Looking up at the three question marks above Lilith's head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was a little bit concerned that he couldn't see the specific level. Guessed.

I'm afraid that the former head of Blue Lake Village and Lilith in front of him are both full-level masters.That is, the peak powerhouse in Lilith's mouth.Under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes, there was a hello display.Only the existence of the same level as myself, [-], will not be able to see the actual level.

"That's right, I'm also one of the peak powerhouses on the mainland today. Counting you, my lord, there are already seven peak powerhouses on the mainland. Besides you and me, there are two in the dragon clan, and the same goes for humans. There are two, and the elves have only one." Upon receiving Zhuang Xiaoyuan's inquiry, Lilith directly stated the distribution of the strong on the road at this time.

"In other words, there are still two short. I just don't know when it will be achieved." Hearing Lilith's answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also knows the current situation of the strong in this continent. According to the distribution of the strong, the elves and the Demons are relatively weak, while humans and dragons are stronger.

I just don't know how the relationship between humans and dragons is.Now that Rocky has been mixed in, Zhuang Xiaoyuan doesn't want any unexpected situation to happen. You must know that war is the behavior that is most likely to cause negative emotions.

"I'm afraid it won't be too long. There are not a few known strong people below the peak. Most of them are only one step away from the peak." Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan obviously has plans to go to the eternal battlefield, Lilith replied with a slight smile.

"Okay, I got it. You go. By the way, I'll give you this back. If you have any news, you can find me too." He casually threw the bottle containing the devil's heart to Lilith, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved her hand to signal her. It's time to leave.

"Yes, then, I will take my leave first." Respectfully bowing to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Lilith disappeared in the wave of magic power along with the lavender magic circle faintly emerging under her feet.

With the disappearance of Lilith, the frozen space returned to normal in an instant.The breeze started to flow again, the flames continued their dance, and the noise, chatter, and cicadas that had been frozen and stopped because of the space also continued to sound.

Looking at the noisy caravan guards not far away, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know why he felt that it was difficult for him to integrate into them, as if two worlds were separated, obviously they were so close now.Looking at the noisy guards not far away, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already begun to miss his friends in the main world, even though he had only been out for a few days.It is necessary to speed up the action, finish it early and go back early.

The night passed quietly, and the next day the caravan resumed its journey and continued to North Wind City.In the next few days, the road went smoothly, and the occasional monsters were easily dealt with by the guards.Three days later, the caravan finally arrived in North Wind City.

Saying goodbye to the reluctant caravan guards and merchant stewards, Zhuang Xiaoyuan left the caravan alone and went to the North Wind City shopping street. According to the address given by Jia Dafu, he began to look for the businessman who gave Wei Renjie the black ore in North Wind City. .

'Knock knock, knock knock knock' Following the instructions on the map, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned a few turns and asked someone for directions on the road. Although it was strange that the passers-by looked at me when I asked for directions, but it was finally The merchant's address was found.

At this moment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knocked on the door of their house.As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's fingers tapped on the door rhythmically, the crisp knocking sound echoed around.After waiting for a few minutes, no one came to the door.Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised her hand again and knocked a few times, but there was still no response.

Are you not at home?He looked around suspiciously.Ever since he came to the neighborhood, Zhuang Xiaoyuan always feels a little creepy intuitively.It seems that there are several pairs of eyes looking at me from a certain direction in the dark, but I can't find the source of the line of sight after searching carefully.

Although the location of this address is not remote, the surrounding area is eerily quiet, not as lively as another street.It seems that no one lives in this area.

Looking up at the house in front of him again, the address Jia Dafu gave him should be correct.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan just felt that this house seemed to be lacking in vitality, not only the one in front of him, but also the several houses nearby.

After waiting for a few more minutes, she knocked on the door again and still no one responded. Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned and turned to go outside. It seemed that there was no one in the house, otherwise she would have come to open the door so long ago.Her knocking on the door was not light, and that house was not that kind of luxurious villa, the door was not too far from the bedroom, so it was impossible not to hear it.

"Little girl, who are you looking for when you go in there? No one lives there." As Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked out of that street, she secretly wondered whether the businessman from North Wind City was doing business in the store. When Hui was not at home, an old lady who was setting up a stall near the entrance of the street suddenly stopped Zhuang Xiaoyuan and asked.

"Hello, grandma. Is there no one living here? But this is the address my friend gave me. I am looking for a businessman named Zhao Qianrong." I was accosted by the old lady who set up a stall on the street. Hearing that no one lived there, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked with a trace of astonishment on his face.

"Zhao Qianrong?!" Hearing the name from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth, the old lady's complexion changed, and there was a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Grandma, may I ask if something happened to their house? Can you tell me, I came to him to investigate something." Noticing the change of color on the old lady's face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart shivered , something really happened here.Seeing her like this, I'm afraid Zhao Qianrong's family is in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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