Chapter 387 The Cursed Stone

"Investigate something, investigate what?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, the old lady did not answer her question directly, but looked suspiciously at Zhuang Xiaoyuan up and down.Who said that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's appearance is really too young, it's wrong to say too young, it should be said too young.

Noticing the suspicious eyes of the old lady, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled helplessly and took out a badge from his backpack and put it on his chest. Fortunately, he had listened to Jia Dafu's words before coming here and made a professional certification in Blue Stone City: "Grandma , Don’t look at me like this, I’m already an adult, and I’ve also passed the professional association’s Assassin certification.”

"Eh, an adult? A third-rank professional?" With a look of surprise in his eyes, he looked Zhuang Xiaoyuan up and down again. Although it was unbelievable, professional badges cannot be faked.The old lady already believed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words.

"Could you please tell me what happened here? I came from Blue Stone City, because I need to ask Zhao Qianrong for some information. But from your appearance, is there something wrong with Zhao Qianrong? "After convincing the old lady of her identity, Zhuang Xiaoyuan immediately asked.

"Well, it's okay to tell you. After all, it's not a secret. Just ask any local person. Zhao Qianrong's family died half a year ago." Shaking her head and sighing slightly, the old lady He said with a regretful expression.

"He died half a year ago? How could it be? Could it be that he killed someone to silence him?" Frowning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned her head to look at the street where she came out just now with a hint of surprise on her face.No wonder no one knocked on it just now, and I couldn't feel the anger inside. Is it because no one lives there?

"Murder to silence? Did they offend anyone else? But the death of their family was not caused by others, it was all his fault." Surprised, the old lady didn't pay too much attention to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words. Continue to talk about Zhao Qianrong.

"It was all because of a rock. For that rock, Zhao Qianrong sold all the shops under his name, and even mortgaged his house. In the end, he killed his wife and daughter because of that rock. And died on this stone."

"Stone? Is it a black stone?" Hearing the old lady talk about the stone, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought of Wang Renjie's black mist weapon and what he heard from Jia Dafu, forged into the weapon by Wang Renjie. ore.

"Well, although I haven't seen the appearance of that stone, but according to rumors, that stone is indeed black." Nodding her head, she confirmed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, and the old lady continued to tell the story about Zhao Qianrong's family. There is a story about the cursed stone that has been circulated in Beifeng City.

After hearing this story, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew that such a thing happened to Zhao Qianrong's family. This made Zhuang Xiaoyuan pay more attention to that black stone. I'm afraid that kind of black stone really hides the black mist of Loki.

This story happened half a year ago. Zhao Qianrong, who went to Bluestone City for business failure and suffered heavy losses, withdrew from the merchant business and started to run a stable shop. Although the shop business was not as profitable as the merchant, it was better than stability.

The stable life also allows Zhao Qianrong to spend more time with his wife and daughter.If life continues like this, it will be a kind of long-term happiness for him.But one day, everything changed when a special guest came to the store.

No one knew where the guest was from, and no one had seen the guest's true face except Zhao Qianrong himself.After the guest talked with Zhao Qianrong alone, Zhao Qianrong suddenly became a little different from before.

The peaceful heart that was originally due to the stable life was once again filled with desire. After meeting the guest, Zhao Qianrong seemed to be possessed by a demon, and he sold his shop with excitement, and even mortgaged himself regardless of his wife and daughter. house, in order to buy a stone that the guest brought.

After exhausting all his wealth, Zhao Qianrong finally bought the stone.Afterwards, Zhao Qianrong's family of three hid in the mortgaged home and never came out again.

One month later, the deadline for the house mortgage came.The staff of the pawn shop came to Zhao Qianrong's house to urge them to pay back the money, but no one came to answer the door no matter how hard they knocked.The pawnshops in Beifeng City are not ordinary pawnshops that sell things. People who do this kind of pawn business have more or less backgrounds, otherwise what would they do if they were repudiated.

After knocking on the door to no avail, the staff of the pawnshop thought that Zhao Qianrong had no money to repay the debt and planned to renege on the debt, so they called the thugs of the pawnshop and smashed down the door of Zhao Qianrong's house under the watchful eyes of neighbors and spectators. .

The door was forcefully smashed open, but the scene that caught the eyes of the onlookers surprised everyone.Zhao Qianrong's house was covered in blood, and his wife and daughter were all hacked to death with sharp knives.And he knelt down in front of the stone he had bought before and broke his abdomen and committed suicide.

If someone dies, things will be a big deal.Even if the people in the pawn shop had backgrounds, they couldn't cover it up, so the city guards soon took over the area, and the staff of the pawn shop were temporarily taken into custody as suspects.

But it didn't take long for the people in the pawn shop to be released, because the matter itself had nothing to do with them.The murder was quickly investigated, and everything was done by Zhao Qianrong himself.He personally killed his wife and daughter and finally committed suicide in front of the stone.

After the murder case came to fruition, the crime scene began to be cleaned up, and the bodies of Zhao Qianrong and his wife and daughter were also collected for burial.When the case came to light so quickly, both the onlookers and the officers of the City Guards breathed a sigh of relief. , but things didn't end there.

On the night when the murder case came to fruition, two city guard soldiers guarding near Zhao Qianrong's home died.They all died in front of that stone, and the cause of death was killing each other.The two men stabbed each other with their respective weapons.

The death of the city guards made the incident worse, but because the relationship between the two city guards themselves was not good, the leaders of the city guards believed that they had such a result because of their quarrel, but there were many people in the dark They all felt the uneasiness in their hearts.

Then another night passed, and another person died.This time it was Zhao Qianrong's neighbor next door who died.When he was found sleeping in his own home, he also appeared in front of the black stone. He also committed suicide, and his wife and daughter were also killed by him.

The same thing happened again, panic began to spread, and rumors of cursed stones began to circulate among the crowd.Afterwards, the City Lord's Mansion arranged professionals to go to Zhao Qianrong's house to investigate, but anyone who entered at night would surely die in front of the stone the next day.In the end, even the City Lord's Mansion was helpless.

The rumors became more and more fierce, and the several families who originally lived near Zhao Qianrong's house all tried to move out in fear, and those who couldn't move all died in front of the stone in the end.In the end, the street was deserted like this.

(End of this chapter)

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