Chapter 390 A Flash of Desperation·Funeral
"Hmph, let's try it." Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's complacent look, Nina snorted dissatisfiedly, and the bright red giant sword in her hand shot out more violent flames, rushing straight past Zhuang Xiaoyuan. He rushed towards the direction Zhuang Xiaoyuan pointed at before.

Boom, the bright red flames swooped up, and the surrounding space twisted and oscillated. You could even vaguely see a strange change in the surrounding environment. The traces of blood and the broken and old form of the floor and walls,
"Ah, it's you again, it's you again, you nasty bastard. I won't let you go when my real body arrives." When the flames rushed to an area slightly away from the position indicated by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, a faint black Fog suddenly emerged, forming a barrier to block Nina's flames.

With the appearance of the barrier, a pitch-black stone was exposed in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, and at the same time, a voice full of resentment echoed in the air like a ghost's ghostly voice.It was a voice filled with hatred to the extreme, full of all negative emotions.

Amidst the ghostly voice, traces of faint black mist spread from the pitch-black stone, and ghostly figures appeared in the black mist, men and women, old and young, all of them It is the spirits who died in this place.

As soon as the resentful spirit emerged from the black stone, it rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Nina with red eyes.Following the actions of the wraiths, a faint black mist began to spread in the hall.

"Nina, make a quick decision. If we are entangled by these black mist, our strength will continue to be weakened." With out the dagger behind his back, a black world card in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body shone slightly, and the divine power in his body flowed into the world from the back Among the cards, it flowed out from the front of the world card, and finally poured into the dagger in his hand, and a faint light began to emerge on the dagger.

In this online game world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body is bound by rules and cannot use the transformation ability of the character card.But the function of the world card is not limited, because the world card itself is also the embodiment of the rules of other worlds.

Although there are differences between high martial arts and low martial arts, high mysterious and low mysterious, the worlds themselves are all equal.The rules of a world cannot affect the rules of an equivalent world.So if it is only for a short time, the world card will not be affected by the world rules.

At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power circulates the world card, changing the attributes of his own divine power.This method of use was discovered only recently, learned from the memory of the Circle of Principle, and her understanding of energy.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power passed through the black Enma World card, the attribute of divine power also changed from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own attribute to the attribute of hell reincarnation, with the power of the rules of the hell world attached, the effect on this kind of soul body can be greatly improved up.

"Don't order me." Although she yelled in a rebellious tone, Nina had already raised the bright red giant sword in her hand to meet the wraiths pounced on her.As the bright red flames bloomed, the wraiths were reduced to ashes under the burning of the flames.

"Flash of Destiny, Burial." The figure flashed past, dragging out a long dark light.A faint light flashed past, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already appeared in front of the black stone, stabbing the black stone with his backhand.

In the area where the gloomy light flashed, a scrawled character of "buried" appeared on the bodies of those souls who had pounced on Zhuang Xiaoyuan before, and as the word "burial" collapsed, the souls quietly annihilated and turned into dust.

"Don't think this is the end, my real body will come soon. I will definitely come to you at that time, just wait for me." Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's knife, cracks appeared on the black stone .The black mist emanating from the crack condensed into a human face, staring at Zhuang Xiaoyuan full of resentment, and said the last cruel words.

Kara twisted the dagger on his right hand hard, and with the rotation of the dagger, the black stone that had already begun to crack shattered directly during this twist, turning into small pieces of gravel and scattered on the ground.

On the scattered gravel, black mist floated out quickly, and the gravel seemed to be unable to become a place for the black mist to stay, and finally turned into an ordinary stone.And the black mist that floated out gradually dissipated in the air and disappeared without a place to support it.

As the black stone shattered, the black mist drifted into the air.The strange atmosphere in this house gradually disappeared, and the original uncomfortable feeling also disappeared. The overlapping barriers of multiple spaces were lifted, revealing the original appearance of the hall.

The blood splattered was already a little black, and it was obviously blood left over from a long time ago.The walls and the floor were no longer smooth and smooth, but covered with dust and cobwebs.The door in front of the hall has also been opened, half of the door is on the ground, and half of the door is hanging to the side. This is what a house that has been unoccupied for half a year should look like.

"I said, are you acting too fast? I still have something to ask him. If he is eliminated in this way, my clue will be broken." Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, Nina, who was a step behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, He walked over with a dissatisfied face.

"Hey, look for it when the clue is broken. You can't keep this thing for a long time, and you might get troubled after a long time. And I don't think he will be so kind to tell you everything you want to know." Qing Raising her eyebrows lightly, and turning her head to look at Nina, Zhuang Xiaoyuan backhanded the dagger back into the scabbard on her back and got up and walked towards the door.

The black mist has been wiped out, it's okay to stay here, let's leave early.There was dust and cobwebs everywhere, and there was a strong stench and musty smell.I really can't stay here for long.

As for what he said before the black mist disappeared, well, let’s talk about it when we encounter it. For the time being, there are no other clues showing the locations of Loki’s other avatars.

Although it is much easier to destroy the avatar than the real deity, even if the real deity comes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is not afraid, at most it will consume more Yuanli power in the Crystal Throne.After these few days, the power of Yuanli in the Crystal Throne should have recovered somewhat.

"Hey, don't go now. You rude human being, what kind of attitude do you have? If the clue is broken, how can I find it? How can you know that he won't tell me. Do you know something? You seem to be here Let's find that rock." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's perfunctory expression, she planned to leave directly.Nina stomped her feet unhappily and chased after her.

"Oh, you are so annoying. Are dragons always so talkative? Well, don't talk nonsense, it's rare to come to a human city. I'll be a landlord for once, and treat you to supper. We have something to do Chat while eating, but if you want to know information from me, you have to exchange the corresponding information.”

As soon as he walked out of Zhao Qianrong's house, Nina caught up behind him.Zhuang Xiaoyuan shrugged indifferently, pulled Nina past her and walked towards another street.Although it was the first time to come to Beifeng City, the chef's sensitive nose had already let Zhuang Xiaoyuan smell the delicious food.

(End of this chapter)

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