Chapter 391 North Wind City Food Street
When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Nina left Zhao Qianrong's house, the sky was already pitch black, the night was dotted with twinkling bright stars, and the bright half moon was the only light in this area.

Originally, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan arrived in Beifeng City with the caravan, it was already close to evening in the afternoon, and he had been listening to the old lady on the street telling stories for a long time, so when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others left the house, it was already early afternoon. It has entered the night time.

In the dark night, guided by the faint moonlight, Zhuang Xiaoyuan led Nina, who had been pestering her all the way, away from the urban area that looked like a ghost town, and entered a lively side street.

Although it's night now, it's not too late, it's the time when people in the city start their nightlife.So the street was extremely lively, not to mention that the street that Zhuang Xiaoyuan led Nina into along his nose was a famous food street in Beifeng City.

"Waiter, do you have a menu? Bring me a copy." Walking into this bustling food street, smelling the various aromas wafting in the food street, Zhuang Xiaoyuan randomly found a restaurant with a unique scent and less crowded people. In the restaurant, I found a seat, sat down and called the waiter to order.

"Hey, what are you planning to do here? There are so many people. Don't think I'll be afraid of you if there are so many people." Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan into the restaurant, while cautiously sizing up the crowd around him, he twitched his nose and smelled the fresh aroma of the restaurant. Nina carefully sat opposite Zhuang Xiaoyuan, holding the giant sword tightly in her hand, as if she was worried that the crowd around her would besiege her.

"Guest, your menu, would you like to start ordering directly?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan greeted for a long time, a well-dressed waiter came over with two glasses of water, put the glasses firmly in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Nina, and from Take the menu out of the tray and put it on the table.

"There are quite a few dishes, Princess Nina, how's your appetite?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced at Nina who was carefully sizing up the waiter with a smile on her face. Zhuang Xiaoyuan lowered her head and began to look through the menu. Identity, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled and raised her head to ask Nina on the opposite side.

"Princess Nina?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's address to Nina, the waiter's eyes on Nina couldn't help becoming weird.Today's human beings no longer have titles like kings and princesses. The most powerful human beings are the city lords of the four main cities and several peak powerhouses.

Kings and princesses have long since vanished in the wheel of history, and besides aliens, there are only some chuunibha patients who are obsessed with knight novels. Of course, this world is not called chuunibha That's right, it should be hallucinations?Or something called paranoia.

After confirming that the waiter could not pose a threat to herself, Nina stopped paying attention to her, although she felt a little strange about the way she looked at her.Relaxing a little, putting the giant sword beside her, Nina glanced at Zhuang Xiaoyuan suspiciously and replied, "You, why are you asking this. My appetite is just average."

"Ordinary level, how to say is also the dragon family, so this ordinary level is also the normal level of the dragon family." Rubbing his chin and thinking for a while, the huge appearance of a giant dragon appeared in his mind, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan must have raised his hand in his heart to see the menu on his hand Handed it back to the waiter, and said at the same time: "Just follow the dishes on the menu and order one of each."

"Eh?! One serving of each item? Customer, are you sure?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's order, the waiter was taken aback for a moment, blinked in doubt, and said with certainty in disbelief.

"Sure, give me a copy of all the dishes. By the way, if there are any repetitions, you can watch them, at least serve all the dishes once." Nodding, Zhuang Xiaoyuan affirmed her question.

"Hey, why don't you order all of them again? I see." He lowered his head and recorded it in the order book. The waiter showed a little hesitation on his face, and finally lowered his head to persuade Zhuang Xiaoyuan: "Guest, I think you can order If you have too much, you won’t be able to finish it, and if you waste it, it’s probably not very good.”

"It's okay, just go ahead, it won't be wasted. No matter how much you serve, you can definitely finish it." Looking up at the waiter, I didn't expect to continue to persuade myself, she looks like a good girl.However, Zhuang Xiaoyuan did not take back her order, and waved her hand to signal the waiter to go back.

After seeing off the kind waiter, Zhuang Xiaoyuan picked up the cup and took a sip of water. The faint sesame aroma diffused in his mouth. This is no ordinary clear water.It should be tea that has been brewed with something.

A sip of water moistened her dry throat, and when she raised her head, she saw Nina looking intently at the water glass in front of her.With a puzzled expression on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked, "What are you looking at?"

"I'm looking to see if you have poisoned this. It looks like water, but it doesn't smell like water." Nina carefully observed the water glass in front of her. Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, Nina looked up. Glancing at her, he said seriously.

"Pfft, this is a restaurant, a place where human beings eat, how could it be possible to poison casually. You have never been to a human city before." With a chuckle, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Nina and said, as if thinking of something After looking up and down, Nina continued to ask: "Speaking of which, don't dragons pass on knowledge to future generations? Even if you haven't been to a human city, don't you have any knowledge about this from your parents?"

"Hmph, what nonsense are you talking about? How could this kind of useless knowledge just consume mana for inheritance. The knowledge we pass on is generally only the common sense about dragons and the usage of various abilities." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words , Nina rolled her eyes at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a really ignorant expression.

"Tch, I thought the inheritance of the dragon clan was very powerful, but it turned out to be just some traditional basic knowledge." Shaking his head with disdain, Zhuang Xiaoyuan relaxed his muscles and leaned back on the back of the chair.

"What are you talking about? Don't look down on dragons. You humans don't have such abilities. They are much better than you humans." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Nina suddenly raised her head and glared at her angrily.

"Guests, your order is starting to be served." Just as Nina glared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan angrily, as if she was about to explode, the waiter who had left before came over with a tray. Four or five dishes were neatly stacked on the tray.

"Xixiu, it smells so good, what is it?" The waiter's voice interrupted Nina's anger. As the waiter approached, the aroma of the food permeated the air. The dragon's naturally strong sense of smell inhaled the aroma of the food into her nose. , the rich aroma made Nina instantly forget her previous anger, and looked curiously at the tray in the waiter's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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